Chapter 2

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Issei woke up slowly as he felt his left arm pinned to his bed by something and when he turned, he saw the beautiful body of Rias Grenmory. The well-known girl was a Devil and his Mistress and as he stared at her naked body, his perverted mind began to think up the ways he could totally score on her rack.

But just as he began to slowly stretch his hand out to fiddle with them, Rias woke up and she smiled as she said, "Morning Issei."

"Morning Rias." Issei said as he sighed and put his hand down.

But just as he turned over, he became face-to-face with another rack and he looked up as he realized that they belonged to Asia and as he looked at them, he watched as she slowly yawned before she opened her eyes and said to him, "Good morning, Issei... another big day ahead of us..."

Issei smiled as he said, "Let's hope that today doesn't have too much excitement..."

Issei sat up as he stretched and then slowly tried to crawl out of bed when he realized Akeno had his legs pinned and he sighed as she, too, woke up and looked around as her rack jostled around before she said, "Well, looks like everyone is finally awake.."

Issei managed to get his legs back and as he stood on the floor of his room, he looked around as he said, "Alright, party is over for now... lets get ready for school while we still can..."

Everyone nodded and smiled as Issei began to dress himself.

As Issei, Asia, Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Yuuto, Gasper, Xenovia, and Rossweise slowly walked along the road towards school, Issei was thinking all sorts of thoughts when he noticed something on a nearby hill.

The old church had at one point had God's followers within it but then it was abandoned till a Fallen took over and tried to take Asia's powers of Twilight Healing but that's when Rias and Issei and some of her house had rescued her and then made her one of House Grenmory.

But as he looked at it, something seemed off about it and as he stared at it, Yuuto noticed him and asked Issei, "Everything alright?"

"Yeah... everything is fine... just a weird feeling..." Issei said as he continued to walk along.

"What do you mean?" asked Yuuto.

"Well... something about it seems different.. but I'm sure its nothing..." Issei said as he continued to walk along.

But as they walked along, Ddraig reached out from his spot on Issei's arm and as Issei gave a cry of shock, Ddraig reached out as he felt a familiar presence residing in the church but then decided to not say anything yet.

"What is it?" asked Issei. The others were far ahead of him by now.

"Oh... its nothing as you said Issei.." Ddraig said before he went back into submission.

Issei watched from where he sat as he looked outside, having been half-bored with school day as it was when suddenly his pervert friends Matsuda and Motohama appeared and as he waved to them, Matsuda said to Issei, "So, dude! You bone that rack you still are hanging out with yet?"

"No but, then again, its not like you can score  even a single point." Issei said with a small grin.

"Well, if you don't start hitting those racks you have there, maybe one of us will try and get on the action." Motohama said with a grin.

"Please! I don't think anyone but what's her name would even look at you." Issei said as he grinned himself.

"Oh you jerk!!" Motohama slapped Issei upside the head.

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