18. Outbreak

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After clearing the dungeon, Indra is ready to see the usual perplexed faces of the officials who guard the Gate. However, he finds that they seem busy with something else and can't even bother to check why the Gate suddenly disappears.

'What's going on?'

He tries to eavesdrop on their conversation and hears something disturbing. One of the Gates in this region broke and monsters are pouring out of it. That Gate is on the other end of the region, so it's far from his house, that's why Indra didn't go there to even check its rank.

"What about the monsters? What do they look like?"

<They look like humanoid crocodiles. The Hunters call them Lizardmen. Each one of them is 2.5 meters tall. We haven't seen the boss yet. They hold shields paired with big swords or spears.>

"Shit! We never saw them before. Alright, we'll contact and send all available hunters in our district. The Gate here has mysteriously closed just now, so the hunters tasked to attack it are free."

<Thank you. We will hold the enemies as best as we can so the citizens can evacuate safely.>

They close the call and quickly contact all the hunters in this district. Indra looks at the time and he should've gone home soon. But he surely can't just go home before making sure all those monsters that come out of the Gate die.

The problem is, he doesn't know how to get there because it's far, around 30 km from his current location. He surely has the strength to just run there, but it will take time and he is also tired now. If he runs, he won't have enough energy to fight.

Just then, he hears police & ambulance sirene which gives him an idea. Indra quickly runs to chase the police cars and ambulances. He knows those policemen & medics are sent to help with the evacuation and treat the injured.

Indra catches up quickly and he jumps to the side of an ambulance. He climbs to its top and lays flat there to avoid being seen. He is holding the sides of the car top as it speeds up to the location. Now he can rest for a while to reduce his fatigue so he can fight better.

The convoy arrives at the location in almost half an hour. They could be faster if not for the traffic caused by the evacuation process. The citizens are panicking and don't follow the officers' instructions properly, causing a lot of chaos everywhere.

Luckily, the military and hunters can somehow hold the defense line. Many hunters of different ranks have come to fight the monsters. Military weapons are not effective against the monsters, but they can help the hunters distract the monsters.

However, there are many of those monsters and they have high defense. Their scales are so tough that most of the hunters' attacks can't break through them. Indra senses 3 B-Rank hunters, but even they can't break through the Lizardmen's scales.

'No wonder the attack team failed. These guys are very tough.'

Indra looks around to find the boss, but it seems the boss hasn't come out of the Gate yet.

'Well, let's take care of the small fries first. Time to show the power of support.'

He doesn't plan to fight directly to avoid showing himself. Besides, he doesn't really need to fight directly. These hunters are enough to deal with the monsters after he does his part.

"Curse of Blindness! Curse of Weakness! Curse of Slowness!"

He casts debuff spells that have been maxed except for Curse of Blindness on the monsters. Curse of Blindness takes their eyesight for 2 minutes, Curse of Weakness reduces their strength by half, and Curse of Slowness takes their speed by half too.

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