27. This City

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It was a rare thing when all the kids were in bed, had their stories and their tuck ins and were sound asleep before Rieka was too exhausted herself to climb into bed and not immediately fall asleep when her head hit the pillow.

Why did she think she could be queen and mother a dozen children? Because Robert called her superwoman.

"I was going to say I'm ready for some love but not that I'm in the bath all nice and warm and cozy, I'm tired." Rieka admitted. She reached out a hand for Robert and he moved towards her kissing her hand.

"Then i best join you." Robert agreed. She scooted forward and he slid in behind her hands traveling around wet skin and in between wet folds. She hummed as her hips rocked back into him.

"This is nice." Rieka decided. He nodded into her.

"I never thought i would be truly happy..." Robert admitted "but then you came."

Before RIeka, Robert had been seeing lonely people in crowded rooms, covering their old heartbreaks with new jewels. The capital is all about smoke screens and cigarettes, it clouded everyones vision. Looking through low lights at silhouettes of blurs of people that he never cared about befor her. 

All robert saw for the longest time everywhere he went was lonely people in crowded rooms, trying to get to the top, trying to survive another day. He didnt do anything to help them. He should have, he could have but he never thought about it, before RIeka. 

At first when he became king, he was heartbroken. He got the crown but lost who he thought was the love of his life. This city's gonna break my heart Robert had thought as the crown was placed upon him and he was married off to a woman he didnt know, didnt love, didnt want. 

This city's gonna love me then leave me alone, Robert had thought and for a long time it did. Kings landing had Robert chasing stars up north and he brought back a diamond. 

Rieka made this city seem new again. The people rushed to her, not just because she was queen but because she cared about them. It was funny to think that Rieka's love for children, the children that were not of her blood but those she chose made the people accept her instantly. 

This city was bland and boring but with Rieka everything felt rare again. Like a precious jewel. 

Rieka smiled jumping out of the bath at their newest little girls voice. She was two years old and almost every night since she was brought to the capital she had to sleep beside RIeka snuggled up next to her. Robert got in a bit of fun before the littlest stag came running in. Rieka wrapped herself up in a robe before scooping up little Nesta. 


Ned was glad, so glad that Rieka wasnt pregnant, he could pretend that Robert and Rieka never consummated the union, they were just... having an innocent relationship. RIeka was too busy with the realms and the children to sleep with her husband. Yes let Ned believe that. 

"Hand me that towel." Robert requested. "Dont want to scare her with my massive cock."

"Yes, it is scary." Rieka agreed kissing Nesta's temple. 

"Rude." Robert countered snatching the towel from her. 

"You know if I didnt keep you on your toes you would grow bored and a bored king is a dangerous king. Dangerous of being murdered by his wife that is." Rieka added innocently, she batt her eyelashes in his direction. 

"You are the only one for me." Robert assured. She closed her eyes leaning back into him. 

Robert held her like a trophy. 

It felt like happily ever after.

Rare / Robert Baratheon / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now