Chapter 42

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You would think the prison to several hundred or even dozen beings of pure power would be just straight up impossible to find so others couldn't exploit them. You know, just a random, almost derelict cave set up somewhere with hidden traps, guardians, and a hundred other million things that would either deter or outright kill interlopers.

But as Reaper, Kuroka, Issei, Rias, and the others of DxD along with the combined might and armies of a the Norse, Angels, Fallen, Devils, and Greek neared the base of Mount Fuji, this sort of thing was wrong it seemed.

The entrance, from what Sirzechs or Lucifer had told them and what they could clearly see now as it rose form the mountain side, the entrance was actually a quite large, Japanese fortress that looked like it was straight from the Edo period while a very large tower rose up from the castle somewhere within.

And swarming all around the mountainsides, the valley, and the very prison itself, was Hyperion army as the Titan himself could not be seen anywhere. It was a massive horde of monsters, Stray's, Old Devils and Fallen, Hyperion cultists, and Hyperion demigods as they had set up multiple defensive lines from the looks as whole swathes of the whole mountainside forest along with the valley and even a few places elsewhere were cut down to create barriers, barricades, crude walls, and housing it seemed. And the horde seemed to be everywhere and go on for so long as well.

As for the combined might of everyone else, their force was certainly not as large as Hyperions but what they lacked in numbers they certainly made up with far more powerful units and people, the big three which were Azazel, Lucifer, and Gabriel with Issei, Vali, and Reaper right next to them.

And as the alliance slowly stopped on the crest of one of the nearby mountains, Reaper kept himself close to Kuroka, Xenovia, Grendel, and Fantasia as Kuroka was actually attached to his left arm almost snuggled up against it. Near to him, Issei was staying close to his own harem as everyone else was close by.

"Well, this is going to get interesting.." said Reaper as he watched the enemy far below moving around.

"That is true..." said Issei. "Just look at them all."

"Dozens will die in the first volley... the question becomes which ones though..." said Vali as he appeared.

"That is true..." said Issei as then he looked behind them.

Currently the trio and the two's harem were on the top of the crest while the rest of the army was further down behind them on the lower part of the slope, setting up a base camp to use for the time to come till the battle ahead. Tents and barricades were being erected as portals were made to bring in more units and then magical barriers were being set up for defenses. And then the group slowly made its way down into the massive camp as they passed the many attackers around them.

Their tent was set up near the center of the whole thing as its domes rose in five noticeable hubs that would house the whole group and would be where they ate and slept in till the end of this war or battle. As Reaper held open the tent flap, everyone slowly walked inside but Kuroka kept close to him and Reaper looked at her with a small smile as he said to her, "You know I'm going to need that arm in battle.."

"I'll give it back to you... eventually..." said Kuroka with a small smile as her ears twitched and her her tails swished about her.

Inside, Issei slowly sat down at a nearby table as Asia stuck close with him and as Rias went to her room with Akeno close behind her. As Issei watched them go, Asia then looked at him with a smile as she then told him, "Oh you just had to get her pregnant... got no one else to blame but you for that one..."

"Oh I know..." said Issei as then he said to Reaper and Kuroka as they entered the tent, "What about you two lover birds, hmm? What's up with you both?"

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