Chapter 12

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When Reaper woke up, he found himself curled up with Xenovia, who was very much still asleep, and as he slowly sat up and looked around and then slowly slid from his bed as he went to the closet nearby and he opened it as he then stopped for some odd reason.

"I'm gonna take a shower instead." he muttered to himself as he then looked over to the bathroom and then slowly walked over as he took some clothes and a towel with him and as he entered the very tidy and clean space, he closed and locked the door.

He went to the shower and as he turned it on, Xenovia woke up to water being jetted out of a shower head and as she sat up and stretched herself, she looked around when she then noticed Reaper was gone and as she smelled something, she smelled herself and grimaced as she smelled blood but then she heard the water again and the splashing as she then realized someone was taking a shower.

It didn't take long for her to find out who was taking the shower and as she got out of the bed and looked around, she was about to go when she heard humming from the bathroom that for some reason made her pause.

She listened to his humming and it seemed to have no tune... just humming, like he was talking in humming and as she slowly crept to the door and then slowly put her head against the door as she listened into him.

He was definitely scrubbing himself clean in there and as she listened in, suddenly she began to imagine what he looked like in her head and then as the fantasies began, she heard the water stop as she heard someone slowly getting dressed and she quickly grabbed what she had brought as she managed to get out of the room just before Reaper unlocked the door and opened and as he looked around, he smelled himself and shrugged.

"I guess the stench of blood is bad..."

Reaper walked down the stairs as he tried to listen to his surroundings, listening for anything that seemed out of the ordinary or out off place. He heard some singing from one of the girls up the stairs and down the hall to his left and as he continued down, he heard some humming from below from another girl but as always he couldn't tell who it was because of how many there were in the house.

He continued down the stairs until he reached the bottom and as he began to walk along the bottom floor, he looked all over as his ears kept itself attuned for anything disturbing other than the singing and as he listened to it, he then recognized that it was Rias Grenmory singing and as he continued to walk along, he then saw her in the kitchen.

Wearing the infamous, skimpy apron outfit.

She wasn't the only one as well, as Xenovia was also there as she was trying her best to cook some food. As Reaper approached, he walked by the kitchen when Rias asked in a friendly tone, "Good Morning, Reaper... hungry by chance?"

Reaper thought about it then he said, "I... guess besides drinking blood I can eat something normal for once..."

"He also took a shower this morning as well, shocking I know..." said Xenovia from behind her.

"Not to mention Xenovia got cuddly with me because apparently you took her favorite." said Reaper with a small snicker.

Xenovia gave a flustered blush as Rias suddenly smiled as she flipped her hair and said, "What can I say? First come, first serve... and when it comes to my Issei.. well.. I always have first dibs on him..."

"Hmm.. surprised that none of the other boys get to have fun.... maybe its because we bear dragons..." thought Reaper out loud as Khorne said, "Hey, hey, hey! Don't you dare bring me into this!"

Xenovia smiled as she then finished off the large amount of scramble eggs she had been making as she served it all up on a large platter as Rias finished off the platter of what looked like pancakes and as the two of them began to take the platters over, Rias asked Reaper, "Could you be so kind as to bring the pitchers over here with us?"

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