24. Bastards

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"I'm just a bastard."

"Yes, but you are the kings bastard."

"Even if that's true -".

Robert examined him. He certainly had the  baratheon good looks.

"He can't be my heir." Robert corrected. "But the boy deserves better than on the streets."

"If you think thats true Jon Arryn tracked down a few more of your-" Ned stopped himself. Rieka knew what men liked, they liked to fuck and when they had awful wives that fucked their brothers they found pleasure other ways. But since getting back from winterfell, Rieka hadnt seen Robert wandering off to brothels or women coming and going from his chambers. Only her.

He just needed the right woman to set him straight.

" would you take him? He's healthy and strong and he's so darn cute."

Rieka looked at the little boy. He was adorable.

" this one's mother died last month. She named him, Henry."

"Henry," rieka knelt before the boy. He must've been about three years old.

" he hasn't spoken a word his whole life..." the woman silenced herself, thinking she had miss spoken because surely the king wouldn't want a little boy that hadn't said a word his whole life.

"Im Rieka. It's nice to meet you henry."  He stare at her before grabbing her hand. " he needs a home..."

" they all do. This place isn't any place for children."

" I'm taking Henry with me. I hope that's all right." Rieka decided. The little boy to her as she scooped him up.

"Rieka no-"

"But dad can you just-"

"You are 18. Robert is..."

"Go on ned. Age yourself to." Robert agreed. "We are not as young as we used to be sure but i still got a lot of life to live and i want to live it with rieka. "

"No. I forbid it."

"It makes it sexier when it's forbidden". Robert decided. Rieka blushed.

"No!" Ned demanded.

" let's not argue in front of Little Henry." Rieka begged. Henry was poking at his food.

" you realize I am still the king and I don't technically need your permission to marry her."

" Robert, she is my daughter."

" and she wants to marry me come on she help me get rid of the wicked witch. Let me make her queen."

" look how well it turned out for your previous queen she turned her twin brother for love and affection, and you turn to whores. "

" do you think that I will my twin brother affection?" Rieka countered. Ned gaped back at her. That had Never once crossed his mind. Now it raced through his mind like wildfire.

" are you thinking about it? Don't think about it that's disgusting." Rieka declared.

" are you..." ned hesitated. " are you sure about this? Really really sure."

" I will admit I wasn't a fan of him, but he's been growing on me ever since. I've gotten to know him he is sweet to me at least." Rieka countered. " we are like-minded in a way."

" that's what I'm afraid of." Ned admitted. Robert had always been a hothead. he ran into the fight head first. He could be reckless and he used his heart and his emotions over logical reasoning at times. Rieka was like that too. She jumped at the chance to take this little boy in. She didn't think about anything past what needed to be done in that moment  or at least that was what he thought 

" think about it." Robert encouraged.

" come on Henry I think it's time for bed." Rieka decided. he reached out for her and she picked him up once again, wiping his face of food 

" she's my daughter, my first born daughter."

" would you prefer if I fell in love with your second daughter?" Robert teased. " because let's face it. Sansa is not my type."

" Robert be serious."

" I am and I fell in love with rieka. Don't hate me and don't blame her. It's impossible not to fall for my charms." Robert added.

" I just wanna understand how you kept a secret from me"

" you handle all the business and I handle the shit that you can't wrap your head around."

" like the Targaryens." Ned murmured.

" yes like the Targaryens. Ned... What's greater one or five?"

" There are so many empty rooms here you know as possible future queen I think we need to change things around."

" possible future queen?" Arya laughed out.

" yes yes."

"who is that?"

" this is Henry. This is my sister arya." He waved back at her. " anyways I was thinking. Oh excuse me." she waved down a handmaiden " are there any wings of the castle that are uninhabited?"

" I'm sorry my lady?"

" you know... there are so many rooms in the castle, and I'm sure the majority of them are empty and useless. Are they scattered or is there a certain wing that is kept more vacant than others?"

" I'll show the pup." Sandor barked out. " you're the reason those damn Lannister are gone. That Joffrey is gone."

" if you're here to thank me, I like carrot cake." Rieka agreed. " what do you think? Do you like cake Henry?" He nodded.

" I could kiss you girl."

" well as appealing as that sounds, I don't want any scandals or rumors up without me before I can convince my father to agree to this union." Rieka countered. " you were going to show me..."

" right this way little wolf."

Rare / Robert Baratheon / Rieka StarkWhere stories live. Discover now