25. I Promise

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" you're joking, right?"

" The Lost Boys of Robert Baratheon." Rieka corrected. Gendry hesitated glancing into the chambers. He never had a chamber like this. " most of the ones that jon arryn track down a little, but you are clearly not little. And I figured you'd want your own space and something more elegant."

" this is for me?"

" don't get too excited. You'll have to go to lessons and learn all the noble houses and all the boring nonsense that I have to suffer through because you are a partial prince and if I had to suffer and I'm just a lady and you definitely need to sit through lessons."

" I can't read very well." Gendry admitted.

" that's OK you can learn. I'm sure my sister would love to teach you. She's a snotty know it all and in need of a new prince for her to fall madlyin love with." Rieka decided. Gendry stared back at her horrified. " I'm mostly kidding."

" The Lost Boys of Robert Baratheon." Robert remarked with a hearty laugh.

" you're opening an orphanage in the castle?" Ned questioned his daughter. When she took in Henry, she had a plan. She need to make sure it was a doable plan before she went and collected all the bastards and brought them to the castle.

" I was thinking ahead."

" she's smart one she was thinking of the future as am i. "

" Robert, you are the king-"

" yes thank you for acknowledging that."

" know that I dont agree with everything you do." Ned assured. " but maybe you were right and maybe my stubborn daughter is right too."

" I'm always right you should know that by now." Rieka agreed.

" your mother will want to be here, your brothers too."

" here for what?" she countered confused

"A wedding. If that something you still wanted to do, but-" because of course they had to be a but, -nothing said before the word but really counted or matted. It was like a veto of what was previously said- a speculation of some sort of stipulation to their happiness. " Robert has yet to ask for your hand so you might want to do that now i mught possibly say yes this time.."

"Eddard stark it is a rare thing for a woman to bring me to my knees so easily, but your daughter has done that she makes me a better man a better person and she's going to make this castle a better place. I will treat her as a queen should be treated, and I love her even more than you love your dear beloved catelyn." Robert assured. " may I have your blessing to marry rieka Rose Stark?" Ned smiled

"No." he answered. " glad we can get that out of the way.."

" father!"

" I said I might possibly say yes I didn't say I would say yes." Ned reminded her.


" you really want this? To him?"

" you act as though he's a monster, he's your best friend." Rieka reminded him.

" he's just so old."

" I'm here older than you. What does that make you?" Robert challenged.

" mature." Ned answered as rieka headed off. "Rieka where are you-"

" I'm going to write to mother and tell her that I'm getting married and everyone needs to make their way down from Winterfell immediately. I won't tell her to who. She think it's Petyr baelish. They'll get here in double time it'll be great."

"Ned dont deprive me of happiness." Robert begged. "I fell for her and she for me. I will treat her right."

"My son could live in the castle?"

" i'm having a dozen rooms, cleaned out and prepared for the children."

" for the children, but not for us."

" I haven't gotten that far yet... I would never want to separate any of you from your children How much do you actually get to see them? What kind of life can you give them here?"

" would we be able to visit?"

" of course you're still the mother." Rieka confirmed. " for the children, they didn't have any part in this. They don't deserve to live in a brothel."

" of the other children that aren't as lucky to have Baratheon in their blood?"

Rieka glanced to a woman with a little red headed girl.

" she's going to end up like us if she stays here. The men are already looking at her like she's something to be taken... could you take her? I was never meant to be mother if she stays any longer I'll start giving in.  The men offer a pretty penny for her.... It's a shame to admit that I'd invaded it."

" it's awful." Rieka corrected. "Is she yours?"

" no but I promised I would look out for her."

" what happened to her mother?"

" ran off. We assume she's lying dead somewhere."

" what's your name?"

"Lena." She whispered.

"Hownold are you lena?"

"Im seven." She answered.

" do you like cake lena?"

" I don't know that I've ever had cake."

" that right there is a crime we must fix immediately." Rieka decided reaching out a hand the whire nudged lena forward.

" would you like to go to the castle?"

" does the castle have cake?"

" oh yes, lots of it. Really too much to eat come on let's fill your belly."

"Thank you lady Stark." The woman called out. " you will keep her safe, won't you?"

I suppose I'm going to have to change the name... rieka realized as she smiled down at the little girl.

" I promise."

Rare / Robert Baratheon / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now