6. Love Yous

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'A sword for the wall?' Jaime questioned coming up to Jon.

'I already have one.' Jon told him

'Good man have you used it yet?' Jaime questioned looking over jon

'Of course I have.' Jon said.

'At someone I mean...' Jaime smirked. 'it's a strange thing the first time you cut a man.' Jamie told him. Rieka was sick of Lannistes how was she going to last a moon trapped with them just to meet petyr and tell him the dreadful lies she declared. All while Robert was giving her the most seductive glances that made her stomach turn. She didn't like what he represented. He was a drunk whore. She wanted nothing to do with him. Robert Baratheon wouldn't ruin her.

'when you realize we are nothing but sacks of meat flesh blood... Let me thank you ahead of time for protecting us from the powers against the wall Wildlings and white walkers and what not.' Jaime mused, 'the great wall could use good men like you protecting it.' Jamie said pulling Jons hand closer before letting him go

'We have guarded the kingdom for 8000 years.' Jon reminded him

'Is it we already?' Jaime questioned 'have you taken your vows then?'

'Soon enough' Jon answered

'Give my regards to the nights watch I'm sure they will be willing to serve such an elite force and if not... It's only for life.' Jamie added walking away.

"Lannisters are cunts." Rieka declared loudly and Jaime glanced back at her. She blew him a sarcastic kiss. "I said what I said. Stop tormenting Jon or I will give you a war you wont believe." And for a moment jaime thought Rieka knew what he had done but she turned back around to Jon not a word more to Jaime.


'Better looking bitches than your used to uncle." Joffrey remarked snidely as he looked down at Tyrion laying in the kennels. Avalon growled at Joffrey and he flinched back. Tyrion looked up to him with distaste as he brushed himself off. 'Mother was looking for you. We ride for Kings Landing today.' Joffrey told Tyrion, sandor told a dutiful servant behind Joffrey. Tyrion looked to Avalon as she passed a protective pup. A good sense of character too aparently.

'Before you go you will call upon the Lord and Lady Stark and offer them your deepest sympathies' Tyrion told him

'What good are my sympathies?' Joffrey sneered.

'None but it is expected of you, your absences already been noted.' Tyrion told him.

"You have a loyal pup." Robert noted. Rieka turned to him

"I do. She would kill for me if commanded." Rieka agreed and it only made roberts smirk grow.

"I would love to see that. You should come hunting with us on the journey south. I would love to see you down and dirty." Robert declared.

"Im sure you would but that would be inappropriate."

"Nonsense. Just a hunt. Whats inappropriate about that?"

"Ladies are supposed to-"

"Oh excuse me little lady. When did you become a proper lady?" Robert laughed out. "Overnight? Because last we spoke-"

"Yeah yeah," rieka murmured heading off. Rieka could sense Roberts eyes on her.

"Woah Rieka," ned declared as she charged into him. "Sweetie?"

"Sorry dad," she whispered hugging him.

"Whats wrong? What happened?" Ned questioned.

"Nothing." Robert was neds best friend she couldnt tell him that robert was making passes at her and that some of the time she didnt mind it. She had to keep reminding herself that robert was an awful human being that was married to a woman that hated him but still married and always smelling of ale and cheap perfumes. "Just wish i didnt- we!- didnt have to go while bran is like this."

Rare / Robert Baratheon / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now