2. Looks Could Kill

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 'Lord Eddard stark I would name you the hand of the King

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'Lord Eddard stark I would name you the hand of the King.' Robert declared. Ned got down to one knee.

'I'm not worthy of the honor.' He told Robert.

'I'm not trying to honor you I'm trying to get you to run my kingdom will I eat drinking whore my way to an early grave,' Robert informed him. There was no love between Robert and Cersei, none at all. 'Come on Ned, stand up,' he said patting his shoulder 'you helped me win the iron throne now let me help me keep the damn thing. We were meant to rule together. If your sister had lived we would've been bound by blood but it's not too late,' Robert told him. 'I have a son you have a daughter we will join our houses.'

"Oh, yes... Rieka will hate that with every fiber of her being." Ned murmured as Robert headed out of the crypt.

"Whats in the package?" Robb asked pulling it towards him but Rieka held it closer to her chest.

"Mine." Rieka corrected. "No touchy."

"I think you might like Petyr." Robb cooed. Rieka rolled her eyes as she walked off.

"I dont even know him I have never met him." Rieka corrected. "He sends me letters and parcels... I like him but not how you are insinuating."

"Right, right." Robb agreed. "Then let me read the letter."

"Private." Rieka corrected running to her chambers. She sealed the door, her pup Avalon ran in behind her jumping up on the bed.

"Want to see what Petyr got us this time?" Rieka pondered as she sat down besides Avalon. She yipped in agreement.

~Lady Rieka, when I heard the king was coming to winterfell I had hoped to accompany him so I could finally meet you. I feel like I know you and would have loved to put a lovely face to the young woman I have grown to admire from afar~

Rieka looked to Avalon.

"The boys are wrong. He's just being nice because of his admiration for my mother... although she doesnt mirror his admiration..." Rieka remarked and Avalon tipped her head to the side as though she was really listening. Rieka reached out petting her head.

~I know your name is fast approaching so I thought best send your gift with now, happy early name day. I hope you like it.

Yours, Petyr.~

"Yours." Rieka repeated. "That doesnt mean anything either... and I want you to tell me that but you can only woof, so do woof in agreement." Rieka begged and Avalon yipped again. "Good girl."

Rieka opened the little parcel and saw a golden necklace, a locket. She smiled down at it before securing it on.

"Lovely." Rieka remarked peering into the mirror. "What's this..." she pulled out a secondary piece of parchment. "I heard you liked to play piano, this was one of my favorites in my youth." she read before turning it over. "Sheet music! Avalon, he's so sweet. I really dont know why mother is so against him- BRANDON!" Rieka dropped the parchment and her hand went to her heart. "Seven hells, how long were you lurking?"

Rare / Robert Baratheon / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now