Chapter 26

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The portal opened above the city as dozens of Angels, Devils, and Fallen came sweeping down to blanket the ground and as Lucifer, Azazel, and Michael watched the retaking of the city slowly proceed, they watched as resistance was being dealt with easily.

And then, Azazel watched the train appear as he watched it land and then said, "Alright, House Grenmory. Go take back your home... and kill everything in there..."

"Yes sir!"

Reaper, Vali, and Issei appeared in their Scale Male as they had their cannons on their shoulders and as Kruoka, Bikou, Irina, and the rest of House Grenmory appeared behind them and as Reaper, Vali, and Issei all stood in a line, their wings curled up to their back and their armor shining like the jewels they bear, they brought up their primary arms as they showed their fists.

"Power Shot!"

"Blood Shot!"

"Lightning Bolt!"

Three, separately colored beams of pure magic energy suddenly blitzed towards a group of Kaos Devils at the foot of the mansion and there was an immense explosion as all three beams connected and as Issei looked to Reaper, he smiled as he said, "You are getting stronger!"

"Well.. I'm slowly learning my own abilities instead of using your own... Now my Blood and Soul moves are more powerful than ever!" said Reaper as then Vali said, "And even if I am the Strongest White Dragon, I never knew so much power was still locked away!"

And then the trio ran from the areas as they acted as the groups spearhead as Koneko, Kuroka, and Bikou all closely followed the trio just as Rias said to her house, "Alright! Lets take back our home!"

Akeno and Rias sprouted their wings as Gasper and Asia followed them and Xenovia, Irina, Rossweisse, and Yuuto all charged after the others as the house was going to be taken back today and rebuilt.

As Issei, Reaper, and Vali ran towards the entrance, Issei and Reaper kept their blades out as Angels Bane was shining new with a blade that now was pure black. Reaper had gotten use to using it and since it could tap into his Blood and Soul powers, it was also a good weapon to use in multiple situations.

And as a group of Magicians appeared before the trio, Reaper took up Angels Bane and then lashed it across the ground as a Blood wave came surging from its tip and both crushed and impaled the Magicians as many were torn apart in a wave blood and as Reaper then stopped, he looked around before summoning up Six Blood Demons and Soul Specters as he then sent them out and as they flew off to the upper reaches to clear it out quickly, Reaper, Issei, and Vali all continued to run towards the entrance of the home as they fired another shot of their power at the enemies pouring out of its entrance as the explosion sent the Old Devils and Old Fallen disintegrating into nothingness and then the trio plunged straight into the house as everyone could hear the enemy reap the harvest of the three's wrath.

Azazel watched them and then thought back to what had happened the day before.

After Sarod had been completely obliterated by Vali's full power, newly restored, the gardens were being cleared out by the Grenmory servants, the Devils, Fallen, and the Angels as they were lead by Tannin himself. This meant that everyone could relax and retire to the comforts of the home for just a moment.

Irina found herself curled up with Vali on the couch while Issei and Rias were across from them in a seat. Azazel was nearby at the table, drinking some wine and eating a small meal that Asia had been nice enough to prepare with Rossweisse, Sona, and Tsubaka as they now were all laying their heads down on the table for a small nap as Issei said, "Man... talk about a morning.."

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