55. World's S-Ranks

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Indra and Dewi finally arrive in Los Angeles, USA after a long flight. They are quickly taken to a 5 star hotel where they'll stay and discuss the raid. There are some S-Rank Hunters from other countries that arrive in the USA at the same time as them, so they move together.

On their way there, Indra has already sensed the massive magic power that leaks from the Gate from the airport. He keeps looking at the Gate's direction even though it can't be seen yet with all the tall buildings blocking it.

"What are you looking at, little bro?"

"The Gate, I feel that the magic power leaking from it is much higher than I thought."

"Ah, so the Gate is in that direction, huh? No wonder I feel anxious every time I look there. How is it compared to the A-Rank Gates we've raided?"

"It's like the sky and earth. Those A-Rank Gates are nothing compared to this S-Rank Gate. If an A-Rank Gate breaks in our place, then only a city will be destroyed at most. But I feel that if this S-Rank Gate breaks, then the whole of Bali will be destroyed and even Java if the monsters can cross the sea."

"That much?!"

"It's just my estimation based on the magic power leaked from this S-Rank Gate and the A-Rank Gates we've raided."

They talk in Indonesian, but of course, their assistant from the USA's Embassy in Indonesia understands what they say. The assistant thinks that Indra might be exaggerating, but if it's true, then it will truly be a disaster if the Hunters can't stop the monsters in the S-Rank Gate.

However, the assistant is very impressed by Indra who can feel the magic power leaking from the S-Rank Gate even though they are still far. He knows that Indra must be very sensitive to magic power because Dewi can't feel the Gate's magic power even though both of them are S-Ranks.

After 15 minutes, they finally arrive at the 5 star hotel that's surprisingly located very close to the S-Rank Gate. The Gate is on the same street as the hotel, so they can see it before entering the hotel. Dewi's eyes are very wide as she looks at the Gate's size.

"Such a massive Gate. We'll be able to see it from afar if not for the tall buildings around it."

Indra doesn't say anything and just follows the assistant to the hotel. He plans to inspect the Gate later after asking for permission. For now, he knows he needs to finish some formal procedures first.

A staff of the Federal Hunter Bureau welcomes them and guides them into the hotel. While walking to their rooms, they are told that the meeting for the raid will be held tonight in the hotel's conference room on the 2nd floor.

"Can I go to check the S-Rank Gate?"

"Excuse me?"

"I just want to see the Gate up close. Don't worry, I won't enter it before the scheduled raid."

"Uh, I'm sorry but I can't make a decision about it. I will ask my superior first and call you later."


Indra and Dewi get rooms next to each other. They don't bring much luggage, so they settle in their rooms quickly. Sometime later, Indra gets the permission to get closer to the Gate, and Dewi obviously joins him.

As he stands right in front of the S-Rank Gate, Indra can truly feel its massive magic power and it's just the leaking magic power from everything inside this Gate. It makes him understand how the raid for this Gate almost failed and only succeeded with a lot of sacrifices.

"Horrifying, isn't it? The magic power coming from this Gate makes those A-Rank Gates look like child's plays."

A man with short wavy brown hair who also looks at the Gate closely suddenly talks to Indra.

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