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Title is a reference to another fic I've read.

platonic Domkit request

also thank you guys so much for 1.5k, its almost passed my other discontinued book.

Cophphee except theres a worse one, Riphphraphph [:

anyways. story time.


(Medkit. medkit medkit medirtemmekdjrfnjfjnde)

Medkit walked out of Lost Temple's borders. Normally, he wouldn't even be in Lost Temple, but unfortunately he had to fix up Scythe's arm again. Normally, he would be busy in his office tending to the stupidest injuries. Normally, he would be in Crossroads. Which was where he was headed back to right now.

Occasionally, the doctor would wish he was still in Blackrock. Except when he thought about it thoroughly. The Faction was corrupted, for one. They had cast him out and labelled him a traitor on Subspace's word, and made him one of the most wanted with a bounty so high he couldn't even read it out.

Yet he was still allowed in Phights, which made sense if they let two demigods and the most wanted criminal in. Although part of the reason was that he was friends with Dom, and Valk to an extension.

He sighs as his phone (POV: fone) pings in his pocket. By the gods', if Sword was trying to drag him to a Phight, he would actually kill him.

Surprisingly, it wasnt Sword who had texted him. It was Dom. As if thinking of the idol had summoned his presence.

He debates for a moment before opening the message.

'Hey, Medkit, i have a question'

Medkit sighed, as much as he would rather not reply and go to sleep, he had already looked and read the message.

'I'm busy'

'Can i still ask the question?'


'Would you be willing to (tondbdfehbshbdhb sobs in writers block)go out for coffee later?'

Why was Dom asking him this. Why was this out of the blue. Why him of all Phighters?


'Are you free tommorow?'

'Technically, yes.'

'Then how about tomorrow?'

'What time and where.'

'Ill send you the location in a moment, but how about at 10?'

'By the Gods'. Specify what time for future notice. I could of thought you meant 10pm.'

'Dont lecture me.'

'I'm older than you. I'm allowed to lecture you'

'That isnt fair'

'Ill be there at 10am.'

Medkit put his phone away, ignoring the 3 other pings that came from it. He was not in the mood to argue with Dom on how childish he was. Instead he focused on walking back to Crossroads and away from Lost Temple.

(Timeskip. aka its now the next day bc oh my god get to the point of this oneshot already)

Medkit glances at the time. It was already 9:45, heaving a sigh, (woW tHiS gUy SiGhS aLoT) the doctor walks out of his home, he had already memorized the location Dom had sent. Purely for convenience.

(smol timeskip. Med's at the cafe)

Medkit glanced up at the bell that dinged his arrival as he stepped into the cafe. The building's interior itself was clearly polished and sophisticated, to Medkit's liking. He glances over to the side booth where he make out Dom's form.

The idol was dressed similar to his outfit for the recent Phestival that had passed, the binder, puffed shirt; although his 'dominus empyreus' hat was in its usual style.
Medkit gives a small wave before walking over to the booth and sliding into the seat across.
"How were you able to arrive exactly at 10:00?-" Dom asks, his tone just pure confusion.
Medkit gives a half shrug, removing his overcoat and setting it on the hanger attached to the separating beam between seats and booths. (it's fancy. So it has coat hangers) "I keep a close eye on the time."
"You mean your only eye—?" Dom jokes.
Medkit slowly meets his gaze, expression neutral. "You only have a single eye too."
Medkit hums a response, both demons' attention being drifted as a waiter approached them.
"Hello! Are you two ready to order?"
Dom looks at Medkit, who just nods.
"Yeah, we're ready." Dom says in response to the waiter. "Can I have a mocha, please?"
The waiter nods, probably committing the idol's order to memory as they didn't have a notepad or pen or any means of writing down his order. "And you?" The waiter says to Medkit. (I'm too lazy to find a gear and gender for the waiter)
"Black coffee, preferably."
"Anything else in it?-"
"Just straight."
"Alright!" The waiter gives another nod and walks off.
"Why black coffee of all drinks?" Dom questions, half teasing.
"It's the only drink that tastes normal. Your mocha is more sweet than coffee and ruins the taste."
"What do you mean normal? Black coffee tastes like hand sanitizer-"
Medkit opens his mouth to respond before analyzing what Dom had said. "...did you say hand sanitizer?"
"Please, don't ask."
"I have to— why do you know what hand sanitizer tastes like?-"
"It was an accident, okay?"
"That doesn't answer my question."
"Promise not to laugh-?"
"I'm sure it can't be that bad."
"Valk noticed my water was empty and thought it would be hilarious to fill it a quarter full of hand sanitizer—"
Medkit stares at Dom for a moment, processing the story. "Isn't your water bottle clear?"
"How did you not notice that your water was slow?"
"I have no idea"
The two continue to talk and joke around until the waiter comes back, setting down their respective drinks along with an appetizer plate with biscuits stacked ontop (cookies. I thought biscuits was more fancy)
Medkit raises an eyebrow at Dom.
"What? I thought you'd appreciate an actual snack"
"I do, thank you." Medkit responds, taking a sip of his coffee.
Dom watches. "How do you not gag at how bitter that is?"
"I'm used to it"
They keep talking, Dom having already finished half of his mocha while Medkit was taking smaller sips of his drink in between the occasional biscuit.

"I've watched you in Phights a couple of times, you barely react to most Phinishers when they hit you"
Medkit just shrugs. "High pain tolerance"
"From what?"
"An incident that happened between me and Subspace"
"What sort of incident happened that pain doesn't affect you-?"
"Well, he ripped out my eye with his claws and then poisoned the socket"
Medkit allows himself a grim smile. "See why I hate him?"
"I- yes? Why isn't he in jail? How isn't he in jail?"
"Blackrock protects him quite effectively"
Dom stares at him for a moment, Medkit just continues sipping at his coffee.
"Your staring" Medkit says after awhile, completely unfazed.
"I- sorry—" Dom mumbles, breaking his gaze as he resumes drinking his mocha.

Eventually, both demons finish their drink, Medkit sets his cup down near the edge of the table where it would be easy to collect.
"Well, it was nice chatting with you, but I have some dumb concert to attend" Dom says, standing up and handing Medkit his coat.
The doctor also stands, slipping his coat on with a nod. "I had fun, would you want to do this again sometime when neither of us are busy?"
Dom perks up slightly. "Sure! Although with our schedules I doubt that'll happen often"
Medkit gives a small smile. "I can be persuaded to clear a day in my routine occasionally"
Dom laughs, his wing flicking back. "Deal, also don't worry about paying for your drink, I got it."
Medkit hums a thanks, both him and Dom leaving the café at the same time.

Word Count: 1269
Hope this was satisfactory enough!
Now I have to think of how to write Valk angst

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