5. Beautiful

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"You look so beautiful

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"You look so beautiful." Robert remarked and rieka didnt know what to say. He was a man known for drinking and fuckingnhis way through life. Maybe he wanted to fuck her because he couldnt have lyanna.

"With tears streaming down my face?" Rieka countered softly.

"Yes." Robert liked the vulnerability there was in someone on the brink of breaking. How she let down her seemingly impenetrable shields. "What happened to your brother was a tragedy." Robert added woefully. " if there's anything you need... I'm here for you."

" thank you but I just need him to wake up."

When Bran fell if the world stood still. The wolves circled him howling out. Catelyn screamed at the top of her lungs as she felt to her knees before him. Rieka couldn't breathe as she stared down at her baby brother so broken.

No one knew what happened but it had been days of tears and prayers for bran to wake up.

Maybe if rieka hadnt been distracted by roberts seductive tone and roaming eyes she would have been more focused on bran but he was always a better climber than her. She was best with a bow and arrow. All the what ifs ran through her mind as robb held her telling her everything would be alright. It had to be.

"Im here," robert assured reaching out for her as robb came up wrapping a protective arm around his twin sister.

"Mother was asking for you Rie," robb whispered kissing her temple. "Hello your grace."

"Robb." He answered.

"Rieka, mum." Robb reminded her but her eyes were locked on robert.

"Best not keep your mother waiting." Robert agreed. "We can talk later." Rieka nodded, robert looked forward to it.

"Oh Rieka darling when you leave for the capital-"

"Im not going." rieka corrected.

"The king personally requested you and after your declarations..."

"What were you thinking!" Ned shouted slamming the door behind him. Rieka hushed him.

"Shhhh!" She demanded. "Bran is sleeping!"

"We havent spoke of petyr..." catelyn added calmly. 

 "Hey daddio, just so you know you are my favorite and I love you and dont kill me." Rieka begged.

"Did he honestly propose?" Catelyn shouted. 'Petyr? Did he propose to you!"

"That is what I said didnt I?" She murmured.

"Rieka let me see it." NEd demanded. "Where is this proposal? Gods, you know I am in charge of you and I say no."

"Did he propose?" Catelyn demanded.

"He didnt propose." Rieka assured her. "I just couldn't marry joffrey. I did a little fib, just a fib."

"Rieka." Catelyn sneered.


"Thats my name dont wear it out." Rieka agreed trying to lighten the mood but she was failing. 

"Rieka Rose Stark!"

"Full name, you're in trouble." Rickon remarked peering in.

"Go to bed!" Catelyn pointed a commanding finger back at Rickon.

"Good luck Rie." Rickon whispered running down the hall.

"Thanks... I need it." Rieka whispered.

"Rieka truth, now." Catelyn demanded.

"I'm not marrying that cunt of a prince. Sansa likes him she can him." Rieka declared. "Win, win-"

"Lose!" Catelyn corrected. "The king thinks you are wed to petyr and then what happens when you get to the capital? Your story falls apart and the king thinks the starks, people of honor and honesty are a bunch of liars!"

"Not my proudest moment."

"You are not marrying Petyr Baelish." Ned demanded. 

"I'm not marrying Joffrey either." Rieka declared. "Lets just say I'm barren and no man will touch me with a ten foot pole-"


Rieka pulled the door open closing it behind her she wasnt looking- wasnt expecting anyone to be there and stumbled into the king. He let out a long breath as he looked down at the spilled wine on his shirt.

"Dont apologize." Robert instructed wiping a hand down his chest. Rieka hesitated a sassy remark on the tip of her tongue. Robert smiled licking his lips. "Dont hold back."

"You are the king." Rieka corrected. "My sharp tongue could be considered treasonous at times."

"Maybe thats what I like about you." Robert agreed. 

"I'm going to be hand of the king... Sansa is engaged to Joffrey and Rieka is going to meet Petyr Baelish." Ned grumbled. "Meet him and I will squash the union instantly, it will seem as though-"

"Jon must go," Catelyn declared.

"He and Robb are close," Ned said. "I had hoped ..."

"He cannot stay here," Catelyn said, cutting him off. "He is your son, not mine. I will not have him." Ned would do Jon no kindness by leaving him here at Winterfell without him. The look Ned gave her was anguished all the same.

"You know I cannot take him south. There will be no place for him at court. A boy with a bastard's name ... you know what they will say of him. He will be shunned." Catelyn armored her heart against the mute appeal in her husband's eyes.

"They say your friend Robert has fathered a dozen bastards himself." Catelyn declared her face pinched.

"And none of them has ever been seen at court!" Ned blazed. "The Lannister woman has seen to that. How can you be so damnably cruel, Catelyn? He is only a boy. He—" His fury was on him. He might have said more, and worse, but Maester Luwin cut in.

"Another solution presents itself," he said, his voice quiet among their shouts. "Your brother Benjen came to me about Jon. It seems the boy aspires to take the black." Ned looked shocked.

"He asked to join the Night's Watch?"

"Dont tell me you actually care for the child?" Cersei hissed as robert got dressed.

"Knock next time." Robert countered.

"Why are you changing? " cersei countered before noticing the wine on his discarded shirt. "Of course you are drunk."

" it takes quite a lot to get me drunk." He corrected. " if you must know, I was trying to be a decent human being. Bring the grieving mother some wine." Robert answered. "It spilled."

"I saw you with rieka."


"Shes a child robert." Cersei demanded.

"Shes sexy." Robert corrected. "I like her, I like her attitude, her spunk, her full lips and big beautiful eyes." Robert tormented. "Get the fuck out Cersei. I dont want to deal with you today. Or ever." 

"Feeling is mutual. Stay away from the child." Cersei hissed turning around. 

"Since when did you become king?" Robert countered. 

"Start acting like a king and maybe I stop bossing you around." Cersei sneered. 

Rare / Robert Baratheon / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now