4. Challenge

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Castles Crumbling/ Helaena Targaryen/ Taelon Targaryen out now! 


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"So... little finger."

Rieka was surprised to find Robert Baratheon, the king, seeking her out to speak of her fictional love life.

"Um, yeah." Rieka agreed nodding along.

"And..." Robert laughed out. Rieka's eyes focused on his.


"He's not the kind of man a girl like you wants to marry."

" a girl like me. That would seem to reason that you know anything about me." She countered. "Which to be clear you don't."

" I know men like him. He won't make you happy." Robert corrected.

"And your unfortncate son, he will?" Rieka sassed. Catelyn's eyes went wide, how could she speak this way to the king about his own son?

"You are too good for my son." Robert agreed. "There is too much of Lyanna in you."

"My aunt." Rieka agreed. "My father says I'm more like my uncle Brandon at times." she added.

"I see it." Robert agreed calmly. She felt naked as he looked her at. She scratched at her head feeling uncomfortable under his gaze.

" your Grace if there is anything you might need please do not hesitate to ask." Catelyn coming up to them. She hoped her daughter wasn't making a fool of them and their name.

" I would like the lovely lady rieka to give me a tour while the men are getting ready for the Hunt." Robert decided.

"Oh perhaps I-" catelyn countered taking a step forward.

" come along future lady Baelish." Robert instructed.

" don't worry, mother," she spun around to face her as she walked backwards to catch up with the king. " I will be on my best behavior." she gave her mother a salute and spun around.

" too bad." Robert said matter of factly.

" what is?" Rieka countered.

" I don't want you on your best behavior, girl."

He was old as old as her father, and yet he was looking at her as though she was a possible candidate a legitimate suit for him . Which was ridiculous because he was married, and his eldest delinquent son was only four years younger than her.

"Your father always spoke highly of you and your twin over the years. Last I saw you-"

"I was a child with pig tails?" Rieka pondered.

"I believe you were wrestling with the older boys." He recalled.

"Sounds like me." Rieka admitted.

"You had mud on your dress and said to me move it old man you're blocking my way." Robert recalled.

" sounds like me." She repeated.

" asked your father about you and he rolled his eyes, saying I swear Brandon was reincarnated some days and placed into my wonderful daughter"

" that would be his luck." She agreed.

" I knew you were special. I wish my own son had as much energy and spunk as you."

" I hope you don't mind me saying it's really none of my business, but your children are very blonde."

" my unfortunate wife is very blonde." he answered.

" but you see my thoughts are you know... usually history states that path have always had thick black hair."

" and Lannister have had blonde. What's your point girl?"

" you want to pretend like you know me, but if you knew me at all, he would know I like to push peoples buttons and cause chaos and drama where there isn't any. But you see now I got you thinking, didn't I? "

" my wife does it she pleases and I do as I please it's a good relationship. I can take as many lovers as I want." Robert added. Looking her over with great interest she knew what he was thinking so very casually she reminded him

" I'm half your age ans betrothed to another don't look at me like that." Rieka declared.

" how am I looking at you?" he pondered his eyes raking over her still

" like you wanted to devour me, it's unsettling." and at the same time so tempting. Rieka decided. Robert smirked running his tongue over his teeth.

"Your lips say one thing but i bet if i put my hand on your chest i would feel your racing heart beating with the anticipation of me touching you." Robert corrected.

"Touch me and my father will kill you. Even if you are the king." Rieka corrected calmly and factually. Robert just laughed.

"I dont care what your father wants. What do you want trouble?" Robert questioned. Rieka sucked in a breath and roberts gaze shifting to her rising chest didnt go unnoticed, maybe he wanted her to know. To know she was the object of his desire.

"Come on Rie!" Bran declared. Rieka nodded taking a step back from robert.

"I know what I want." Rieka agreed.

"Yet if you were to tell me now what you want, you would surely lie to me." Robert countered.

" you sound awfully certain." Rieka countered.

" then tell me the truth." Robert challenged " What do you want?"

" to go climbing with my little brother. that's not a lie."

Rare / Robert Baratheon / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now