Chapter 4

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The group of Fallen slowly walked through the streets as they sought out the Strays that currently were plaguing the town and as they walked along through the streets, their lances were at the ready to fire concentrated blasts of energy.

But then, just as one of the Fallen turned the corner, she stopped as she signaled the groups leader over as she then pointed to a nearby scene. The human had been drained of all blood and what blood was there was splattered around. He had a knife in his left hand and his eyes were wide open in what had been terror.

"Lord Azazel... I have something that you should see..." The leader said as the group surrounded the scene.

Issei and the other walked calmly along as Azazel lead them through some of the nearby neighborhoods and as they walked along, there seemed to be a sense of urgency in Azazel that he had never seen before.

"What is this all about?" asked Rias.

"Something quite disturbing has showed up." Azazel said as they walked through an alleyway.

And when they all stopped to see a squad of armed Fallen Angels and that's when Issei saw the body. It was too pale to be normal but then he saw the huge rent in the humans neck and he saw the very small amount of blood around and as everyone got around the body, Rias asked, "A human got killed by a Stray?  What seems so shocking about this?"

"Because when do Strays only suck the blood from their victims? Most prefer to eat the victim whole." Azazel looked around as he tried to piece together what had happened.

"Do you think something else other than a Stray did it?" asked Issei.

"The last species of Devil that could do this I helped wipe off from the face of the Earth, Heaven, and Hell... " Azazel said as he then stood up from the corpse and said to the Fallen groups leader, "Did you meet anyone on the way here?"

"No, Lord Azazel. The human mostly likely died during the night time." The Fallen Angel said.

"Continue your patrol...and alert me to anymore of these if you can..." Azazel said.

But Ddraig knew what had happened and what had done it. But, instead of being open about it, he decided for the first time ever to keep quiet about it. He didn't like it, not one bit trying to keep important info from Issei and his friends, but if he was to finally meet up with the one who had done this, he would need to somehow lure Issei alone or something to where he knew the person was.

Which meant he had to find a good excuse to get Issei there.

His stomach felt much better and though it pained him to have to kill a human in order to eat, he knew that the fact that the human attacked him gave him some leeway to kill him. But now, he was back on the move but this time he was following some more Strays. he didn't like going around it broad daylight, and from the looks of them, neither did the Strays but they continued on as they seemed to be heading back to the place he currently stayed at, the old Church.

Strange... most Strays would want to find somewhere else to stay... which means they have a purpose going there... He thought to himself as he watched them cross a street into the wilderness just below the Church.

He launched himself up into the air as he took flight and as he quickly flew over to the church, he found a spot to observe the Strays as he attempted, very stupidly, to become a statue along the Church's  rooftop.

He watched as suddenly, to his surprise and shock, as several large groups of Strays came from the area around the church and as they all entered the Church, he wondered what they all were doing here.

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