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Credit to Alice_d3mon  for the title. (And technically Silicosis on YouTube)
This is Swocket.
Except I'm going to make it 2000 words or more whether I like it or not.
This is angst, not quite sure how to write angst so I'll try my best!
Also just to help clear things for the plot, Sword still lives with Venomshank, in most oneshots I'll probably give him his own house tho, unless you request for him to live with Venomshank.
Gore Warning


Sword's day had been fine.
He had just got back from a handful of Phight's.
There were healing slashes and marks on his arms from when he had been training with Venomshank yesterday.
It was funny to him, his father was a deity, yet Sword never thought of Venomshank as a father, except for occasional moments. Normally the deity was too busy training him in swordplay for said moments to happen. Sword didn't mind it, though. Venomshank was still a good dad.
The slashes sting and he frowns at them. Normally he wouldn't have so many cuts, but when training today, Venomshank had went feral, which made Sword glad for the locked mask his master wore. Thankfully he had managed to get away before he ended up getting too hurt. He'd had practice, which probably wasn't a good thing in this case.
Darkheart was at the house, too. The deity came over occasionally. Both god's had been talking quietly in the hall before heading into Venomshank's room. (Venomheart is not intended in this chapter)
Sword takes his phone out of his pocket, checking his messages and seeing a few from Rocket. The former Playgrounder had been grounded a week ago for blowing up something important. Something to do with a monument, if Sword recalled correctly.
So his current method of exercising his boredom was texting Sword.
Sword is startled when there's a knock on his door, he stands up and opens it, seeing Darkheart.
Sword blinks, startled at first- he had talked with Darkheart before, sure. But the deity had never went to his room directly.
"Uh— hi-?"
"Mind if we ask ya' something?" Darkhearts voice was calm, no trace of the usual teasing hints in it.
Sword sighs, he knew what Darkheart wanted to ask about. "I'm guessing it's about the slashes-?"
Darkheart nods in confirmation. "Mind telling us about them?"
"...he said he didn't want me to tell anyone— or- you I guess—."
"Don't care, tell us"
Sword sighs, he knew not to argue with any of the deities' when he saw them, one because all were stubborn as Inpherno, and two, they are deity's. Why would you risk your life arguing with one-. "He got in a fight with Illumina a couple days back-"
"How bad was it?"
"Well, he won. Illumina originally wanted to spar with me to see if I was fit to become one of his 'Followers'. Ven— dad stepped in."
Although Sword couldn't see it, Darkheart's eyes narrowed slightly beneath the shadows of his hat. "Illumina?" The deity leans against the doorframe.
"Yeah, Ghostwalker was there too but he didn't get involved, I think he was just reading"
"Interesting. So what happened?"
Sword hesitates, recalling it. "Eh- their fight got more paced till Venomshank almost sliced off Illumina's wing, he wasn't too happy 'bout losing"
"Illumina never has taken losses well"
Sword nods, although he didn't know much about the pale lavender coloured deity, just rumours.
"Anyways, we'll leave you alone for now, bye" Darkheart gives a half wave before walking back into Venomshank's room, Sword could hear the two arguing, something about Venomshank getting hurt.

+3rd person+
Ghostwalker had been visiting Lost Temple, only because Venomshank had asked if Ghostwalker would spar with Sword so he could have the practice of fighting another deity with a different skill set.
(Time skip about 10 minutes)
Illumina appeared beside Ghostwalker, who didn't even flinch, Sword, though, jumps slightly, staring at Illumina.
Ghostwalker let's go of his blade, the weapon disappearing into white mist, absently watching.
Illumina's gaze passes over Sword before he steps forwards, a hand extended. "And who might you be?"
Sword hesitates before shaking the deity's hand. "Sword— its- nice to meet you, Illumina-.."
"Likewise. I must say, your skills are impressive."
Sword perks up. "Thanks!"
Illumina nods, quickly letting go of the Phighter's hand. "It's good to know that Venomshank still had enough skill to train his son."
Sword hesitates, nodding in response although it seeemd as if Illumina's words had been an insult.
"Is Venomshank around right now?"
Ghostwalker looks up from his book, which he had started reading the moment the two demons had started talking. "He should be inside."
Illumina nods. "Mind getting him? I wish to spar with him. It's been awhile, after all."
Ghostwalker nods, disappearing. Illumina waits, his gaze flicking around his surroundings, mainly surveying Sword.
Venomshank appears a moment later, a hand resting on the hilt of his sword, which was clipped to his belt. (Venomshank uses a rapier (I think) which means it would probably not have a sheath so instead Venomshank would probably clip it to his belt)
"Why are you here, Illumina?"
"I simply felt like seeing how Sword's training was coming along, he would make a good Follower."
Venomshank growls softly, eyes narrowing beneath his mask. "Don't you dare."
Sword looks confused, tilting his head as he watched the two deities. "Follower?" He echoes.
"It's a title for someone who serves a deity" Illumina replies simply.
Sword blinks. "That doesn't seem so bad"
Venomshank casts a glance at Sword. "There's more he isn't telling you"
Illumina shrugs. "That's all he needs to know."
Venomshank sighs, adjusting his mask with one hand. "Let's just get this damned spar over with already." The deity draws his sword.
Illumina smirks, his sword already drawn with runes swirling around the blade. "Gladly" Illumina lunges, slashing with speed and precision.
(Guys idk how to write fight scenes, pls help me. Sorry if it's bad)
Venomshank counters, stepping back briefly only to slash back, aiming for Illumina's side. Illumina parries, Venomshank's blow and flicking his blade, the metal slightly cutting into Vemomshank's wrist before the deity had stepped away again.

Phighting stuff, idk, lolWhere stories live. Discover now