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writing this because I love you guys and hypertana. Just cried for like 20 minutes over my cat (IM FINE DONT WORRY—)

I asked golden what ship I should write, so they mashed together two characters (HyperSpace, for those wondering) because they hate me (they don't. Get mad at Golden and I will kill you /j) So I told 'em to pick one I actually shipped and they said Hypertana!
I have no idea why I haven't written hypertana sooner. I like gay old men yaoi— I mean what— haha— (just realized I have that slang writing on- what is it even called? Italics? This is bold, obviously, I'll just call this underline,so I think this is Italics, unless that's a font or smth, idk)
If I somehow haven't made it clear, this is Hypertana. (With some implied Banspace, sorry, but I'm obsessed with it)

The mercenary had been practicing his aim in a hidden spot in Blackrock. One of the few spots no one knew about, actually.
He wasn't quite sure why he was practicing his aim, it was near perfect, even without using a scope.
A scope would be a good thing to add to his railgun.
Although it did bring back some rather unpleasant memories.
Of the war...
Hyperlaser shuts down these thoughts. They were unneeded at the moment.
For whatever reason, Subspace had given him a day off, the idiotic scientist had never done that before, all Hyperlaser knew is that it had something to do with the warden, Banhammer. (look. Ik its Ban Hammer but- js- just let me have this one)
His helmet was on, as always. He rarely took it off, actually. Even at home it only came off when he went to sleep or shower.
Something Princess likes doing when he does have it off is to jump onto his head and nestle there.
It was actually quite comforting.
His attention shifts from his aim practice causing him to miss a shot, the laser searing right through a tree. (Wtf does an owl sound like)
Hyperlaser looks to his left. An owl, a barn owl.
Her feathers had red tints at the tips, which let him recognize who the owl belonged to.
Katana. His frien— boyfriend. They had started dating recently.
For some reason unbeknownst to Hyperlaser, (HAHAHA ITS A WORD, I KNEW IT. let's hope I used it right .-.) Katana always sent messages through owl. This owl. Midnight. (Idk, came up with a random name) And sure enough, the owl had a rolled up piece of paper tied to her leg with a thin red rope.
"You startled me."
Why was he talking to an owl?
The owl hoots in response and snaps her beak, holding out her leg.
Hyperlaser sighs but sets down his railgun and walks over, scritching (that's not a word, is it-) her feathers in thanks as he untied the note, unrolling it and reading it.

'Dear Hyperlaser.
As we have discussed last week, do you wish to come over to my place for tea?
I have missed your company.

It was short but Hyperlaser appreciated the invitation. Although he wasn't a fan of tea, he would still drink it.
The mercenary glances at Midnight who was now preening her feathers.
"I don't have paper or a pen on me right now, you'll have to come back with me to my place so I can give you my response"
Midnight stops preening and giving him a high pitched whine. (I literally searched this up)
"...is that a yes-?"
The owl just stares at him before unfolding her wings and soaring down from her recent branch perch to land on his shoulder.
This surprised Hyperlaser, he wasn't used to much physical contact except from Princess and Katana. Also Midnight's talons sank right through his uniform and into his skin, making him wince.
"Can you loosen your claws a bit-?" (Talons. Bros used to Princess's claws)
Midnight hoots and clamps her beak down on one of the antennae attached to his helmet. Which Hyperlaser took as a no.
Thank god's the helmet was resilient.
"Alright then, off we go" (sorry 'bout the punctuation, that's the one grammar issue I have. I just can't grasp it with dialogue and I'm too lazy to fix it.)
Hyperlaser walked back to his house, unlocking the door and stepping inside. There was the pitter-patter of paws as Princess pranced up. (god I love that word. Pranced IT FUELS MY ADHD)
The two animals, feline and avian, stare at eachother. Both were predators, and skilled at it, too. One earning it naturally, the other having learnt it from the harsh, unforgiving cold of Blackrock.
After about a minute of Hyperlaser standing there, making sure the two didn't fight, and of those said animals staring, Princess finally lets her fur lie flat, accepting the owl's presence.
Hyperlaser— with Midnight still on his shoulder. —walks to his room, retrieving pen and paper before scrawling a quick note for Katana.

I can come over for tea. Just let me know when.

He ties it to Midnight's leg, opening the window for her. The owl hoots at him, ruffling her wings at Princess before soaring off in the direction of Thieves Den.

(Time skip.)

sharp, resounding, knocking noises at his window.
Midnight was back.
Hyperlaser lets the owl in, already untying the paper from her leg.

'Dear Hyperlaser,
You may come over whenever. There is no need to bring anything.
Love you.

Hyperlaser smiles beneath his helmet, he looks at Midnight.
"Any way you can let him know I'm on my way?"
The owl hoots and takes off back through the still open window.

The mercenary sets off towards Thieves Den, first making sure Princess had enough food, he didn't like leaving the cat for long.

(Time skip. Yay.)

It was still bright out in Thieves Den although the sun appeared to have started setting back in Blackrock, it was probably the mass pollution. Here, the air was fresh, calming, peacful. Warm.
The exact opposite of the damned Faction he resided in.

Most Thieves Den residents avoided the mercenary, they knew both of his general reputation as some 'assasin' he was not an assasin. And as a Phighter. So they were well aware of his capabilities.
Someone had tried to pickpocket him once, that demon had gotten a laser through their skull.
Hyperlaser made his way through the forests and occasional bridge between cliffs.
Eventually he reached a secluded house, Katana's home.
He knocks on the door and after a couple seconds it's opened by his lover.
"Greetings, Hyperlaser."
"Hello, love"
Hyperlaser could tell Katana was smiling beneath his mask.
He steps inside the house, removing his boots and setting them on the mat. (That is all I know about Asia's culture. Also, incase I have my geography wrong, by Asia's culture I am referring to China, Japan, possibly Korea? Mainly the first two. Like I've said earlier, though, I don't know these two countries' cultures so feel free to correct me on some things <3)
"The tea is already prepared."
"Thanks, Katana."
"Anytime, Hyperlaser. If you do not mind me asking, what happened to your jacket?" Katana reaches out to trace around the pricks on Hyperlaser's jacket.
"Your owl, Midnight."
"She perched on you?"
"Yeah, I had to take her home to write you a letter back."
"Did her and Princess get along?"
"Well, they stared at eachother for awhile. But yeah, I think they like eachother"
Katana nods. "That is good."

Hyperlaser sits down at Katana's request while the samurai goes to pour the tea.
Once returned, Katana sits down, removing his mask, (their dating, they've already seen each others faces) Hyperlaser follows suit, taking off his helmet and setting it on the floor.
(Time skip, have you guys ever seen that 'Tea Consent' video? I saw it on my recommended once (idk why) and I died laughing at it. But uh, Katana and Hyper are just drinking tea. ALSO PLEASE TELL ME WHY THE FANDOM DECIDED ON HYPERTANA AND NOT KATLASER- IT SOUNDS LIKE A LASER THAT FIRES CATS. also in ships, the dominant one in the relationship normally goes first— KATLASER OH MY GOD MOREADHD FUEL)

Hyperlaser sets his now empty teacup down, leaning against Katana and giving him a light kiss. Katana pulls the other closer, the two now cuddling as they chatted about events going on while not in the other's presence.

Word count: 1441 sorry it's kinda' a bad ending. I ran out of ideas lol.

Phighting stuff, idk, lolWhere stories live. Discover now