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Okay. I apologize in advance but at the same time I hope you guys bawl your eyes out.
This is written from recent personal experience. So-...yeah-

Suicide warning, pet death warning, self harm warning.

His day had been fine. He had been sitting playing with Princess when a familiar owl swooped in his open window with a letter attached to its leg with red string. Hyperlaser smiles when he sees the owl. Princess noticed the avian and jumped up onto her scratching post near the window to meow hello and give a quick lick to the top of the owl's head in further greeting.
"I wasn't expecting any mail." Hyperlaser jokes, mainly to himself since neither Princess nor Midnight could reply except from their respective animal noises. He unties the letter, retrieving the letter opener he kept on one of the side tables for this exact reason. Midnight hoots and flaps over to join Princess on her scratching post.

'To my dear love Hyperlaser.
Would you care to come for tea tomorrow? I would invite you today but I am guessing you might be busy and it is polite to give people time to think about an offer. And I myself am rather busy this evening so it would not work out nicely for you to come today. If you are busy tomorrow just send me a letter with your preferred date for tea and I will make room in my own schedule.
Yours truly, Katana'

Hyperlaser chuckles at Katana's way of wording sentences. He had tried to get the samurai a phone but he had refused saying that: 'By sending letters Midnight was able to get out and stretch her wings more often.' Which, to Hyperlaser, didn't make sense. He knew Midnight had free rein in and out of the house because often when he was at Katana's Midnight would glide in through a window and drop some sort of gift that was often a dead animal or its bones. Nevertheless, he retrieved a sheet of paper and wrote back to Katana saying that tomorrow would work perfectly. After he had finished his short letter, he took the previous red string that was originally keeping Katana's letter attached to Midnight's leg and rolling up his own letter. Retying it to Midnight's other leg.
"Here you go." Hyperlaser says, then pauses, walking to his kitchen and retrieving a frozen mouse from a container in his freezer and giving it to Midnight, the owl giving a delighted screech-purr as she snapped up the frozen mammal.
Hyperlaser chuckles, then feels something paw his hand, turning to see Princess staring at him. The cat meowed, practically giving him puppy eyes, or- kitten eyes.
"Mrow." Princess nudged him with her nose, then looks up meaningly to where the last of the mouses tail was disappearing into Midnight's beak.
"No, you can't have any, those are treats specifically meant for Midnight."
On cue, Midnight hoots before spreading her cream white and brown wings and taking off back through the window, briefly perching on a branch to regurgitate an owl pellet consisting of mouse fur and bones. Then resuming her flight in the direction of Thieves Den.
Hyperlaser knew he would probably end up sleeping at Katana's place. That's often what happened when he came over for tea. He didn't bother to pack a bag because normally he'd just sleep in his clothes, shirtless, or just with no clothes.
He knew he would have to get someone to watch Princess while he was away, he didn't want to starve his precious cat. He pulls his phone out of his pocket. Opening the message app and finding the contact of one of his few friends. Mythic Tides, although she preferred just to be referred to as 'Mythic'. She had watched and taken care of Princess before and he had brown to trust her to take care of his cat for she had pets of her own. Thinking for a moment, he typed out the text.

'Hey, Mythic. Mind coming over to watch Princess tomorrow? I'm going over to Katana's and need someone to watch her'

Sure enough, he got a reply quickly. Mythic was probably the only nice Blackrockian and, like most native to Blackrock, often had her phone or atleast one device, near her.

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