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Rainfin req
Or injury p2
+Rainbox+ (you have no idea how tempting it is to make it Shurifin pov-)
The day, so far had been unbelievably boring. MOST days Rainbox loved— It's just how he was. But not today, nope.
It was actually so gloomy outside.
Normally, he liked any weather, it was just his nature. Sunny outside? Hell yeah, it was warm and lovely and overall amazing and wonderful.
Rainy weather? It was self explanatory. He lived for rainy weather,it was amazing! The rain was nice and he could jump in puddles and was a perfect excuse to make hot chocolate if he got cold from being soaked in rain, despite his rain-gear.
...he definitely didn't get soaked on purpose just for an excuse to make hot chocolate.
Snowy weather was actually quite fun. It was cold— another perfect excuse to make hot chocolate —and making snow-anythings' were fun. And also ice skating. And more hot chocolate, and snow angels, and having a good excuse to decorate everything in blue and silver. Oh- did he mention the hot chocolate? AND THE MARSHMALLOWS- and being able to get all his hydration from snow. And hot cho- (personally I don't like marshmallows HaUgHtY sNifF)
But today? Today was utterly horrible.
It was gloomy and not in a 'oh it's going to rain' sort of way. The sky was gray, completely sunless, with the clouds having swarmed the sun, but not rain clouds. A sort of boring gray smog. and, to top it off, the weather was utterly horrible, it wasn't warm out, and it was cold in that way where it wasn't cold enough to enjoy hot chocolate, but still cold enough to annoy the Inphinity out of you.
Actually- he really needed to stop staring out the window- he'd been glaring at the weather for about 10 minutes.
"Can we go swimming?"
The voice startled him, despite the fact he really should have been used to Shurifin by now. Yet he still jumped then whipped around, Shuri' being uncomfortably close. Along with still not being able to pronounce sandwich— or maybe just refusing to —correctly, the fish-demon had also failed at realizing what personal space was. But Rainbox didn't mind it most days.
"It's horrid out, Shuri'."
Shurifin blinks at him simply, gaze flicking to the window.
"It looks like ocean during storm."
"That is a perfect example of why we shouldn't go swimming."
"But it's fun!"
"Yeah but what if it starts storming?"
Shurifin, once again, looks out the window. "Won't."
Rainbox just sighs, knowing better than to question someone who quite literally lived in the ocean- well, up until he took him into his care. "Fine, we can go swimming. But if it rains you owe me one"
"I'll go make sand!!"
Rainbox watches as the demon literally flings himself across the room via the grapple. He had tried taking the rope away once, after Shuri' had crashed right into a potted plant, but somehow the sneaky little rat had gotten it back, probably by utilizing his clones. So he'd just given up. And so far Shuri' had managed not to crash into anymore plants, which resulted in him kinda-sorta thinking of it as a slap in the face, but it was worth it, Shuri' was adorable.
Funnily enough, by the time he had finished supervising Shuri' while he made sandwiches, the sky had actually opened up a bit- and now there was sun.
No idea what was going on with Windforce but okay- he was fine with whatever as long as it stayed sunny and warm.
(Time skip. Meanwhile I'll ask y'all a question: is Darkheart hot, yes or yes.)
It had warmed significantly by the time the two had gotten to the beach, but surprisingly no other demons were there, which he was glad for; he knew it wasn't a good quality exactly, but Rainbox was still a bit hesitant of how other demons might react to Shuri'. (If your confused, Rainbox thinks of Shurifin by his nickname- *shuri*)
He sets down the bag he had brought, which just held only the sandwiches and towel he had brought— Apparently Shuri' was water repellent because he was dry whenever he came out if the water- somehow —and watching as the demon accompanying him leapt into the water. Then laughing as a wave of water cascaded infront of him, barely missing his still-clothed form (I swear. Take this out of context and I'll stab you with Goku (Phighting!) 's gun)
He watches for a moment, gaze obviously glued to the way Shuri's scales gleamed- if it weren't for his visor -then sighs, slipping off his shirt and pants, wearing swim trunks underneath. (PHUN PHACT: Swim trunks, also known as swimming trunks, are a form of swimsuit - clothing worn specifically for swimming. I NEVER WOULD OF PHUCKING GUESSED BY THE NAME, THIS IS MIND BLOWING)
He then steps forwards to wade into the water, wincing and then mentally cursing about couple thousand times as the cold water got past his waist and basically threw his nervous system at a wall.
Once he had gotten used to the gods-forsaken cold water, his eyes immediately search out Shurifin, watching the fish demon's form slide through the water as naturally as well, a fish. He really needed to stop fawning over the demon. But it was stupidly hard to. Because his scales were pretty, and his eyes, and the golden rings around his horns, and how neat his webbed claws were, and the fangs, and his tail and his stupid dazzling scales and also the fact that Shuri' refused to wear a shirt. But surely it was normal to get distracted by a shirtless person—.
Although he was well aware he probably had more than just a small crush, he also didn't care.
His thoughts are broken as a good amount of water covers him. If he somehow wasn't soaked before, he was now.
Rainbox blinks the water out of his eyes, turning to see Shuri' grinning at him. "Did you- splash me?"
Shurifin nods, looking pleased with himself in that smug way that was annoying to most people.
Rainbox stares at the demon for a moment, getting a brilliant plan that really wasn't all that brilliant. "You really shouldn't do that when out swimming, if people are unpre—" He cuts off his words as he lunges forwards and splashes Shuri' in return, the other completely disappearing under the water for a couple moments afterwards.
He treads water for a couple moments, trying to spot Shuri' before he gets pushed underwater, being released the moment he was fully under water.
Rainbox yelps, surfacing almost immediately and turning in the water to glare at Shuri', who was clearly giggling, gills flared slightly. "Dont do that!—"
"Just breathe"
"I don't have gills-"
The demon stared at him as if he had just spoken a dead language like Runes or something. (Darkheart reference re—)
"No gills?" Shuri' chirps, moving to Rainbox's side with a single push of his tail. Now poking at his ribs as if expecting him to sprout gills.
"Stop—" Rainbox mumbles, feeling his face heat up despite the fact he had 0 reasons to be flustered.
"How swim?"
"I just do."
"But no underwater?"
"Not for long"
Shuri' makes a sort of saddened-trill. It was a noise of sympathy. Why—
Rainbox sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. His legs were getting tired. He didn't like treading water for longer than he had to. "Wanna go eat those sandwiches now?"
Shuri' nods and Rainbox watches as the demon just launches off through the water towards the shore. He definitely could swim, that was clear.
He follows, albeit slower. Because he was a normal demon, not a fish demon.
As he steps onto the sand, retrieving the towel and attempting to fluff his hair, he watches— definitely not not in awe —as the water slides off of Shuri's scales while the demon digs around in the bag for the sandwiches, pulling them out with a triumphant click.
Rainbox claps, if not just to entertain Shuri' than genuinely being proud.
He stops clapping, however, as Shuri' bites into his sandwich- which still had the plastic wrap on it.
"Shuri- Shuri spit it out- that stuff aint' edible—"
The demon just stares at him, continuing to eat.
He sighs, giving up. Language barriers were hard.

Word Count: 1417
Say 'seriously shaming Shakespeare' as many times fast as you can, it's a tongue twister i randomly came up with.
Also sorry for not posting Friday, I was planning to but got distracted by chatting with bots and then ended up awake till 5am.
Yet another also, Shuri', being more naturally aquatic rather than terrestrial, makes clicks and chirps (similar to dolphins) in favour of speaking.
Anyways. Feast.

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