10. Petyr

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The Hype / Gendry Waters / Rieka Stark out now!

Getting to the capital ned wanted to get to work. They had already wasted so much time. Ned asked if rieka could tend to her sisters get them settled and he would join them as soon as he could. Rieka agreed glad to not be surrounded and stuck with the traveling party. Meanwhile Robert had to deal with petyr.

"Lady rieka." Petyr declared. He was eager to meet rieka after all word of their engagement had met his ears and he thought this couldnt be better. She had chosen him over joffrey.

Rieka looked petyr over he wasnt terrible to look at. He had a nice smile. Slim build. He could do. She didnt want to marry him but if she was stuck in her lies at least he was pretty to look at. Look at her sounding as vain as sansa.

"Rieka." Robert countered. Petyr hesitated. Robert was not a man to mess with when sober or not. Petyr took a step back as rieka looked between them. "Go get settled." Robert instructed. "I need a moment with this one."

"Okay." Rieka drawled confused but headed off with arya and Avalon yipping at her feet.

"Your grace. I suspect the trip went accordingly." Petyr offered.

"It did." Robert agreed.

"Well then if there is nothing else..." petyr waited as robert assessed him. " if you will excuse me-" robert cleared his throat taking a step closer.

"Heres what we are going to do." Robert declared a smug smile on his face as he cornered petyr.

"Do?" Petyr questioned

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"Do?" Petyr questioned.

"Rieka stark and your... engagement thats never going to happen. I talked with my dear pal Ned and he agrees you are slim." Robert agreed. "Not good enough for our rieka so you can go crawl back into your little sex dens and leave rieka alone. Forever."

"Your grace i dont understand-"

"You are not marrying my rieka. Get that through your head little finger." Robert barked marching off.

"My rieka?" Petyr rasped watching him go with a new curiosity.

"You ended my fake union?" Rieka questioned. More demanded of the king when he found her to tell her the good news

"You dont care for him in this soul deep level." Robert informed her as if he knew her heart. Riekas breath caught in her chest.

Robert chuckled leaning back and looking her over.

"Fake union?" Robert demanded. Rieka smirked turning on the balls of her feet. "I think the words you are looking for is thank you your grace!" Rieka turned back to him and gave her very best curtsy

"Thank you Robert." And with that she pranced off.

"It is done now smile Ned!" Robert declared

"You should be at those meetings Robert." Ned countered as they walked.

Rare / Robert Baratheon / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now