12. Kiss Me Now

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"Damn it Robert," Rieka breathed back. He smiled down at her.

"I win."

"You rigged the game."

"Cant prove it." Robert countered leading her to his chambers. "Ladies first," he held the door open for her

"Such a gentleman." Rieka agreed he sealed the door closed behind her. "Dont you have king things to do? Not just spend all day with me?"

"It is my duty to spend all day with you if I so choose." Robert corrected.

"What a life to be king then." Rieka agreed. He stared at her a long moment. She didnt say anything just smiled softly back at him. Robert knew this step would change everything but he had been in control for so long that he couldnt hold back anymore.

"Im going to kiss you now, Rieka." Robert warmed. "And as your king I highly suggest you dont stop-" he couldnt get his words out before rieka was kissing him. Arms wrapped around his neck pushing him towards the couch. He moaned into her mouth tugging off his jacket and wrapping his arms around her.

"This is for the King from Lord Stark

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"This is for the King from Lord Stark." Jory remarked.

"Listen. Do you hear them? How many do you think are in there with him? Guess." Jaime mused as the king was inside whoring, Jaime's least favorite part of his job, babysitting the king. Jory hesitated hearing the moans and smacking of lips from inside.

"There is more than one?"

" usually." Jaime shrugged. "I didnt see her go in but its not my sister. He likes to do this when I'm on duty... He makes me listen as he insults my sister." Jaime added stiffly.

"What if someone-" rieka whispered

" you kissed me remember." Robert breathed back against her lips.

"Good point- but no one will-"

"We are alone. Except for jaime at the door but he wont come in." Robert assured his hands fumbling with her dress.

"I..." rieka put her hands on his chest pulling back he groaned out loudly and jaime rolled his eyes from the closed door.

"Forgive me, my Lord..." jory held out the scroll again.

"Why do I have to forgive you? Have you wronged me?" Jaime countered.

"We've met before, you know." Jory remarked.

"Have we? Strange, I've forgotten." Jaime countered.

"You kiss me like that and then oush me away?" Robert tsked.

"Im sorry i got carried away. I never should have-" he couldnt just watch her pull away so he held her hostage in his arms instead. She worried that he was mad at her rejection. She waited patiently and anxiously for him to make a move.

"The siege of Pyke. We fought side by side one afternoon." Jory reminded him and Jaime looked him over again.

"That's where you got your scar?" Jaime pondered.

" Aye. One of the Greyjoys nearly took my eye." Jory agreed.

"Vicious sons of whores." Jaime agreed.

"They like their bloodshed." Jory agreed softly.

" They stopped liking it at the end. That was a proper battle. D'you remember Thoros of Myr charging through the breach?" Jaime recalled.

"With his burning sword? I'll remember that till the day I die." Jory agreed.

"Its just im.,. I have never and i dont think im... ready." Rieka added. Robert sighed before consuming her lips once again.

"Then until you are ready." His lips traveled down her neck. "Your lips your neck your chest. All of you belongs to me." Robert commanded. He tugged her hips into him pulling her to straddle him as she moaned into his mouth once more.

"I saw the youngest of the Greyjoy lads at Winterfell. It was like seeing a shark on a mountaintop." Jaime remarked.

"Theon? He's a good lad."

"I doubt it." Jaime corrected.

"Can I leave this with you? The message from Lord Stark." Jory questioned holding out the scroll.

"I don't serve Lord Stark." Jaime corrected.

"Fuck off jaime." Robert barked from inside as he barred the door. Jaime was surprised to say the least but he didnt question it. Marching off, jory hesitated knocking on the door. Robert was fully clothed when he opened it a moment later.

"What?" Robert barked.

"Im sorry to disturb you your grace-"

"Not sorry enough not to do it." Robert countered staring down at him. Rieka ducked seeing jory in the doorway.

"From my lord stark, your grace." He held out the scroll. Robert snatched it away before sealing the door again and throwing the scroll aside

"Arent you going to read it?" Rieka questioned

"Why?" Robert countered pulling her back into his lap. His cock throbbed painfully against his pants sensing its target so close.

"Because my father is your hand and he needs you."

"You know the best part of being king?"

"Enlighten me." Rieka encouraged hands trailing over his chest he kissed along her jaw before locking eyes with her.

"I can make other people do the shit i dont want to do so i can spend more time doing the shit i do want to do."


"Like devouring you."

Rare / Robert Baratheon / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now