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More scythe staff
Also sorta Scythestaff part2


She had just finished harvesting. Nothing really eventful. Any target she went after was so slow. Or they'd get all soppy on her and try guilting (this isn't a word but i say it is so go away red line) her into not killing them, so, in the end, she just made their death all the more slower. After all, using her claws was a lot more fun than either of her weapons. She was debating on asking Vinestaff if she could come over, although Scythe knew she would have to wash up first.

There had been a couple times where she would pop up at Vinestaff's shared house (Sling and Shuri are roomates) and Vinestaff would stubbornly refuse to let her in because she was, quote, 'Coated in gore'. Scythe was not the type of demon to like being denied. So she had gotten into the habit of cleaning most the blood off of herself whenever she wanted to see her girlfriend.

(Time skip, Scythe used her scythe-phinisher or smth to get home quicker)

Being invisible had its perks. Such as being able to successfully get by the Family if any of them appeared. Or at least, most of them. the Father always seemed to know where she was in the mansion, invisible or not.

She slips into her room silently, shutting and locking the door. She had almost been caught sneaking out once, by one of the servants who weren't quite part of the family yet.

That had been a fun kill.

And no one had questioned her either.

She trots into her room, washing off her claws, the metal of her right arm growing warm under the water.

After the 'gore' was dealt with, she collapses onto her bed, phone held above her as she flipped open her messages, then going to Vinestaff's contact. (Its 100% either named 'love' or 'Flowers' you cant change my mind) typing out a sentence.

'Hey, Flowers'

Fortunately, Vinestaff's reply was quick, yet still slow, to Scythe. Because apparently, when it comes to her girlfriend, 5 minutes is all too long.


'Can i come over?'

'Sure! Shuri and Sling just went out'

'Ill be over in a few, and before you stop me, im bringing alcohol.'

'I wont have any-'

'fine, ill bring wine then'

Putting her phone down, Scythe slid off her bed, walking to yet another part of her room to grab a cooled bottle of wine, now ignoring the single buzz from her phone, slipping it into her pocket.

Thankfully, Lost Temple and Thieves Den were relatively close.

(Another timeski becayse i want gay women. i LIVE for lesbian women)

Scythe, wine bottle held securely in her metal hand, raises her free hand to knock on the door, a grin on her face (Because shes dum <3) solely at the thought of seeing her love.

The doors opened and Scythe's grin widens as she steps into the house, setting the wine down on a table and jokingly tipping her hat to Vinestaff, who just scoffed, crossing her arms stubbornly.

"Evenin'." Scythe hums.

"Its practically already late" Vinestaff points out.

Scythe rolls her eyes, loosely pulling Vinestaff closer before up inter her arms, bridal style. (Because lesbian :>)
Vinestaff yelps, caught off guard.
"What? Never been carried before?"
"Shut up..." Vinestaff huffs, turning away, only for Scythe to give her a peck on the cheek.
"Yer' rather adorable, flowers'." Scythe responds, finally setting Vinestaff back down on the floor, snatching the wine again. "So! Feelin' up to openin' this?" She shakes the bottle slightly.
"I said not to bring anything!-"
Scythe grins. "Ah, the text mustn't of sent"
Vinestaff sighs, crossing her arms again.
"What, are ya' not big on wine?"
"...I've never had it-"
Scythe stares for a moment genuinely caught off guard. "Pardon-?"
"I've never had it! What? Why are you looking at me as if it's a crime?-"
"Yer' 23."
"And you've never had wine."
"I've never had alcohol, actually."
This time Scythe freezes. "—"
"I just never wanted to!" Vinestaff protests, getting defensive despite the fact she really probably didn't need to.
Scythe blinks before sighing, retrieving two wine glasses, and then, instead of bothering to find the bottle opener, she just stabs her metal claws into the seal, tearing it out with a grin.
"Do I have to try this-?" Vinestaff asks, giving the wine glass she was holding a reproachful look.
"Cmon, flowers' it'll be fun!" Scythe, without waiting for Vinestaff to protest, knowing she would cave eventually anyways, just fills Vinestaff's glass and then her own. "Try some"
"It smells bad"
"Just try it"
Vinestaff, all too hesitant in Scythe's eyes, takes a sip, blinking a couple times. "It tastes like fruit—"
"Mhm! How do ya' like it?"
"'s fine I guess..."
Scythe smirks. "Cheers to that!" Draining about half the glass- Vinestaff of course taking a smaller sip.

Eventually, most of the wine was gone, Scythe being a bit irresponsible and practically encouraging Vinestaff to drink it. By now, the botanists cheeks were flushed a light pink, her words partially slurred whenever she spoke, and she was rather giggly, often just randomly bursting into laughing fits.
Scythe found it amusing that the demon was able to get drunk on wine, but, then again, you gotta start somewhere. She herself barely felt a buzz, but she had a rather high alcohol tolerance.
She looks back over to Vinestaff as she tugs on Scythes sleeve. "Hm?-"
"Gimme yur hat"
"I wan' it"
"Cuz' it's—...I- yeah"
Scythe bites back a laugh, instead raising an eyebrow. "I don't think my hat would fit ya' with those horns of yers'."
"M' not fat—"
"I wasn't callin' ya' fat"
"Why nottt-"
Scythe opens her mouth to reply, instead closing it as she couldn't properly think of a response, now just genuinely confused.
Vinestaff, on brand for her nowhere-near-sober-self, giggles before shuffling over on the couch— her wine glass having been set aside—and over to Scythe, practically ontop of the other demon.
Scythe stills for a moment, caught off guard. "Flowers-?—..."
"Shh" Vinestaff purrs, attempting to lean in for a kiss, although whining in disappointment as Scythe leans away, lightly pushing Vinestaff off.
"Flo— Vine-"
"Why not? I'll be really good"
"Cause' you're drunk!" Scythe says sharply.
Vinestaff whines yet again, her wooden arm reaching out to try grabbing Scythe's tie, the killer once again pushing her away.
"Just one kiss?-"
Scythe growls softly shaking her head. As much as she would love to give in and...please...Vinestaff, she had dignity, she had built trust, and she'd really rather not take advantage of Vinestaff when she was drunk. Refused to, more accurately.
"Vinestaff, no. Yer mind's obviously not clear and we can discuss this after you've rested properly."
"But im not tiiiired"
"Too bad" Scythe huffs, standing up, picking up Vinestaff, and practically slinging her over her shoulder like a fireman would.
Vinestaff protests slightly, which Scythe blatantly ignored, stepping into Vinestaff's room and dumping her on the bed. "Sleep."
"I'm not sleepy-"
Scythe just shrugs, pressing Vinestaff's face into the pillow. Was she probably suffocating her? Maybe. But it worked atleast, Vinestaff stopped complaining, instead pushing Scythes hand away.
"Thank you. Now, yer' gonna' have one hell o' a headache in the morn'."
Vinestaff, judging by the confused look on her face, barely understood Scythe's accent, although perked up when Scythe started to step away to leave, suddenly latching onto the others sleeve, pulling her ungracefully into the bed.
"Vine' I just explained why we can't-"
"...fine." It was the easiest way to get Vinestaff to give in. And atleast she wasn't acting intimate anymore. Might as well indulge a little. So Scythe accepts the embrace.
And hopes neither Shuriken nor Slingshot would come home and walk in on them snuggled up.
Because, guarantee, neither of the demons would be very happy with their friend/siate dating a serial killer.
But also Scythe didn't care all that much.

Word Count: 1385
Did I mention I love lesbian woman?

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