A common enemy

353 9 76

Hyperkit request

Hyperlaser sighs in annoyance as he crouched on top of a rock. He had been given yet another target, someone from Lost Temple, and he still had yet to catch sight of his target.
As much as he'd love just to get up and leave, Subspace paid aggravatingly well.
So he sat.
On the stupid rock.
Waiting for the stupid target.

After about half an hour, give or take, the demon finally walked into view, their horns matched the colour of the sand and were curved. But details didn't really matter.
Hyperlaser charges his railgun, keeping the gun perfectly level as he followed their movements with the muzzle. Finally, after a bit of waiting, he fired.

And the demon got vaporized by the laser-shot, as was expected.

He sighs once again, standing up and brushing the sand off his clothes. His gear disappearing now that he had finished the 'job'.

Instead of going back to the desolate icy wasteland that he saw as Blackrock, he instead heads towards one of the Faction's more rural areas. He needed a drink.

(small timeskip. accidentally published this and fjucking had a panic attack)

Hyperlaser steps into the bar, it being mid afternoon, it wasn't exactly crowded but there was a moderate amount of demons inside. None of which he paid much attention. He didn't particularly care if people called him out on being a mercenary, as long as no one tried to attack him.


Hyperlaser blinks, turning his head in the direction of the voice. He saw cyan horns with a crystal floating between them. "Medkit." He replies, tone mostly neutral.

"Never thought I'd see you in one of Lost Temple's bars" The doctor says, waving a gloved hand to the seat across from him, obviously motioning for Hyperlaser to sit.

"Never thought id see you in a bar. Or Lost Temple, for that matter. Don't you live in Crossroads now?" Hyperlaser questions, walking over to the barstool and sitting down.

Medkit cocks an eyebrow as Hyperlaser waves away the bartender.
"You're not going to order a drink?-"
"Not yet."
"It's a bar."
"I prefer to talk for a bit in bars."
"Who do you talk with?"
"You still haven't answered my previous question"
"Oh- Unfortunately I had to fix Scythe's arm yet again. So I'm here. And I was tired so I decided to stop by the bar."
Hyperlaser hums a response.

The two talk for awhile, bouncing back and forth between 'work' subjects, Phight subjects and random-ass subjects in general. (Such as how many Biograft's would it take to successfully injure one of the deities.) Eventually Hyperlaser did order a drink, some purplish-blue tinted gin. (Apparently it actually exists. It's called Empress if I recall right. I learned this from a friend)
Both demons flinch slightly, caught off guard, as two hands slam onto the table.
"Aren't you that demon from Lost Temple?!"
Medkit looks flatly to the crimson horned demon. "We're in Lost Temple. Be a bit more specific."
"The one who's one of the most wanted!"
Medkit gives Hyperlaser a slightly annoyed look. Hyperlaser just shrugs.
"That still doesn't narrow it down much."
"The one who's part of that cult!"
Medkit sighs, running a gloved hand through his hair.
"Yes? Your point is?"
"Let's fight! Your stupid 'Family' killed my brother last week!"
Hyperlaser waits a moment, then grabs the demons wrist and yanks them back as they attempt to lung across the table at Medkit, who still didn't look all that concerned, although Hyperlaser saw the doctors hand resting in his gun.
The random, obviously drunk demon, now glares at Hyperlaser, attempting to pull their wrist away to no avail.
"Let go!"
"Let go or I'll punch your lights out!"
"I seriously doubt that."
The demon, of course, tries— using their other fist —to punch Hyperlaser, who, being a highly trained ex-soldier, caught it.
"Now please leave us alone."
The demon, being an idiot, still tries to fight back, somehow. It's not like they could bash their head into Hyperlaser's helmet.
So Hyperlaser does the obvious thing and snaps their wrist back, much farther that the joint can go, then releases the demon as they instinctively pull back with a shout, their momentum throwing them right back into yet another drunk demon who crashed back, spilling their drink on yet another demon and probably causing a bar fight.
Medkit chuckles slightly, giving mock applause.
"I can handle myself yknow."
"I know, but they pissed me off"
"Acting cocky."
"Cmon let's keep drinking"
"Sounds good."
And so they do, joking a bit more, egging eachother on to drink more, because both believed they could drink more than the other. And both getting absolutely shit-faced.

Somehow the two manage to do three things, one, stumble out of the bar, two, get a taxi and harass the driver while being taken to their destination. And three, both walk into Medkit's house at the same time still half-unintelligibly talking about which Phighter could be convinced to eat 5 ghost peppers. (Ban. Fight me on this one)
Eventually, since neither were anywhere NEAR being sober, they start obnoxiously flirting with the stupidest pick-up lines. (Also know as 'do you have any raisins? No? How about a date?)
At some point Medkit stumbles ontop of Hyperlaser, somehow managing to pin the taller to the wall.
"Your eyes are pretty"
"I only have one."
"I knew that"
"Do you have two eyes?"
"Nah, I have eleventeen"
"Why not sevennnn"
"That's a shit number"
"YOUR a shit number"
"That mean I'm calling Subspace to remove you other eye"
"I'm sorryyy"
Medkit tilts his head (like a fucking cat, I SWEAR IF ANYONE SAYS MEDKITTEN—)
"Do flowers apollengize."
"I don' get it"
"OHH" The doctor bursts out laughing, Hyperlaser joining in easily.
"We should kiss"
"But you have a helmet on"
"Kiss the helmet"
"But I wanna kiss your lips"
"We can't, Princess will get mad"
So Medkit does as asked and quite literally kisses Hyperlaser's helmet, both breaking into fits of giggles afterwards because they're drunk and very immature.

They somehow manage to navigate to the bedroom (no they don't fuck. Frick off) collapse on the bed, ontop of eachother like a pile of rats or something. Both snoring within moments.
(Time skip. Sorry If it seems I'm half-assing this. I need sleep. It's morning now in the fic btw)
Hyperlaser sits up abruptly, groaning as a headache set in. "The phuck happened last night-"
Medkit was seated on a chair in the corner of the room, freshly dressed and drinking tea, probably nursing his hangover. "Got drunk." The doctor states simply.
"And why am I in your bed?"
"No idea."
Hyperlaser is silent for a moment, Medkit looks at him with a look of realization, or, atleast his eye widened slightly.
"We didn't, don't worry—" He says quickly.
Hyperlaser exhales with relief, giving a nod. "Thank the gods"
"Imagine if we did and we're both just too hungover to remember"
Both demons burst out laughing at that.
"I wouldn't mind that, I think"

Word count: 1222
I partially lost motivation. But I hope this is suffice.
Also next is zuroker <:


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