9. Drunk Love Letter

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"Im a bit drunk

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"Im a bit drunk." Robert admitted. Rieka smiled as he ran a hand over his face.

"It is my name day not yours." Rieka reminded him.

"And yet you wanted to celebrate with me."

"You started celebrating a bit early." Rieka countered.

"I... yeah." Robert agreed. "Whats it like being a twin?"

"Its like sharing a heart." Rieka answered.

"Thats beautiful." Robert answered slowly sobering but his gaze was still focused on her chest. "You are a beautiful... woman too."

"I suppose i have been for years."

"You are lucky your father didnt force you to marry. Why marry petyr?" Robert questioned. "You dont love him. You dont know him." Robert said confidently.

"He has been kind over the years..." rieka shrugged. "Gifts and whatnot. Piano music as well."

"You play?"

"Yes." Rieka agreed.

"You will have to play me something when he get to the capital." Robert decided.

"I would love that." Rieka agreed he held out the bottle.

"To your name day."

"To robbie and me." Rieka agreed taking a long sip. "Also it was you that wanted to see me."

"Yet you came quickly." Robert answered sitting up he pulled her chair closer so their knees brushed against each other.

"Alone together... What would they think?" Rieka questioned

"They who?" Robert countered.

"The realms your wife my father you name it. They." Rieka challenged

"Since when do you give a damn what anyone else thinks?" Robert challenged. Rieka stared back at him. They barely knew each other and yet he knew her.

"I suppose i dont." She agreed taking another sip from the bottle a smile curved his lips that said thats my girl.

Ned noticed roberts lingering gaze on rieka but he took it as a sign of kindness. Looking out for rieka as they got closer to the capital. Ned and robert had been friends for years surely it was a look of family like a niece perhaps.

Robert pulled her hips back into him getting her out of the way of a rogue horse. He kept his hold firm on her as the rider chased after the mare.

"Wild one." Robert whispered his rough beard brushing against her cheek.

"Yes she is. But most women dont like to be tamed." Rieka agreed.

"Most women love to be claimed." Robert countered.

"Says who? You? I dont think a man could give a reasonable answer to that." Rieka countered.


"Rieka!" Arya called out.

"Excuse me your grace."

Robert hated to see her go but loved to watch her walk away. The sway of her hips and little smile she shot over her shoulder back at him.

"Im going to kill joffrey."

"Dont say that so loudly." Rieka murmured.

"What were you doing with the king?" Arya countered glaring back at robert.

"Just talking." Rieka answered as arya dropped to her knees kissing avalons furry head.

"About how your new betrothed wants to meet avalon."

"Sure." Rieka agreed.

"Are you really marrying that man? That petyr baelish?" Arya questioned.  Rieka shrugged. "Did he propose?"

"Not technically... but he sent me piano music which is basically a love letter." Rieka countered.

"Since when?"

"Since i said so. Stop questioning me. What do you know of proposals and whatnot?" Rieka sassed

"Nothing." Arya admitted. "But what do you know of love?"

"Nothing." Rieka admitted. "It isnt love."

"Are we talking about the same person?" Arya questioned she didnt catch riekas glance shift to robert. His eyes were still on her.

"We arent talking about anyone. I dont want to talk of petyr. I want to get to the capital."

"To meet your betrothed-"

"To sleep in a real bed again." Rieka corrected. "Come on. Lets see if we can race to the next checkpoint."

Rare / Robert Baratheon / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now