1. Kiss The Damn Ring

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banyantuk I love you! Thank you for this idea and some wonderful face claim suggestions for Robert! This is for you!

"What did you name that soon to be vicious pup?" Ned pondered as he picked Rieka's pup up, the pup licked at his arms contently. 'Vicious." Ned mused as Rieka took her from Ned.

Rieka the eldest daughter and Twin of Robb, the most like Lyanna and Brandon combined, so of course she was trouble. Ned saw it too often in his precious Rieka. 

"Will be. She will be." Rieka assured. "I named her Avalon."

"Ah, Avalon a paradise." Ned agreed.

"Misconception." Rieka agreed. "Think shes a sweet little thing and then, bam attack!" Rieka held Avalon out and she wagged her tail, her tongue hanging out.

"Vicious." Ned repeated petting Avalon before kissing Rieka's head. "Dont stay up too late training your attack wolf." Ned instructed. Rieka smirked back at him.

"And keep the wolves out of the castle." Catelyn added and both Rieka and Ned gave her a pointed look. "They can stay outside, in the kennels."

"Shes just a baby." Rieka corrected. "It's so cold."


"You stay outside." Rieka corrected and Catelyn's jaw dropped. Rieka stood her ground. "She's a baby, if you can handle the harsh elements of the north then I would consider it. And if you didnt survive the elements-"

"Rieka Rose!" Catelyn shouted.

"-Then well I really dont have to worry about it." Rieka finished.

"Get out." Catelyn demanded.

"Love ya." Rieka called over her shoulder.

"Your daughter." Catelyn decided.

"Yeah, my daughter." Ned agreed. Rieka winked back at him before closing their door. 


'I see them coming, the riders!' Bran announced.

'How?' Catelyn questioned hands rooted on her hips, Bran looked up at her sheepishly. 'You were climbing, you said you wouldnt climb anymore.' Catelyn reminded him.

'I wont do it again.' Bran lied looking to his feet. Catelyn took a gentle hand and brought it to his chin.

'You know every time you look down I know you are lying.' Catelyn countered. 'Go on, line up... WHere is Rieka?" Catelyn looked to Robb. "Find your sister."

"SInce when am I her warden?" Robb countered.

"Must you be a thorn in my side as well?" Catelyn countered.

"Whos a thorn in your side mother dearest? Certainly not me, I'm an angel." Rieka declared. Catelyn rolled her eyes nudging her in line.

'Where is arya?' Ned questioned looking back to Jon and Theon stood in the second row. Jon shrugged, Ned's eyes drifted around looking for her when arya came running up with a guards helmet on her head.

'What are you doing?' Ned questioned, "where did you get that?' he pulled the helmet from arya's head and flattened her hair down. 'Go.' He told her pointing down the row of starks as the royal family approached. "Rieka-"

"Best behavior, yes mother gave me a long and excruciating talk about manners and not being a bitch anymore." Rieka agreed and Theon snorted a laugh. "Especially not while the royal family is here... then I can be my usually sassy self."

"I didnt use such language." Catelyn corrected.

"You wanted to." Rieka countered with a shrug. 

Robb watched as the Royal party rode into the courtyard of Winterfell. He looked at Sansa as the Prince Joffery rode forward, her face a daze of wow, hes the most handsome boy in the world. Rieka was already bored but Robb nudged her and she looked to Sansa smirking over at her. Sansas gaze was stuck on Joffrey though. Rieka bumped her hip into Robb nodding to Arya as she whispered to Sansa. Ned and his family bowed before him on their knees as Robert approached. Robb had to pull Rieka down.

Rare / Robert Baratheon / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now