14. Strangulation

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The man / Khal drogo out now

Houdini/ aemond / laenor out now!

"Where's Arya?" Ned questioned.

"At her dancing lessons. The Knight of the Flowers." Sansa's attention quickly turned as Loras Tyrell made his way to her. "Thank you, Ser Loras."

"Where did Rieka go?" Ned added glancing around. "She was right..." 

"Shut up, thats not right, it cant be." Rieka declared. 

"It is." Robert corrected. "You calling me a liar."

"I'm saying I dont believe it." Rieka clarified. 

"You should, I was skilled in my prime." 

"And you are not in your prime so you are not skilled anymore?" Rieka taunted. Robert laughed out waving a dismissive hand at the pomp and circumstance before them. 

"You havent seen me in action kitten." 

"I'm a wolf, not a little lion like your wife." Rieka corrected. 

"You are my trouble." RObert agreed. 

"Your trouble?" Rieka countered. 

"Mine." Robert rasped making Rieka's mouth go dry. 

'Such a shame little finger it would've been so nice for you to have a friend.' Renly told him.

'And tell me Renly when will you be having your friend?' Petyr taunted Pointing to loras before turning back to sansa and Ned. 'Loras knew his horse was in heat.' Petyr told sansa.

'He would never do that there is no honor in that in honor in tricks.' Sansa assured him.

'No honor but quite a bit of gold' Petyr told her leaning back but Gregor was not happy about it he threw down his helmet screaming out as Loras approached the victor.

'Sword!' Gregor screamed 

"Robert do something." Rieka demanded as Sandor jumped forward to protect the little Tyrell. Loras looked like a dwarf compared to the clegane men. 

"ENOUGH!" Robert shouted getting up. "In the name of the king!" Sandor dropped down to one knee and Gregor growled in outrage marching off. "FUcks sake that man." 

"He's got a temper." Rieka agreed. "If you ever want to get rid of your wife you need to get Gregor on your side."

"What makes you think..." Robert stopped himself. "Go on," he encouraged. 

"I know you too Robert." Rieka informed him. "i know what you want."

"I want you, I have made that quite clear." Robert agreed. 

"Buy the mountain." Rieka suggested. "Buy the hound, turn them to your side." 

"How?" Robert countered as the field was cleared. 

"Call them by their names for starters." RIeka suggested. "People like that. Shows respect." 

"What else?" Robert drawled. 

"It is obvious that your death or the queens is inevitable." Rieka admitted. "My guess is that it will be by each others hands."

"Cerise would never get her hands dirty." Robert corrected. 

"Maybe not but," Rieka shrugged. "She has people to do her dirty work." Robert sighed looking to Joffrey whining about a bug bite. "Are you sure he's your son?" Rieka mused. Robert watched joffrey with narrowing eyes. "He's such a wimp, must get that from Cersei, a cry baby."

"Must." Robert agreed. 


'I have been grandmaster for many years. Kings and hands I've often come to me for advice.' Pycelle informed him.

'What did he want?' Ned pushed

'He came in inquiring after a book.'

'A book?' Ned questioned 'what book?'

'I fear it would be a little less interest to you my Lord it was just a tome.'

'No I would like to read it' ned assured him

'The images in history of the great houses of the seven kingdoms.'

"Your sister is something else," Robert remarked glancing to arya standing on one foot. Rieka shook her head. 

"She's certainly original." Rieka agreed. 

"What are you- who are you looking for?" Robert questioned seeing Rieka's wandering gaze. 

"My father, he was supposed to bring me to the lower city." Rieka answered. 

"Why would you want to go down there?" Robert countered. 

"Why not? I explored the regions of the north, any land I could. I promised my father i wouldnt go without a chaperone at least for a little while until I know my way around." Rieka informed him. 

"Then let me be your guide." Robert declared. 

'The seed is strong? What does that mean?' Ned questioned.

'Dying minds, a demented mind for all awake the last words are usually as significant as the first words.' Pycelle assured him.

'And you are quite certain that he died of natural elements?' Ned went on, unconvinced.

'What else could it be?'

'Poison?' ned offered

'That's a disturbing thought no no I don't think it likely. The hand was loved by all.' Pycelle informed him

'Poison is a woman's weapon.''

"If you were to kill someone how would you do it?" Robert questioned. 

"I would use one of sansa's knitting needles." Rieka decided. 


"Why ask?" Rieka countered. 

"Why knitting needles? I'm just curious- you had answer without hesitation. SHould I be worried?"

"I dont know should you?" Rieka countered. 

"Why knitting needles?" Robert urged. 

"Because no one would think it was me, i wouldnt be caught dead knitting. Get out of jail free pass, right there. Knitting needles? What are those, BAM BAM BAM!" She pounded a fist against his chest. He trapped her hand against his chest. "What about you?"

"Strangulation." Robert answered he brought a hand to her neck and gave a little squeeze, rieka smiled and Robert knew he was in trouble. The kind of woman that smiled at the danger, her life in his hands and she wasnt afraid, she wanted more. 

Rare / Robert Baratheon / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now