Chapter 34

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Ibraem watched as several of the Scythian Dracnae, Chimera's, Gorgons, and Giants all were getting quite restless amongst the camp of Old Fallen and Devils and as he looked back at Arot, he then saw Arot wasn't anywhere next to him like he head been a second a ago.

"Where did you go you stupid Fallen?" muttered Ibraem as he looked around.

Arot, meanwhile, was with Dragon Destroyer as he was currently hovering in the air and as he watched the top of Mount Olympus, he suddenly saw a light shine from the cloud holding up the huge palace in the sky and he gave a small smile as he then dove down and as he landed, several of his men and Ibraem surrounded him as he said, "Good news, we march now... Our ally within the fortress above has managed to clear us a path into Mount Olympus.

"Once there, the monsters will keep the demigods busy while the Old Devils and Fallen will keep the gods, goddesses, and especially those pesky DxD from the objective myself and Ibraem will be pursuing."

"Now!" shouted Arot as he took his serpent sword out, "To Battle!!"

When Kuroka woke up, she found herself intertwined with Reaper and as she looked down at him as she was on top of him, she gave a smile as then she leaned down and kissed his lips very lightly as she sat up and found herself sitting right on his laps.

Reaper stirred as he managed to look up at Kuroka on his lap and as he gave a smile, he managed a small stretch as she asked him "having trouble little DevilAngel?"

"On no... I just want five more minutes." he said as suddenly he rolled over and she slumped against the bed as she gave a shocked expression that quickly turned into a smile.

"Come on... I know Azazel is currently walking his way here right now with a drink in hand as he's probably hoping to catch us still asleep but why don't we surprise him for once?" asked Kuroka as she slowly crawled over to his head.

He gave a small sigh before he sat up and said, "Fine... have it your way..."

He ripped the covers away from them and as he sat up and got off the bed, she followed as she gave him a small smile and as he looked to her, he looked her up and down as his own school clothes were summoned. "You gonna get dressed or are you ready for the day in that?"

She rolled her eyes as she summoned her own kimono as she said, "You know the feeling of summoning my clothes isn't the same as putting them on myself..."

"Weirdo." said Reaper as then he began to walk towards the nearby door.

They soon were walking down the hall together as they went towards the mess hall and as they did so, suddenly they ran into Rias, Akeno, and Issei as they came from his room and as Issei looked over, he gave a smirk as he said, "I see you two are back at it again."

"Whatever. It took you how long again to get some? 3 Seasons, 5 OVA's, and this fanfic. I have better chances than you do for getting some period than you." said Reaper.

Issei gave him a look as Reaper decided to be a bit of a child as he stuck his tongue out and as Rias and Kuroka both exchange smiles and shook their heads at how their two lovers were acting before they both escorted the two hormonal boys down the hallway. And all the while, Akeno was smiling as she slowly put her arms around both boys as she kept the boys from going at it again because of her huge boobs between them.

Fantasia watched as Rias, Akeno, Kuroka, Issei, and Reaper walked out and as she watched them walking towards where she stood, she shifted her posture slightly as she had her shield and her sword out along with her armor and as she watched them, she had mixed feelings at this point.

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