What do you mean i have ghosts-

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Exorspace x Cozyshot (exorcozy is a really cute name for some reason) request

Cozyshot was having...problems. About a week ago, for some gods forsaken reason. Snowboard had convinced him to do some stupid ritual game.
He hadn't expected the thing to actually work.
Yet. It had.
Because he was 100% sure couches didn't just move to wherever they pleased at night- it was a couch. An object. He shouldn't come downstairs one day and see it attached to his wall.
Oh. And the objects strewn about his place. The only reason he knew it wasn't a burglar is because nothing was broken- except for the puzzle he had spent a week on. But that didn't count.
He really missed that puzzle though.
Eventually, he just took pictures, sent them to Snowboard, and waited for his reply.
Originally, Snowboard just thought he was joking.
Until he came over and his board flung itself down the stairs. Which freaked the hell out of both of them.
It was also the first time something had happened in front of Cozyshot.
"Dude. I thought you were joking-" Snowboard says, walking over to where his board was strewn and hesitantly picking it up, the gear disappearing soon after.
Cozyshot shakes his head. "Why would I glue my own couch to the ceiling?-"
Snowboard shrugs. "Ya' should probably call someone."
"Who? The only person who would know stuff about this would be that one deity- and I doubt I can get a god to talk to me"
"Just call an exorcist"
"A what-"
"Yknow, like a priest crossed with a killer"
"You want me to call a holy killer."
"No! I- they specialize in gettin' rid o' ghosts and stuff"
"That sounds stupid"
Snowboard shrugs again. "Jus' try it, Coz'."
Cozyshot sighs. "Fine, fine."
So. Here he was, a day later, dialing the number Snowboard had given him.

+Exorspace+ (I'm sorry, I love Subspace POV'S and I haven't swapped POVS for awhile)
Exorspace had just finished a series of Phights and had finally returned to his abode in Blackrock. He was planning on maybe relaxing for a bit, or sleeping.
But his phone had other plans. The familiar ringtone of 'who ya gonna call, Gh-' before he picked it up. (I swear if someone misses the ringtone reference)
"Hello?" Exorspace hums, fixing the belts on his arm back on, heels clicking against the floor as he started to store his gear away. (He wears heels. Fight me.)
"Eh- ...hi? Um- are you an exorcist by chance?-"
Exorspace chuckles. "Of course I am! I'm guessing you need my amazing services??"
"Eh- yeah—"
"Wonderful! Or- I guess dreadful in your case, hm?" Exorspace starts to retrieve his gear again, albeit other things he'd need for the job.
"So!! What problems are ya' having??"
"Uh- things in my house are moving. A lot."
"Ah. You live in Crossroads im guessing?"
"I- yeah— wait- how do you know that-?"
"You sound like someone from Crossroads! I just need to know where exactly" Exorspace says, examining his claws while he listened to the demon say their address. "Alright!! I'll be right over!"
(Time skip. I love Subspace so much.)
Exorspace walked to the door, he had whistled the whole walk there. Albeit the noise muffled a bit from his mask. He knocks o the door, hearing shuffling before it was opened. The demon starting back in surprise.
"Hey— I know you! You're that guy from the Phights!—"
Exorspace blinks, studying the demon- he actually did recognize them. Cozy something, if he recalled right.
"Are you an actual exorcist—?" Cozywhatshisname sounded doubtful.
"Yes!! Why does everyone ask that?! I'm registered and everything!"
"Probably because your a bit weird"
Exorspace closes his fist before a mine could spawn into existence. He needed to maintain composure, and not get annoyed. This was a client. Dressed uniquely, too. With a sigh he pushes past them into the house. "Let's see what you have he—... why is there...water? Everywhere?"
"It just happened a bit ago."
Exorspace nods. He ignored the couch in the ceiling, only looking at it for a moment. Eventually, he looks back at Cozysomething.
"Well, you definitely have more than one ghostie!!" He chirps, stepping over a puddle of water to wall back over to the Phighter.
"But Snow' told me it would only summon one—" Cozywhoeverheis mumbles, more to himself. But Exorspace was still close.
"What would only summon one-?"
"Uh- a friend convinced me to do this ritual—"
Exorspace's eye narrows as he stares at the client. "A ritual."
Cozystupididiot winces, stepping back. "I didn't think it would work."
"STILL!! That's- you did probably the most stupidest thing ever! A ritual. In your own home!! No wonder all this stuff happened to you, even the ghosts probably laugh at you!" Exorspace cuts off with a hiss, fishing a cross on a chain from his pocket, handing it to Cozyshot, and then producing another one and wrapping the chain around his gloved hand. "Alright, you're going to stay in the circle and hold that crucifix, okay?"
"Circle?- I don't see a-"
Exorspace holds up a finger, retrieving a stick of chalk from his other pocket, drawing a protective circle, and pushing Cozyshot into it. "Circle. Don't leave it." (Guys just bear with me, idk how exorcisms work)


He wasn't sure what to think of Exorspace. He was adorable with his he acted. But just- different. But who has he to judge the demon's profession. Albeit the protection circle was endearing yet concerning.
And he only got more confused as the exorcist whips out holy water. "Why are you doing this anyways?" Cozyshot asks.
"Because you're a client! I care about you!"
He wasn't sure how to feel about that. But also he was surprised by the fact that Exorspace was now flipping through a giant leather book. He had no idea what happened to the holy water. But now the exorcist was saying something. A different language, he guessed. Judging by the fact he couldn't understand a damn word of it.
Eventually, he hears quiet screaming- from the floor, which confused him. Until about 4 mistlike figures rise from it, hissing in unison before shattering. Exorspace closing the book as if nothing had happened and clapping his hands, making Cozyshot jump.
"Job done! Wasn't even that hard!! Your house is now wonderfully ghost free!!"
Cozyshot stares at him. "Actually-?"
"Yep! And, lucky you, I've decided to not give you any thousand-page paperwork!! This one's on the house!!!"
"Mhm!" Exorspace chirps, looking rather proud of himself.
Cozyshot looks up at his ceiling. "This'll be a pain to fix—" He once again jumps, this time actually flinging himself back as he feels a hand on his shoulder. "HOLY SFOTH WHA—" turns out Exorspace had appeared beside him. Somehow.
"I could help ya' if you like! I have some free time!!" The exorcist claims.
"I- sure—"

Word Count: 1170
Did I mention I like writing Subspace

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