8. My Wolf

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Want you back / Jaime Lannister / Cersei Lannister /Rieka stark out now!

Robert could spend hours watching rieka

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Robert could spend hours watching rieka. She was sassy and loud and confident every day that passed he fell deeper in love. The journey home wasnt long enough because when they got home she would be wed to petyr no doubt.

"Sorry I'm rambling, you have better things to do.." Rieka realized. 

"No." Robert corrected. "Keep going." Rieka blushed turning her cheek. 

"I..." suddenly speechless, Rieka bit her lip. Robert went from a loud mouth stranger to a man she spent hours at night talking to. 

"You really going to let your daughter marry little finger?" Robert demanded of Ned. 

Ned fisted his hands debating his next words, he didn't want to admit that his daughter lied because for all he knew Petyr had proposed.  Neds lips pursed as he relaxed his hands unable to stay calm. 

"If you wanted... I could forbid the union ." Robert offered nonchalontly.

"You would do that?" ned asked too eagerly. 

"Of course, what are friends for? Your daughter is too good for him. I'm sure there's a better match lingering just around the corner." Robert added. 

"Thank you, old friend"

"I hear shouting." Rieka remarked bored. "Do I be a good sister and check it out?" she asked Avalon and Avalon cocked her head to the side. "I'm not a good sister today? Is that what we are going with?" Avalon cocked her head to the other side. "I am a good sister and need to get off my ass and stop talking to you?" Avalon kissed her cheek. "Damn you and your wolf moral compass." Rieka mused as she got up.

'I won't hurt him...much. ' Joffrey drew his blade down mychs cheek, Arya wacked Joffrey from behind and he spun around as mych ran. 'YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Joffrey spat swinging at arya as she ducked and ran.

'Stop it the both of you, you are spoiling everything!" Sansa declared. Joffrey got arya on her back.

"What in seven hells is going on?" Rieka demanded.

'I will gut you, you little cunt!' Joffrey screamed his blade pointed at her face, aryas gaze shifted to Rieka as she ran forward but Nymeria lunged at Joffrey latching onto his arm, he screamed in pain as Nymeria tore at his arm.

"ARYA!" Sansa yelled.

"Thats what you fucking get you little cunt." Rieka shouted offering Arya a hand up.

"Rieka do something!" Sansa demanded.

"He deserves to be gutted." Rieka corrected. Sansa sobbed out hands covering her face shaking her head.

"Nymeria, Nymeria!" Arya tried to her get Nymeria under control but she kept ripping at his arm. Nymeria finally released Joffrey and took a step back Joffrey lay on the ground his arm bloody. 'SIT!' she demanded her butt dropped to the ground, trickles of Joffrey's blood on her lips as her gaze was harsh at Joffrey. Arya grabbed joffreys sword pointing it at him as Joffrey blubbered.

Rare / Robert Baratheon / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now