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Okay I know venomheart is a hated ship, with good reason too, because it's incest, because SFOTH is related
But I sort of ship it despite hating incest. I shipped it before I knew they were related and I actually can't leave the ship- I enjoy it. So, in my defense and idk, anyone else who ships venomheart— or used to's, defense unless they like genuine incest, I'm going to introduce a sort of head canon.
As with most mythology that includes multiple deities/gods, gods can be related but in other versions of the myth, still married, or have affairs. So I hc the same with the SFOTH. In this, Venomshank and Darkheart won't be directly related. The only SFOTH that are related would be Firebrand and Windforce.
If you're uncomfortable with the whole venomheart concept, then, respectfully, just skip his chapter/don't read it.
And no, I'm not saying that with this hc that shipping any of SFOTH with icedagger is okay, he's mentally 15. There's a difference between different views on relationships and a huge fucking age gap.

Also writing Darkheart using they/them bc he's two people,but when being referred to by someone else directly,he's a he
Aka they/he Darkheart

It had become a regular thing, visiting Venomshank. The god certainly didn't mind. And most the time Sword was out with Rocket. So it worked out. More often than not, they'd find Venomshank in Crossroads. It was easier than going all the way to Lost Temple. It was a pretty Faction, sure. But too hot for their liking. They had no idea why the other Sword' chose to reside there, instead of a more...normal Faction. Like one that maybe didn't have a Cult that regularly killed their own kind in sacrifice. No idea why Firebrand let that sort of thing slide. But sure.
They arrive at the familiar manor, hidden in probably the one genuine forest and forest clearing that Lost Temple had, eyes narrowing beneath the brim of their hat. It was too hot for their liking. Then again, it was probably their own fault for wearing three layers of clothes, plus a cloak. But it was comfortable.
The first thing they registered when they got within view of the house, was Sword. On the ground. Probably very likely unconscious.
Instinctively, one hand rests on the hilt of their sword as they walk over, crouching down once they reached Sword. Claw marks... fun-.
Seeing as Venomshank was nowhere in sight, and that Sword looked like he had been mauled by a bear, they assumed the 'Sword of the Undead' had gone feral. Which meant they had to track them down. Not their favourite way to spend an afternoon, but it passed the time.
Very nearly forgetting about the unconscious demigod, Darkheart starts to stand up and walk away, gets about a good 20 steps away, then turns back and crouches down yet again, healing the bleeding slashes with a simple Rune. And then promptly walking away again. Because they'd rather find Venomshank than babysit Sword, doesn't matter how much blood he'd lost. (Darkheart's so real for that /j)
They had dealt with the feral god before, sometimes with swords, other times trying to avoid being bit. Most involved just knocking the deity unconscious and waiting for him to wake the phuck up. (I think Dark's gonna be a bit ooc for this one, srry)

Off into the forest they went; Runes flickering to life.
They imagined some mortal running off into the forest to chase after their friend who practically had rabies. That was basically their situation. They snickered.
After not too long of walking, they finally find a tree that looked as if it had been grated. Well, that was a good sign. Sort of...ish.
They should probably take out their gear from its holster. But where's the fun in that? A little chaos was always enjoyable.
Really, they should've found Venomshank by now. Normally it wasn't that hard to find him when he'd go feral. Because there would be a lovely little trail of very-much destroyed trees or the occasional gutted animal. Or zombie-demon.
But this time? Aside from the de-barked tree they had passed by, there was nothing concerning.
So of course it made sense for Venomshank to drop out of a Inpherno-forsaken tree, on-top of Darkheart, clawing at them.
(For SFOTH, they can't really use their own names when cursing/swearing at things/people, so instead they'd probably say 'Inphinity' or 'Inpherno')
They wince as claws start to prick into their skin. They manage to get Venomshank off, earning a snarl as the other god crashes into the same tree they had jumped out of. Thankfully Venomshank's mask was on, and very clearly locked, seeing as Darkheart definitely hadn't been bit. They stand, grinning slightly despite the situation. Unsheathing their sword, they study Venomshank. It hopefully wouldn't take too long for the deity to fall unconscious and then back to normal.
It was easier to fight Venomshank with a sword, because unlike when he was normal, Venom' never used his rapier unless holding it when shifting to feral-ness (there's no proper word for it)
Claws close around their blade and they flinch, the blade being sharply tugged, very nearly out of their hold.
They weren't in the mood for fighting, so instead, with Runes they —(shove Venomshank's skull into the ground/j) in a much more simple resolution that they really should've thought of sooner— knock the god unconscious, solving the problem of having to deal with their clothes being ruined by claws. They catch Venomshank as they start to tip-over from standing, then sit down, the other god half-lying half-sitting against them. It was comfortable. Not as comfortable as being held, but comfortable.

(Mini itty bitty timeskip aka Sleeping Beauty wakes up. Fun fact: one time when I was having an ADHD moment, I was js talking to my new kitten, Karma, I js said 'are you an itty bitty kitty part of the itty bitty titty committee? Idefk, lol)

Finally the 'Sword of the Undead' wakes up, well, regains consciousness. "Took ya' long enough, we've been waiting here for a good 10 minutes~" (Darkheart uses '~' change my mind)
"...Why is my mask off-? I thought I had it on—"
Darkheart waits a bit, tilting their head with their usual grin, wide as ever.
They stifle a laugh. "Remember now?"
"Is Sword alright?"
"You're in the middle of a forest, probably with a hangover-worthy headache, and that's the first question you ask?"
"He's my son, asshole"
"Yeah, yeah. He's fine. We healed him."
"Mhm!~ You owe us one now, though."
"I'm not baking with you."
"You're going to bake with us."
They give an amused sigh, hands up in mock surrender. "Aw, your no fun"
"The last baking-session you forced me into didn't exactly end as a baking session and more so a 'how annoying can "we" be' session." Venomshank says flatly.
"But it was fun!"
"Still no."
Darkheart rolls their eyes, looking down at the other deity as Venomshank pulled away, sitting up right, no longer on them. "Is your head pounding yet?"
"Remind us again why you can't just get rid of it?"
"You know it doesn't work that way"
"Things might've changed"
"They haven't."
Darkheart shrugs, standing up and grabbing onto Venomshank's wrist, pulling the god to his feet. "We're assuming you'd like to get back to your son?"
"That would be preferred."
"Wonder if he's still on the ground~"
"Nothing!~" They chirp, handing Venomshank his mask before setting off in the direction that the manor was in. The only way they knew this was the stupid tree— the one Venomshank had originally pounced out of —was somehow recognizable to them.
It was too silent for their liking, though, so they do the perfectly normal thing and break it by being annoying. (Needy.)
"Can we stay the night, by chance?"
"...I'll think about it."
"We won't force you to bake with us if you say yes~"
"I hate you-, deal."
"You love us."
"I don't."
"You do~"

Word Count: 1380
Genuinely my second main ship. Banspace being first.
There's another Venomheart chapter further in the drafts, aka I haven't worked on it at all yet, but I'm still debating whether I wanna post it once it's done or not. Anyways. Enjoy the food ig

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