Chapter 17

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Kuroka woke up and as she yawned and smiled, she sighed.

"That was such a pleasantly weird dream... I wonder if a devil named Reaper that is a DevilAngel exists..." she said to herself as she stretched in the bed.

"Oh, I exist alright. Is your head okay?" asked a way too familiar voice.

Kuroka looked over in stunned silence as she came face to face with an almost half-naked Reaper as Reaper had only pants on at the moment but he was holding his shirt as he looked at Koroka and asked her, "You sleep well?"

"Eh.... yes... nya..." she said as she tried to smile but her mind was still trying to see how she got herself in this position.

Then she saw Khorne on his arm and then remembered why she had gone with him and then also remembered he had severely drained her of her energy and power and as she looked at him, she sighed as she asked, "So... you really took me in, nya?"

"Yeah. I'm not the sort of guy to kill all women that I meet." said Reaper as his arms became crossed across his chest, even with his shirt.

She sighed as her ears slightly lowered and her tail twitched as she then looked down at herself and saw-

"What are these?" she asked as she looked at the red, blood crystals that were along her body.

"Ah... well, I did use a little of my blood magic to patch you up..." said Reaper as he grinned sheepishly and then finally put on his shirt.

"I don't remember being scratched up... what did you do to me?" she asked as she looked at him with an arched eyebrow.


She gave him the "Whatever" look as she then looked around and said, "I thought your room would be far more... grand maybe..."

"That's Rias's room. I'm more of a basic guy who doesn't like anything extra." said Reaper as he walked over to the nearby door.

"Now, be a good kitty and come along. It's breakfast time for us." said Reaper as he motioned her to follow him.

And unlike many other times before, Kuroka followed him. She didn't know exactly why, maybe to find out where she was, but she knew that he wasn't like everyone else she had not only fought but also met. He was intriguing to her and she wanted to know more about him besides his fighting skills.

Breakfast was oddly quiet for everyone as not everyone had either woken up or were around for it. Kuroka was sat down next to Reaper and as she looked at the food before her, she felt someone tap her foot as she looked over and saw Xenovia point to her body and ask, "I don't remember those being on your body. What happened?"

Kuroka looked at Reaper, who sipped his OJ, as he then said, "She was a bit scratched up so of course, to keep her alive, I used blood magic to freeze the blood."

"But she didn't have any scratch on her..." said Xenovia as she looked at Reaper.

Reaper was making bubbles in his drink now as Kuroka sighed as she then asked, "Well... I guess he did tear me up in our little battle..."

Reaper gulped down his OJ finally when Xenovia suddenly asked, "Still... you do realize that she can kill you right?"

"If she want to try, she is welcome to make an attempt." said Reaper as he slowly got up. "But she has to remember that not everyone she meet will always be your enemy in the end."

And as Reaper walked away, Xenovia sighed as she put a hand on her cheek and said, "You know... I may not know you very well, I get the feeling you feel the same as me."

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