16. Tainted Maiden

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"You drive me crazy." Robert declared. Rieka smiled back at him covered in a layer of dirt.

"Oh this does it for you?" She teased. "We should go for a tumble more often," she added running a hand down his chest.

"We should." Robert agreed. He looked her over before nodding to the bath. "Get cleaned up." Rieka hesitated but he turned around and walked to the balcony pulling the curtains closed. She pulled at her dirty clothes throwing them aside. She wanted robert to want her and all muddy wasnt the look she was going for. Especially not if he was going to see her naked.

There was a certain vulnerability that came with sharing yourself so completely with someone. One that rieka had never cared to explore before but she felt safe with Robert. 

"Stunning." He whispered as she came out of the water. Her breasts heaved just under the surface.

"Join me." She said boldly. He moved to her slowly stripping his clothes, she had never seen a cock before, it was weird, she didnt think she wanted that near her but then he kissed her. 

It suddenly seemed strange to her, the whole idea of sex, of putting a part of oneself into someone else...but it also felt natural...logical...so intensely right with his lips on hers. 

She squeezed her hand between their bodies and cupped his hard cock

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She squeezed her hand between their bodies and cupped his hard cock. He let loose with a half groan, half growl before grabbing her by the hips and pushing against her from the front. He released her hair and snagged her wrists and held them out to the side, her palms pressed against the bath tub, so she couldn't touch him as he rocked against her. She needed to feel him against her core. What she wouldn't give to wrap her legs around his lean hips.

"The things you do to me." Robert whispered releasing her hands and moving his own to drag and caress along her wet skin. 

"And I heard the most awful rumor about a certain lord with a taste for fresh cadavers. Must be enormously difficult to accommodate that inclination. The logistics alone... to find beautiful corpses before they rot." Varys added. 

"Strictly speaking, such a thing would not be in accordance with the King's laws." Petyr answered.

"Strictly speaking." Varys agreed.

" Tell me. Does someone, somewhere, keep your balls in a little box? I've often wondered." Petyr pondered.

" Do you know, I have no idea where they are? And we had been so close. But enough about me. How have you been since we last saw each other?"

" Since you last saw me or since I last saw you?"

" Now the last time I saw you, you were talking to the Hand of the King." Varys informed him.

" Saw me with your own eyes?" Petyr countered cautiously.

" Eyes I own."

"Is it a boy?" Ned questioned Rieka jumped. 

"Father dont sneak up on me." She begged. 

"I'm sorry, I was just waiting for you, you had me worried."

"I went for a swim... clearly." She gestured to her wet hair and hoped her didnt see past her lies. She hated lying to him but she knew he wouldnt understand. 

"When do I get to meet this boy that has captured your heart?"

"Dad," RIeka groaned. "It's no one." Clearly she was a shit liar.

"It's not." Ned countered. "Someone has- it is just a friend?"

"He's no one." Rieka grumbled. He's married and your best friend and I just had his cock inside me and I'm so totally fucked. "It's nothing." 

"Oh RIeka," Ned sighed. 

"What?" RIeka countered he sighed heavily. 

"Sweetie listen," Ned began. 

"I didn't ask for your advice." Rieka countered quickly. 

"But I'm offering it anyway. It's universal. Friend or date or husband or acquaintance, if a guy doesn't make you important in his life, then you're not important to him." Ned told her. "But you are important to me, dont let this boy use you."

"He's not." Rieka countered. 

"Then why can't you tell me about him?"

"Because- Because... he is betrothed to another." Rieka declared. "And I like him but I can't have him so we are just friends." Rieka demanded, it was a half lie but Ned bought it. "So can we not talk about it? Please." 

"I'm sorry sweetie, who is this boy? Maybe I could speak to-"

"No." RIeka demanded. "It's fine. The capital isnt forever, I will be home at winterfell before you know it." 

"Why is that? I thought you liked it here." 

"Because I have a way of self sabotaging." 

And running out on Robert leaving him wanting more was certainly a bad idea, but she wasnt ready for more. She was a tainted maiden. 

Rare / Robert Baratheon / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now