22. Lying so Believably

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"I have been summoned?" Jaime laughed out.

"You fool." Tywin demanded.


"Go fix this, I will handle Catelyn Stark."

"I want to get Tyrion back." Jaime corrected.

"I shall, you will handle this drama at the capital."


"You made this mess you either kill stark or you make peace. I only see two options now go." Tywin demanded.

"You think robb would like her?" Rieka questioned.

"Robb...?" Loras countered confused

"Too many Roberts in the world." Renly laughed out.

"My twin Robb. He is in much need for a woman with attitude and hes a bit vain so sexy as well. He needs a firm hand now that im gone." Rieka added. "Someone to keep him in line."

"Shes still hoping joffrey wont marry your sister and she will become queen." Loras corrected.

"Why would she want joffrey?"

"To be queen. She doesnt care about the little prat." Loras assured.

"Rieka my brother doesnt talk to me," renly cut in. "But he likes you. He talks to you. What is he thinking?"

"I think hes right." Rieka countered. "About the targaryens. There are too many unknown variables for my father to be happy but there are enough known that it makes more sense to get rid of the problem while we can."

"You take that aspect in all areas of your life?" Loras mused.

"I want jaime dead." Rieka admitted bluntly. "Jory was my friend. Family. He didnt deserve to die. Not like that." Rieka rasped her chest tightening at the memory.

"I will gladly best jaime Lannister for you." Loras gave a swooping bow.

"I can handle him." Rieka assured

"You should have seen her on the hunt," renly declared. "She was on fire!"

"You keep debating but what i think you need to do is talk to robert."

"And tell him what? Your wife had an affair and labeled her bastards as princes and princess?" Ned demanded.

"Yeah. Just like that." Rieka agreed.

"Its not that simple."

"Then i will do it."


"I like him a lot. He likes me. Hes good to me dad," rieka reminded him.

"We havent spoken of... your confession-"

"Track down gendry. I will speak to robert." Rieka corrected heading off.

"When did it start?" Ned called out.

"On the journey here i suppose." Rieka admitted.

"And you havent.... Laid with him right?"

"No." Rieka assured. It wasnt a lie. Sexy naked bath time but not laid not fucking nothing like that just a step before that. Sort of.

"Rieka i still dont know what to say." Ned admitted. "Hes... so old-"

"And matches have been made greater than our age gap." Rieka countered. "Not that im saying we are matched im just saying- get gendry. I will find robert."

"Im glad to see you Rieka." Robert kissed her cheek. "Renly said you agree with me on the targaryen matter. Im glad to hear it."

"You are king for a reason." Rieka offered seeing jaime riding up. "That fucker..." Robert followed her gaze.

"Do something rash." Robert suggested handing over a blade. She grabbed it and an arrowhead

"This is for Jory." Rieka demanded stabbing her arrow head into Jaime's eye, he wasnt expecting it and tumbled back screaming out as he clutched at his eye. She fisted the blade Robert had given her, her lips pursed staring down at him, Robert saw a darkness in her, the women that was willing to get her hands dirty for a just cause. "This is for my father you pompous ass." Rieka shouted stabbing him through the leg, he was bleeding out when she pulled the blade free.

"Cut an artery no doubt." Robert said nonchalontly. "He's a gonner. You hungry?"

"I have never killed anyone before." Rieka countered staring back at Jaime as he failed to stop the bleeding.

"To your first then." Robert agreed reaching for a glass but rieka stared transfixed at jaime. He grabbed the blade from her hand and slit jaimes throat. "You didnt kill him. I did."


" nah, he might have gotten the bleeding to stop. The eye was a goner but you never know about the leg. Don't worry," he held onto her. "I killed the fucker."

"Thank you for lying so believably."

Rare / Robert Baratheon / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now