Possesive? Nope!

371 4 59

Zukaheart p2
Help I've started shipping this along with Venomheart (i hc that none of SFOTH is related aside from Windforce and Fiebrand being siblings.)
Darkheart's jelly <: (jealous)

+Zuka+ (the Darkheart POV is calling to me but that's for another chapter)
Since he had met with the deity under the bridge, he had been seeing Darkheart a lot more often. Whenever Darkheart appeared, the deity seemed to of made it his goal to flirt with Zuka at least once every visit.
It worked.
As of now though, he unfortunately had to find Broker.
Which meant visiting his old Faction, as it was where the stupid demon was hiding as of now.
So he closes his shop, starting up his truck and setting off to the Faction he'd really rather not go to. Blackrock.
(Time skip. One of these days I'll write a car ride i swear—)
Zuka ignores the looks the Blackrockians gave him. He simply just quickens his stride, knowing the general direction of Broker's hideout.
Thankfully,the guards at the enterance to the Faction had recognized him and begrudgingly let him through.
After more walking in the frigid air, the freezing temperatures barely affecting him.
Finally he ducked into an alleyway, eyes landing on the door Broker had said his 'shelter' would be in.
With a sigh, he knocks on the door. He'd really rather just go home. Sleep, maybe.
"Who is it??"
He hears a small crash followed. Why did it sound like Broker fell off of something—
A moment later the door was opened by Broker, smiling widely as always.
"Glad ya' made it! No trouble getting here I hope?"
"Why are you even in this Faction? Don't you hate it?"
Broker blinks at him. "Oh!- uh- I do, yes, but I thought this would be the last place that warden would think of looking for me!"
"He still always seems to find you quickly." Zuka says dryly.
Broker just shrugs, hugging Zuka— something he did often —before padding further into the room, hopping onto a stack of radios. For some reason they weren't TV's.
Just as Zuka was leaning against the wall, opening his mouth to ask Broker why on Inpherno he had made him come back to Blackrock. A familiar voice interrupts.
"We've arrived~" Darkheart announces, appearing in the room out of thin air.(squiggles >:3 god I simp for him so much)
Broker shrieks, falling over. The deity completely ignoring Broker, instead turning to Zuka.
"Never thought we'd see ya' back in your Faction, Zuka." Darkheart hums, grinning like usual.
"Wasn't by choice" Zuka responds with a huff.
"Get back!- I'm not going back to prison!!" Broker yelps tossing a wrench— Zuka had no idea where he'd gotten that —at Darkheart. Having obviously not realized that Darkheart was a god.
The SFOTH doesn't even move, the runes on his arm igniting, the wrench stopping mid air, then launching itself right back at Broker, missing the demons head by a fraction of an inch.
Zuka watches, biting back a laugh as Broker shrieks again, ducking. His head popping up a moment later, eyes widening.
"You're a deity!"
"Yes we noticed." Darkheart says flatly, finally looking at Broker.
"Why are you here??"
"To visit Zuka."
Broker looks at Zuka, then back at Darkheart.
"What would you want with Zukes'?"
"He prefers Zuka."
"I know that!-"
"Then call him Zuka."
Zuka raises an eyebrow at Darkheart's words. He wasn't sure why the deity was standing up for him —acting defensive over him was a better term— but it was nice. Especially because Broker had lost his irksome personality.
"But Zukes' is a nickname I gave him—"
"And he hates it."
Zuka decided to save Broker's dignity, doing something most would consider stupid, and tugging Darkheart back slightly. "It's fine, besides, he asked me here in the first place because he has a job he wants me to do."
Broker nods, smile returning. "Yeah! And you're interrupting- me and Zukes— Zuka— gotta talk-!"
Darkheart is silent for a moment. Zuka sees the god's hand start to inch towards the hilt of the sword at his hip before moving away, Darkheart instead folding his arms across his chest. "Fine. But be quick. We'd like to have a chat with Zuka ourselves. Preferably away from you."
Broker scoffs quietly before motion Zuka over.
"Okay, so there's a couple you can choose from, although there's one I really need done—..."
(Time skip. No one gives a fuck about Broker, all we need is Darkheart and Zuka :p )
Zuka sighs as he finally finishes the conversation. "Yeah, yeah, I got it. I'm gonna go have a smoke."
With that, he nods at both Broker and Darkheart— who somehow had a deck of cards —before walking out back into the alleyway. Lighting himself a cigar and taking a drag. After about 5 minutes, his peace was broken by a shout. He groans. He didn't think Broker would be so stupid as to start a fight or argument with Darkheart. But apparently it had happened. Somehow.
He stomps out his cigarette and walks back through the door, stopping at what he saw.
Darkheart's runes were ignited and his sword drawn. Broker was pinned to the wall with the very same sword pressed firmly agaisnt his neck. Anytime he opened his mouth to try saying something, Darkheart would press the blade further into the demons neck.
"The fuck did you do-?" He asks. Specifically to Broker.
"He annoyed us." Darkheart responds. Pressing the blade further enough to give a deeper cut before pulling away entirely, sheathing his sword as if nothing had happened, although the runes stayed ignited.
Zuka looks at Broker, who had slumped to the floor, feeling his throat with a dazed expression, although it was pained.
"Why does it look like he can feel it? Pain wise—"
Darkheart grins. "He can. We altered him a bit~, he'll feel our blade's marks, but still stay immune to anything else."
"Very" Darkheart agrees, then grabbing Zuka's hand, leading him out of the door and room.
"Yknow, Blackrocks boring, Crossroads is much better, hm?" Darkheart hums
"Definitely—..." he trails off as he finds himself—and Darkheart —back in Crossroads, in his house, actually. "Oh— uh— my truck—?"
"It's parked outside"
"Anytime, Zuka~"
"Can I ask something?"
"We're an open book" the deity paused. "...mostly-"
"Why were you acting so possessive? Do you just not like Broker? Or are you really that attached to me-"
Darkheart hesitates for a moment, before grinning. "Because," The deity leans down, breath warm on Zuka's neck. "By this point, your practically ours~ and we protect whats ours~"
Zuka is silent for a moment, his face growing rather warm. "I— o-oh—..." 
Darkheart snickers at the ex-soldier's reaction, pressing a light kiss to Zuka's neck before pulling away with a low purr.
"We best be heading off~ 'have things to do. See you soon?~"
Zuka just nods, trying to figure out if that had actually happened. Darkheart gives a mock wave before disappearing.

Zuka didn't think his dreams would be very normal tonight. That's for sure.

Word Count: 1197
I think I ship this now.
I still like Venomheart more, but this is a good second option [:

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