26. Cake in Bed

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"I dont want kids." Rieka admitted. "I mean, I want kids but I dont want them from my body..." Robert stared back down at her. "I just gained 6 kids. I have a big family, I loved being surrounded by my siblings at winterfell. I always wanted many children but... I dont think I want to birth them."

"Gendry is not your child." 

"When we marry he will be." Rieka countered. "He's almost as old as me and physically impossible but by law he will be."


"Am going to legitimize them." Rieka agreed. "Raise Gendry better than Joffrey. Help him. See if he's-"

"I want a child with you. One that has your attitude and your smile and your eyes." Robert corrected. "I want a child that has both of us. I didnt get that before... I want that with someone I love." 

"Is that a deal breaker for you?" Rieka countered.  Robert hesitated his gaze shifting down the hall where children ranging from Gendry to Henry, Lena, to as little as a 6 moons old Ryder were getting adjusted to their new chambers. Dylan came running down the hall colliding with Rieka's legs, he smiled up at her giggling out. 

"No." Robert admitted after a long moment. "Because I want you more than I want a child of our own." 

"If you want an heir, Robb is my choice." Rieka admitted. "He's smart, he's brave, he's skilled and I taught him everything he knows while in the womb so he's one smart cookie." 

Lena was seven, Henry was three, Dylan was 2 but a speed demon he loved racing through the halls, Ryder the little nugget was getting out of his babies do nothing phase and moving into getting a personality which Rieka loved. Leo had been brought in just yesterday, his mother had looked around and noticed how happy the other children were, she kissed Leo's cheek, said goodbye and didnt look back. Leo sobbed out for his mother, he was tall for his age, he was five, be had a mop of brown hair and pretty blue eyes. He wasnt Roberts but Rieka wanted him all the same. He slept in bed with her that night and in the morning he had forgotten why he was upset because he got to have cake in bed, he got a real bed, new clothes, a roof over his head. He got siblings too. 

It wasnt long before word got out that the children were safe and happy and loved at the capital. The rest of the women gave up their children for a chance at a better life. A few of them came back to visit but most felt out of place in the castle especially now that Rieka had changed things for the better. 

"Robert?" Catelyn demanded. "When we got word that... with Cersei and the children-"

"Yes, Rieka helped reveal that information." Ned agreed glancing to Rieka as she hugged Rickon tight spinning him around. 

"You are huge!" 

"Am not." Rickon laughed out.  Lena ran up to Rieka hiding behind her legs. She peered out smiling sheepishly back at Rickon. 

"Lena, this is my little brother, Rickon. Rickon this is my... daughter, Lena." Rieka answered. 

"You had a daughter? How long were you gone for?" Rickon countered. 

"Hi." Lena whispered. 

"She's cute Rie." Rickon mumbled. Lena blushed grabbing tight to Rieka's hand. 

"Yes she is... Lena you want to show Rickon around?" Lena nodded eagerly. 

"So we have you to thank for ending a war." Robb remarked. 

"Yes, thats why they are making me queen." Rieka agreed dramatically. 

"You know he's like as old as father."

"You people keep reminding me." RIeka agreed. 

"Did i hear you say daughter?"

"I have 6 children. I got busy while you were off at winterfell playing in the snow."


"Yes." Rieka agreed. "ONe is 17."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Robb demanded. 

"I'm adopting, lots of children. It is my duty to help."

"He's cute I suppose." Margaery agreed.  "What happened to his legs?"

"Not the child." Renly laughed out pulling her gaze from Bran. "Robb Stark. Rieka's twin. Self proclaimed king of the north."

"Oh thats promising." Margaery hiked up her breasts before making her way to Robb and RIeka. "Hello, I'm Margaery Tyrell, Loras has told me so much about you rieka, that I feel like I know you but you-" She turned to Robb. "I dont think we have had the pleasure." Rieka rolled her eyes as Robb tripped over his feet to get closer to her. 

"Robb Stark." he answered. 

"I will leave you two to talk." RIeka offered backing up into Robert. "Hey." 

"Hi," He answered kissing her neck. 

"I can't wait to marry you." 

"Lets forget the big shindig, lets run away you and me, that way your father cant object." Robert suggested. Rieka glanced back at her parents. "We can have a party afterwards."

"I want it done in the woods, in front of the old Gods." Rieka countered. 

"Deal." Robert agreed. "You, me and a priest."

"And the children."

"Why?" Robert countered. 

"Lena wants to be a flower girl." Rieka answered. 

"Okay," Robert agreed. "But no one else." 

"Well Robb should be there." Rieka countered. 


"And Rickon would look so cute in a little suit." 

Robert sighed wrapping his arms tightly around her. 

"Arya probably doesnt care, Sansa will be trying to seduce Gendry no doubt... they get a pass... but dad should walk me down the aisle..." Rieka countered. "I only want to get married once." 

"Fine." Robert agreed. "Real party with everyone." Rieka chuckled and apologized. "But if he objects, i am vetoing his objection."

"That sounds like a plan." 

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