19. Badge of Honor

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Use Me / Cersei Lannister out now!

"Rieka what are you-"

"A brothel? Is that what this palce is. Father-"

"Rieka go back to the castle and pack up." Ned instructed. "We are going home."

"What are you doing at a brothel?"

"My lord." Jory countered nodding to jaime approaching he pulled rieka behind him. He kept an arm wrapped back around her.

"Such a small pack of wolves."

"Stay back, Ser! This is the Hand of the King!" Jory demanded. Rieka tensed looking at the knights, they no longer seemed sexy as they stared down at them, deadly yet vacant expressions on their face. Like they were built to kill, no humanity. Rieka tensed, holding her breath. 

"Was!... the Hand of the King. Now I'm not sure what he is... Lord of somewhere very far away." Jaime corrected.

" What's the meaning of this, Lannister?" Petyr corrected, Jaime smirked back at him.

"Get back inside where it's safe. I'm looking for my brother. You remember my brother, don't you, Lord Stark? Blond hair, sharp tongue, short man." Jaime turned his gaze to Ned.

"I remember him well." Ned agreed.

"It seems he had some trouble on the road. You wouldn't know what happened to him, would you?" Jaime demanded.

"He was taken at my command to answer for his crimes." Ned lied. Jaime quickly drew his sword, causing a ripple effect and men on both sides drew theirs as well. "Rieka go with petyr. Go now."

"Where? In there? I will be raped." Rieka corrected.

"My lady please." Petyr extended a hand "My Lords! I'll bring the City Watch!" Petyr offered.

"Daddy..." rieka warned as jory released her getting ready for a fight.  Petyr pulled her back. 

" Come, Stark. I'd rather you die sword in hand." Jaime challenged

"If you threaten my Lord again..." Jory warned.

" Threaten? As in, "I'm going to open your Lord from balls to brains and see what Starks are made of"?"

"What's the matter with you?" Rieka shouted. Jaime cocked his head back at her. "My father didnt do anything he was here running this city." 

"Yet he just admitted to it, so... death it is."

"You kill me, your brother's a dead man." Ned countered.

"You're right." Jaime agreed calmly. "Take him alive! Kill his men!"

A fight erupted, first Jaime's men throw spears straight into the chests of two of Ned's men. Rieka screamed stumbling back as the men were propelled into the wall, blood seeping from their chests. She wasnt squeamish but these were people she knew, that had looked out for her back at winterfell, now they were being slaughtered before her eyes. 

Ned drew his sword and moved towards Jaime, fending off several guards in the process. Jory got to Jaime first. 

"No!" Rieka shouted trying to lunge forward but sandor grabbed her holding her back as jaime stabbed jory in the eye. "Put me down you behemoth!" 

"Why?" Sandor challenged. "So you can get killed to?" He pondered, he had been waiting for a whore when he heard shouts. He wasnt about to let Jaime or his men kill Rieka for the fun of it.  Rieka pulled from his grip moving to Jory, blood seeped from his eye, where his eye once was. She looked up to see her father fall, he dropped heavily to his knees and rieka sobbed out, to weak to rise up, a spear through his leg, Sandor put a hand on the hilt of his sword ready to block any blows that came her way. 

Rare / Robert Baratheon / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now