21. Rare

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You're losing me / Ned Stark / Sandor clegane out now!

"It's beautiful." Rieka whispered. 

"Isn't it?" Robert agreed keeping her trapped against his side. 

"I thought I would never see the stars like this here." Rieka admitted. 

"What do you mean?'

"The city, the flames, the lights the people, its too bright to see the stars properly from the castle." Rieka admitted. "Out here, its like an escape from reality."

"I have a feeling you want to escape reality often." Robert realized. 

"Recently," She whispered sparing a glance at Renly as he snored beside the fire. "Recently, I have been making up stories in my mind of how things might go, could go, if... you know the world was perfect and happened just how i wanted it too." 

"Like what?" Roberts hand traced gently up and down a section of her sending shivers along her flesh. Barristan had fallen asleep in coffin position rieka decided, his hands over his stomach, the fire crackled near him, she worried his hair might catch on fire. 

"Like... well... dont laugh at me." Rieka begged. 

"Never." Robert assured. 

"I picture Cersei gone, either gone or decapitated." Rieka added, Robert chuckled. 

"I have that same dream." Robert agreed. 

"And I picture waking up in your bed every day, getting to fall asleep next to you like this," Rieka whispered turning into him.

"I like that." Robert agreed. "I like that a lot."

"Then my dad invades my mind and he kills you and I'm sad and... yeah then my brain concocts a new story about us and our fictional life." Rieka admitted. 

"I fall asleep every night thinking about all the ways i want to devour you." Robert admitted he didnt care that they were surrounded by guards, they were all drunk or asleep anyways. He kissed her, sending rieka to cloud nine. 

"When this ends my heart is going to break." Rieka warned. 

"Rieka Stark, women like you are rare, i'm never letting this end."

Cersei was extremely disappointed in Lancel. Robert came marching back into the capital with a big smile on his face and Rieka leaning into his side laughing out with him. 

"What's that look?" Rieka questioned. Ned slammed his book shut. 

"Did you have fun?"

"So much, I killed a boar." Rieka answered. 

"Wow, thats wonderful, Robert has certainly taken a keen interest in you" Ned realized. 

"Yeah, he's... what's that?"


"Convincing." Rieka pulled it from him reading the cover. 

"I told you its nothing."

"Why are you reading about the great houses?" Rieka countered. "Dont you know them all?"

"Look up Baratheon." Ned countered. 


"Enlighten me." Ned countered. 

"Alright but I know their house words, their sigil, all that already. I somewhat paid attention to maester lewin back in the day." Rieka said as she flipped the thick pages. "What am I looking for?"

"Just read it." 

"Alright," Rieka agreed, confused but she listened. "I was expecting, Rieka I missed you my favorite child, a big hug and cake but no, I get an assignment." Rieka grumbled, ned moved around the desk hugging her. 

"I missed you sweet girl." Ned agreed. She smiled into him. 

"Thanks daddy." She answered. "But too little too late!" She shouted kissing his cheek. 

"Just read it." 

Rieka chuckled looking up at him. 

"You honestly think I need a book to find out what you did?"

"What do you mean?"

"Joffrey is the first blonde Baratheon in history." 

"Why didnt you say anything?"

"IT wasnt really any of my business and I like living. Who am I to say joffrey is probably cersei's bastard because Robert and Cersei can't stand each other." Rieka declared. 


"What? You honestly- it didnt cross your mind at all?"

"Not... entirely."

"I have an idea." Rieka offered. "But you have to promise to not freak out when I tell you everything."


"Promise me." 

"I hate that request." Ned mumbled running a hand over his tired face. "I promise."

"Gendry, that was his name right?" Rieka questioned. 

"The bastard?"

"Yes. He is Roberts heir if Robert were to annul his union to Cersei, disown the children, it would protect Tommen and Myrcella from the truth and-"

"Jaime and Cersei's children." Ned agreed. 

"Ye- wait what?" Rieka countered. 

"Oh so you dont know everything." Ned agreed.  Rieka blinked back at him. "Keep going." 

"I'm processing." Rieka countered. "Gross. okay, back on topic.... double gross." 

"Yes." ned agreed. 

"What was I saying? I'm picturing kissing Robbie and its grossing me out." Rieka admitted gagging.


"Right, yes, he could be Robert's heir, maybe, I mean... he seemed a decent guy right. He could be brought into the fold, we could get rid of the lannisters and train gendry to be better than Joffrey." 

"That wasnt horrible. I was expecting something drastic with a promise me statement." Ned decided, rieka gave a nervous laugh. "Thats an... interesting idea."

"Oh and.. the other part..." Rieka agreed. "I kissed Robert." That was about as explicit as she would reveal. "He kissed me back and I really like him. I might love him."

Rare / Robert Baratheon / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now