20. Too Many Bodies

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''see what she does to me my loving wife... I should not have hit her, that was not... that was not kingly.' Robert remarked but there was no remorse in his eyes. "Correction, I should have let Rieka hit her." 

"She would have liked that." Ned admitted. He shifted uncomfortably in bed. ''if we don't act, there will be a war.' Ned told Robert seriously as pain shot through his leg.

'So tell your wife to return that little shit of an imp to kings landing. You hear me send a raven and put an end to it!' Robert demanded.

'what of Jaime Lannister?' ned questioned reaching out for Rina.

'What about Jaime?' Robert said. 'I'm half a kingdom in debt to his father. I don't know what happened between you and those yellow haired shits and I don't want to know. This is what matters. I can't rule the kingdoms if the starks and lannisters are at each other's throats.'


"Your daughter already gave me the talk." Robert admitted. 

"Did she now?" Ned questioned. 

"What would you have me do?"

"Get jaime here and let RIeka serve her punishment." Ned half teased. Robert chuckled nodding. 

"Alright." He agreed. 

"Really?" Ned countered. 

"Yes. Because I like Rieka, she is likeminded with me." 

"I dont know that that's a good thing." Ned countered. 

"I think it is." Robert countered. "I will get jaime and we will handle him... together." 

"Together." Ned agreed. 

"I'm sorry about your men." Robert added. 

"Thank you." Ned whispered. 'Robert we need to talk..."

'No I am sick of talk, I am going on a hunt tomorrow; whatever you have to tell me can wait until I return.' Robert assured him.

'What are you doing about Daenerys Targaryen?' ned questioned softly. 

"Don't worry about that, it is done.' robert informed him. 'the last of the targaryens will be dead.' He spat and Ned swallowed the lump in his throat. "Dont you understand? If they make it across, we are doomed, not just me but the realms, they will burn westeros like their father."

"Not all Targaryens are evil." Ned countered. 

"How do you know they are not? They have been plotting and trying to build armies to take back westeros." Robert corrected. "It has to be this way, can't you just trust me?" 

''of course... as you wish your grace. With your permission I will take my leave and return to winterfell. With my girls." Ned decided. 

'piss on that.' Robert told him. 'send a raven, I want you to stay. I am the king I get what I want. I never loved my brothers,' he admitted 'sad thing for a man to admit but it's true. You were the brother I chose.' Robert reminded him. Now he was fanaticizing about fucking Rieka so... yikes. What a good brother he was. 

'why Robert? Why do you want me as Hand if you do not listen to my advice?' ned questioned

'Somebody has to run the kingdom.' Robert said honestly. 'you're the hand again, you take this off again and I pin it to Jaime fucking Lannister.' Robert told him throwing the hand pin down onto the bed.

"Robert please-"

"Im done talking." Robert corrected getting up. "Im stealing your daughter and we are going on a hunt."

"Stealing rieka? Why?"

"Because a woman needs to know some things..." like how god damn sexy he looked in action.

But it was robert that was impressed.

Robert smiled back at rieka as she lowered her bow.

"Damn." He whispered.

"What was that?" Rieka questioned

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"What was that?" Rieka questioned.

"More wine, your Grace?" Lancel questioned.

"Damn girl." Robert said louder. 

"More wine your grace?" Lancel questioned louder. 

"Fuck off boy." Robert corrected. "Come on rieka. Too many bodies."

"My arrow could slip." Rieka offered. "Get rid of weird Lancel." she added softly. 

"I like the way you think." Robert agreed. 

"You know my father thought I was seeing your brother." Rieka admitted softly as Renly kicked at a stone, bored behind them. 

"Renly?" Robert laughed out. "Why on earth, you are too good for him."

"If I ever am matched, will you threaten them to go away like you did with Petyr?" Rieka questioned. Robert chuckled. 

"Thats a nice way of putting it." Robert countered. 

"You did it out of love." Rieka agreed. 

"I did it because I'm a selfish man that wanted you all to himself."  He leaned down but she put up a hand blocking him. 

"Like you said, your grace, too many bodies." she glanced back at the traveling party. 

Rare / Robert Baratheon / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now