3. Decline

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Wish you the best / Jaime lannister/ Tywin lannister out now!

"Is this your first time in the North, Your Grace?' Catelyn asked in desperation to make a good impression on the royal family.

'Yes. Lovely country.' Cersei said blandly.

'I'm sure it's very grim, after Kings Landing. I remember how scared I was when Ned brought me up here for the first time.' Catelyn went on.

"What are you- why are you?"

"Come with me." Sansa begged pulled Rieka along. "I'm nervous and want to make a good impression."

"On what? You are little miss perfect, everyone says so, it used to be irritating but now I dont care. I'm the fun one, you are the proper and Arya is the wild. It works for us." Rieka declared.

"I want to impress the queen of course, I love Joffrey already." Sansa declared and Rieka snorted a laugh. "Rieka?"

"What?" Rieka countered. "Him? Gods...." She murmured.

"I heard father talking of unions and it must be for me and Joff right?" Sansa declared and Rieka paled. "I mean you are far too old... I didnt mean-" Sansa spun to her nervously.

"No, you are right. I am far too old." Rieka agreed. "I might as well be an old spinster." She added and sansa nodded distractedly. "Rude." Rieka added giving her little sister a pointed look. "You two would be great together."

"I think so too." Sansa agreed. Sansa approached the front table, pulling Rieka with her and as Riekas was suddenly angry, was this the thing father had wanted to tell her while Sansa smiled shyly up at Cersei.

'Hello, little dove. But you are a beauty. How old are you?' Cersei questioned and Sansa's little heart fluttered.

'Thirteen, Your Grace.' She answered

'You're tall. Still growing?' Cersei questioned

'I think so, Your Grace.' Sansa said confused. Roberts eyes found rieka and she quickly looked away. She kept her head held high but she didnt like the seductive look he was giving her.

' And have you bled yet?' Cersei questioned and sansa stared at her mother clearly discomfited by the questioned but Catelyn nodded for her to answer. Rieka scowled back at her, personal questions for a woman you just fucking met, but yeah, lets talk monthly bleedings Rieka thought with disgust.

'No, Your Grace.' Sansa told her, Cersei nodded stiffly.

'And your dress. Did you make it?' Cersei went on and Sansa was to nervous to speak she nodded. 'Such talent. You must make something for me.' Sansa nodded happily. Rieka was ready to walk away but the queen spoke to her and damnit she hated the look her mother gave her. The be good and talk to the queen, the best manners look. Rieka thought Catelyns eyes were going to bugger out of her eyes, as the vein popped in her neck knowing that Rieka was not one to hold her tongue.

"And you, Riekki?" Cersei questioned.

"Rieka." She corrected sternly. Cersei offered a pinched smile. "Great, thanks for the talk." Rieka agreed as she turned but Catelyn coughed out desperately.

"How old are you.. Rieka?" Cersei questioned snottily.

"17, almost 18. Next moon actually. Robb and I are going to have a-" Rieka began but her mothers pinched face begged for silence. "-Party, full blown booze and babes as Theon declared it." Catelyn looked completely horrified.

"That sounds..." Cersei began.

"Like a hell of a night." RIeka agreed trying to leave again. Robert laughed out downing another cup of ale. Riekas gaze shifted to him momentarily.

Rare / Robert Baratheon / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now