7. Bold

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'This is country!' Robert said happily 'who am I to leave them all behind?'

'I have half a mind to go with you' ned informed him as they eat out in the open air. Ned saw Rieka staring at a little box, he figured it was from Robb, her name day was fast approaching. He hated that they would be travelling for it. Hated that she wouldnt be with her twin for her 18th name day.

'What do you say just you and me on the Kings Road... you and me a couple of whores at are sides and Tavern winches... something to warm our beds tonight!' Robert informed him jollily. Ned turned his gaze back to Robert as he laughed out.

'If you would've asked me 20 years ago,' Ned joked.

'There were wars to fight and women to marry,' Robert said begrudgingly 'I never had the chance to be young and what a shame that was," Robert added following his gaze to Rieka, he licked at his lips. 

''What were your chances?'

''Oh there was that one,' Robert chuckled 'what was her name Becca? With the great big tits you could bury your face in,' Robert remembered happily.

'Bessie,' ned corrected 'she was one of yours.'

'Bessie thank God for Bessie and her tits!'

'Yours was Eliana, meriyln, no the bastards mother...' Robert began.

'Lila.' Ned lied.

'That's right must've been a rare wench to make Lord Eddard stark forget his honor. You never told me what she looked like.' Robert remarked.

'Nor will I' ned said softly.

"Hey boys," Rieka cooed making her way to them. "What are you up to?" she picked at fathers plate. "You get a fancy set up over here and I'm eating while sitting on the dirt like a commoner?" Rieka tsked nudging her father over. Robert chuckled picking up his glass. 

"We are talking business Rie." Ned informed her. 

"Nonsense, I heard too much laughter for business." Rieka corrected. 

"Go on." Ned corrected, she grabbed his bread as she headed off. 

"You didnt have to send her away." Robert remarked, watching Rieka head off, he did love to watch her go though. 

'Do I frighten you so much girl?' sandor questioned sansa didn't answer, 'or is it him that's making a shake? He frightens me to look at that face.' Sandor teased nodding to Illyn Payne. Rieka looked to Sansa, her nervous little face and jumped up, Rieka to the rescue. Rieka to the not rescue, she yawned out bored as Avalon snatched the bread from her fingers with skill and stealth. 

'I'm sorry if I offended you sir.' Sansa said sheepishly he only stated at her, a deep frown on his face as he walked past them. 'Why won't he speak to me?' Sansa questioned sandor.

'He hasn't been talkative the last 20 years since the mad king had his tongue cut out.' Sandor informed her

"So all bite and no bark." Rieka mused and Sandor chuckled nodding. "I almost got Sandor to smile, wouldnt that be something?" Rieka declared. "You know how to smile?" Sandor's face straightened. "We will work on it." she assured. 

"Dont." Sandor begged. 

'He speaks well with his sword though.' Joffrey remarked and sansa smiled turning to him all the horrors forgotten for Joffrey. Rieka groaned faking a gag, there was that almost smile sandor kept doing around her.

"I will get you to smile." RIeka remarked. "It's a new goal, my MISSION!- and I take missions seriously."

"Good luck." Sandor agreed.

'serving the kings justice... he is the royal executioner.' he clarified 'what is it my sweet girl? Does the hound frighten you?' Joffrey asked, concern in his voice. 'Away with your dog you're scaring my lady.' Sandor tipped his head leaving.

"What a dick." Rieka muttered.

"You think little finger is any better?" Sandor countered.

"Is he worse? I dont think anyone is worse then Joffrey and I barely know him." Rieka remarked.

"Just you wait girl."

'We were at war,' Robert reminded him 'we didn't know we were gonna go back home again don't be so hard on yourself you always have been. I swear if I weren't your king you would've hit me already.' Robert told him.

'Worst thing about your coronation, is I'll never get to hit you again.' Ned joked

'Trust me that's not the worst thing.' He handed him over a scroll 'there's a rider in the night.' Ned read it over

'Daenerys Targaryen has wed some Dothraki soldier...'

'what of it?' Ned read it over again 'Did you send her a wedding gift?' ned questioned.

'A knife perhaps, a sharp one and a bold man to wield it.' Robert said taking along drink from his glass

'She is barely a child' Ned reminded him.

'Soon enough that child will spread her legs and start breeding,' Robert reminded him

'Tell me we are not speaking of this?' Ned began, Danaerys was barely a year younger then his own Rieka and Robb. Barely older then Jon by but a few moons he supposed.

'Oh is it unspeakable to you?' Robert countered 'What happened to your family was unspeakable what Rhaegar Targaryen did to your sister, the woman I loved, I will kill every Targaryen I get my hands on.' Robert threatened. "This one has surfaced."

'You can't get your hands on this one' Ned noted seriously, and another Targaryen he would never touch because he was safe... far, far away.

"You got a sweet pup." Sandor remarked as Rieka turned her gift in her hands still.

"Thanks, she is a sweetie, deadly but a sweetie." Rieka agreed.

"Rip my throat out would she?" Sandor mused.

"If I wasnt here, possibly." Rieka agreed and Sandor looked up to see if she was serious, she made no indication that she was joking. "Is the capital really awful?"

"Smoke and shit." Sandor agreed.

"Great." Rieka muttered. "And Petyr?"

"Runs some damn good brothels." Sandor remarked.

"Great." Rieka muttered.

"The king is quite fond of his selection of women too."

"Our king everybody." Rieka agreed. "He doesnt seem so terrible." She added cautiously. 


"The king." She answered.  Sandor scoffed. 

"What would you know, girl?"

"Thats why I'm asking." She agreed. "He's... nice to me."

"Because he wants to fuck you." Sandor answered. 

"I'm 20 years younger than him, thats crazy." Rieka countered. 

"Aye and I'm ten years olders than you, yet I want to fuck you too." Sandor informed her. 

"Bold." Rieka answered. "But the king is married."

"To a woman he hates, I have seen the way he looks at you. Surprised honestly he hasnt taken you already." 

"Rape me you mean." Rieka scoffed. 

"He is the type." 

"He's not like that with me, he's... kind."

"Sure, until he wants something you dont want to give him." 

Rieka didnt want to believe the man she had begun to know could be like that.

Rare / Robert Baratheon / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now