Chapter 5

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The Strays were all about to get moving out of the church when he came hurling in and just as many looked up and began to shout, he shouted, "Blood Spears!"

Several spears of pure blood floated up from around him and he thrusted his right fist down as the spears impaled themselves through some of the Strays. But the only problem to this was there were many more Strays than there was of himself and as he dodged around the spacious churches upper structure, energy bolts and projectiles smashed into the churches walls and ceiling as the Strays below tried to nail him in a flurry of energy.

But he was just barely managing to dodge most of the energy attacks and as he came to a stop on one of the beams, he watched as the Strays all had their attention focused solely on him.

Good... it means the Red Dragon Emperor won't immediately get swarmed by these guys... He thought as more energy blasts came soaring up to lash at him but he took off in a sprays of white and black feathers and as he dived towards the ground, he took out his Blood Drinker sword as he swept a few heads clean off some Strays shoulders and as they went to hell, he quickly changed over to his Soul Knight Lance as he fired another explosive tip into the ranks of the Strays. It caught one Stray in its side and the explosion tore it to Hell and then blasted the others around it to the ground but there were still many more firing at him and at this point they were getting increasingly good with their aim and one energy blast seared his left wing as he ignored the small pain and continued to fly around as he launched a few more spears into the Strays.

Issei watched as the church seemed to be tearing itself apart and as he landed before it, suddenly Ddraig said, "There are a lot of Strays within there..."

"Wait, you were just saying they were there?" asked Issei.

Suddenly an explosion sent a few Strays from the door and as they tried to get up, two bolts of lightning struck them down at the House of Grenmory and as Rias looked at the church, she asked Issei, "Did the one figure come here?"

"Yes he did... but I can't tell if he's fighting the Strays or if the Strays are fighting one another..." Issei said as he tried to piece together what was going on from what he heard outside.

The others all looked at the church just as an explosion ripped a huge hole in the wall and they got their first glimpse of the chaos going on inside. The figure was flying everywhere through the church as Strays of all types tried to shoot him down and as Issei watched them, he almost wanted the Strays to kill the figure.

But that's when Ddraig took control of his body and as he shouted in shock and surprise, Ddraig fired the twin cannons on his shoulders as the blasts streaked through the opening and the explosions killed a few Strays as Rias shouted, "Issei!! What did you do?!"

"Its Ddraig!! he's controlling my body!!" Issei shouted as Ddraig shouted, "Come over here Strays!! Face the Red Dragon Emperor!!!!"

Every Stray looked over as many hissed but then the figure blew a few more up with his magic and as he hit the ground, he took out a blade and he suddenly sliced the head off a Stray as Issei saw the figure but couldn't do anything as Ddraig suddenly charged into the church.

"Issei!! Xenovia, Yuuto!! Help fight the Stays till Issei can resume control of his body!! Akeno! Koneko!Rossweise!! You all make sure nothing escapes the church!! Asia! Be ready to heal Issei if things get really bad!!" Rias quickly shouted the orders as everyone scrambled to obey them.

Issei grunted as he tried to regain control of his body but Ddraig was too powerful and as Ddraig ripped another Stray in half with Issei's bare hands, he then shouted, "Boosted Gear!! Dragon blade!!"

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