17. Westeros Burns

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"Council business. We all have so much to discuss with Ned Stark." Petyr remarked.

"Everyone's well aware of your enduring fondness for Lord Stark's wife. If the Lannisters were behind the attempt on the Stark boy's life and it was discovered that you helped the Starks come to that conclusion... To think... A simple word to the Queen..." Varys answered.

"One shudders at the thought." Petyr agreed. "But you know something? I do believe that I have seen you even more recently than you have seen me."

" Have you?"

"Yes. Earlier today, I distinctly recall seeing you talking to Lord Stark in his chambers." Petyr realized.

"Was that you under the bed?"

"They have eyes." Rieka whispered. 

"I know, its freaky." Robert agreed smiling down at her. 

"You dont hate me?" She questioned, big blue eyes stared up at him. 

"I could never hate you. YOu are young. I got a bit excited, you can't blame me." Robert chuckled looking her over shamelessly. "Not after how you grabbed my cock."

"Your grace!" a messenger came running up with a scroll, Rieka took a step back but Robert pulled her towards him. "From across the narrow sea."

"Way to ruin the mood." Robert grumbled reading it over. 

"Who do you know across the narrow sea?" Rieka questioned. 

"A spy." Robert answered fisting the scroll. 

"Bad news?"

"The worst kind." Robert agreed. He pulled her into an alcove and she stumbled over her feet falling into him, catching herself on his chest.  "I needed to kiss you." He whispered against her lips, she hummed breathless into him as his lips collided roughly with hers. "And I have to go." With that he was running off leaving her wanting more. "RENLY!" Robert shouted. "Gather the council!"

"No shit," Renly chuckled. "Oh wait-" he chased after his brother. "You are going to a meeting?"

"Get them!" Robert barked. "We have work to do." 

"Well hot damn, who put a fire under your ass today?" Renly questioned heading off.  Rieka watched Renly run off before looking back to Robert muttering under his breath.  "What are you two conspiring about? Well, whatever it is, you'd best hurry up. My brother is coming." Renly declared bursting into the throne room seeing PEtyr and Varys. 

" To a small council meeting?" Petyr countered confused.

"Disturbing news from far away. Haven't you heard?" Varys agreed. 

"Off with you. No begging."

"I'm not a beggar. I live here." Arya corrected sure she looked like a mess but she did live here.

"D'you want a smack on your ear to help you with your hearing?" The guard countered.

"I want to see my father." Arya demanded.

"I want to fuck the Queen, for all the good it does me."

What possible news could be from across the narrow sea? The Targaryen perhaps? That would be interesting, rieka kicked at a stone looking around for Avalon. Her pup would never survive in the wild, she was basically a house cat. She liked her meals prepared for her, she liked Rieka's soft bed, and she liked to get brushed down at least twice a week, shedding all over riekas bed in the process.  

"You want your father, boy? He's lying on the floor of some tavern, getting pissed on by his friends." the guards mused.

"My father is Hand of the King! I'm not a boy. I'm Arya Stark of Winterfell and if you lay a hand on me, my father will have both your heads on spikes! Now are you going to let me by or do I need to smack you on the ear to help with your hearing?" Arya declared and the men shared a look as RIeka came up waving arya over, she shoved past. 

Rare / Robert Baratheon / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now