15, Carrot Cake

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" The squire, Ser Hugh?" Ned pondered.

"Pity what happened to him, just when his life seemed to be going so nicely." Varys agreed.

"If Ser Hugh poisoned him, who paid Ser Hugh?" Ned questioned.

"Someone who could afford it." Varys offered vaguely.

"Jon was a man of peace. He was Hand for 17 years -- 17 good years. Why kill him?" Ned questioned.

"He started asking questions."

"So you are going to start asking questions? Father you are not that stupid." Rieka demanded. 

'Where have you been running off to?" Ned countered as they headed into town. Rieka's mouth moved wordlessly before she turned her head glancing around for a new topic. "Renly perhaps?"

"What?" Rieka countered, thoroughly confused but glad he was clueless. 

"Baratheon." Ned answered. "He is a good boy-"

"I just got out of two unions dad, I dont want a union with Renly. Besides, I'm not his type." 

"Oh dont sell yourself short, you are a wonderful young woman and any man would be-"

"Thank you, thank you, thats really sweet, I love you. I know I'm a catch." Rieka assured. "But i'm not his.... type." Ned didnt understand, because of course he didnt. "He's nice." She added. ned nodded. "So are we getting carrot cake?" 

"After." Ned answered. 

"After what?" Rieka countered but the knights caught his eye. 

'These knights stretch around like roosters out here, even those who have never seen battle.' Ned noted. 

'We shouldn't be out here you don't know who has eyes where.' Jory noted nervously, looking around.

'Let them look.' Ned said confidently dismounting from his horse. Rieka jumped down from her own. 

"This is not cake and the knights are walking around like its a show, a sexy handsome show at that. Why dont winterfell knights look like that?" Rieka questioned. 

"Snow." Jory answered. 

"Ah, yes, layers." Rieka agreed. "Shame," she murmured. Jory chuckled wrapping an arm around her. 

"Come on you." Jory requested. 

"Oh Jory why dont you walk around showing off your muscles like them?" Rieka questioned. Ned chuckled glancing back at them. "I'm sure I could help you find a wife in no time." 

"Thats a kind offer but... I'm okay." Jory assured. 

"Dont," Ned groaned. 

"And yet women are forced into marriages the moment they have bled while men can just say... I'm okay." Rieka countered sharply. 

"RIeka, I think jory would love it if you helped him find a lady." Ned agreed. 

"I..." Jory hesitated, Rieka smiled back at him. "I look forward to it." Jory agreed.  

"I will find you a good one." Rieka assured. 

'yes he did call on me, my Lord.' The welder told ned.

"Why did lord Arryn come to see the boy?' Ned questioned.

'I don't know.' He admitted.

'I would like to see him as well.' Ned informed him.

"Who?" Rieka questioned. 

"Your father doesnt tell me anything." Jory countered. Rieka slumped into him with a heavy sigh. 

Rare / Robert Baratheon / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now