Chapter 28

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It took about a full week for Azazel to pull enough money in to bring everyone in on the trip to Athens but as Reaper approached the airport, he was surprised at how busy it was. Issei walked with Asia staying close to him as he had only a simple bag with him and as Azazel was in the lead, everyone else was in between since Reaper was in the back with Xenovia this time.

"Wow... such a busy place..." said Reaper as his head was turning this way and that to look at everything.

"I know... I've only been here twice beforehand... but it's always like this regardless where you've been." said Xenovia as she held his hand.

"I just hope I can either sleep here or be able to move. I hear the planes are very cramped and tight..." said Reaper as he scratched his hair with an idle hand. Had he had his armor on, he would have made some terrible noises that would have been painful to the ears.

"Oh, you will. I got us an exclusive flight for just us DxD..." said Azazel as he smiled.

They approached their terminal and as they walked down some stairs, Rias asked Azazel, "What sort of flight is it, anyway?"

Azazel grinned as he opened the door and everyone "oohed" and "aahed" as the private jet stood waiting for them as some of Azazel's own, private servants were waiting for them.

"A private jet should get us to Athens real quick..." said Azazel with a  smile.

"Is it spacious enough for me by chance?" asked Reaper. "I would like some nice leg room to be comfortable in."

"Relax. It's a two-story one so you'll have plenty of room to move around in. Now, everyone, climb aboard. Your captains shall be with us soon." said Azazel as he motioned for them all to enter the jet.

Everyone nodded and were quick to board the private jet as Xenovia poked Reaper's cheek before saying, "You nervous about flying?"

"No.. I just hope I don't have air sickness." said Reaper with a chuckle.

Within an hour, the jet was miles above the Earth as it soared through the clouds and as Reaper sat in his seat and was leaning back, he found it hard to breathe. On his left was Xenvoia as she laid her head on his chest and held his hand with her own as she was trying to catch a quick catnap.. On his right was Sona as she was laying her chin on his shoulder and looking at him while softly blowing into his ears.

Kuroka was downstairs with Bikou and Vali as they were talking and catching up while Irina was also with them. Issei was sitting with Asia not too far away as they were sipping some warm, green tea. Everyone else was scattered around the plane, which Reaper didn't actually care much for since it meant that maybe for once he could relax.

Of course, as Sona slowly leaned over and bit his ear a tad bit, that seemed to be a much more difficult task that he had expected.

He then thought back to two days before then about what she had said to him.

It had been a quiet evening and Reaper had just finished packing up his few possessions and clothes when she had knocked on his door.

"Reaper? Can we talk for a moment?" she voice had came through the wooden door, muffled.

"Sure." he had said as he had watched her slowly enter in.

She had stood there before him, her hands before her as she had clasped them together and her legs were sorta crossed, as if she was bashful about something which was quite unlike her. If anything, being the head of House Leviathan, she was more of a go-get 'em sort of woman.

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