72. White Lion

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Before the raid, Indra upgrades the raid team's gears using his Rune Magic. He doesn't charge them, which makes them very grateful.

"Don't mind it. I need you guys to be stronger even if it's just a little."

"A little? Your magic literally increases our gears' powers a few times."

"But it's not that much in the face of the S-Rank dungeon's monster. Anyway, let's focus on the raid. We don't know what kind of monstrosity awaits us inside."

They enter the Gate with Dewi and Il Hwan holding big shields at the front to block any sudden attacks. These 2 aren't Tanks, but they surely can tank better than the S-Rank Tanks.

"Good, no monster at the entrance. Let's proceed."

They let the other Hunters enter while looking around the dungeon. It's a field type dungeon, a vast savanna with gigantic bushes and gigantic trees. It's just like another Africa in the dungeon.

"Dina, can you cut the bushes and trees?"

"Yes. But won't it be better to burn them?"

"The heat and smoke will hinder us."

"They will, but we can just stay near the entrance or even go out until everything is burnt, right?"

".... That's not a bad idea."

Dina's idea is certainly good. They need to clear the bushes and trees that obstruct their sight to avoid being ambushed by monsters.

"Dina is right. Burning them now is better because most of our Mages use Fire Magic. We will get trapped in fire if we don't burn them now. The monsters might also use Fire Magic, after all."

Il Hwan agrees with the idea and the others also think the same. So Indra buffs all the Mages including Dina who uses Wind Magic. Her Wind Magic strengthens Fire Magic, after all.

The Mages then shoot powerful Fire Magic in all directions. The bushes and trees are burning quickly. It doesn't take long for the savanna dungeon to turn into a sea of flame.

Indra uses his Barrier Magic to protect everyone as they watch the fire from the entrance. The barrier blocks all physical and magical energy from outside, so they don't feel the heat and the smoke can't enter the barrier too.

"It would be great if the fire just kills the monsters like this."

Everyone agrees with Dewi, but they all know that it won't happen. It's possible in low ranking dungeons, but it won't happen in an S-Rank dungeon full of S-Rank monsters like this.

The fire spreads rapidly and the burnt vegetation turns into ash quickly. They watch the dungeon burn before they suddenly hear an ear deafening roar.

Then they see some tornadoes that move around swiping the fire. The tornadoes suck the fire and the vegetation until the fire disappears.

"Seems like the monsters use Wind Magic. This is not good."

Almost all of their Mages are Fire Mages, so the Wind Magic will catch their fire and return it to them with stronger power if the Wind Magic is stronger.

"Don't worry too much. If all the Mages work together, we can surely overpower the monsters' Wind Magic. We also have my brother's buffs to strengthen our attacks."

"That's right. Besides, their Wind Magic will strengthen our Fire instead if we use it well."

While they are thinking about it, Indra and some of them who have strong senses suddenly feel some presence approaching.

After a while, they see 11 gigantic white White Lionesses come out of the bushes. The lionesses can't hide in the bushes anymore because the Hunters have burnt a lot of the bushes and trees.

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