Chapter 13

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Reaper watched from the trains windows as he stared out into the void with a hand on his cheek while everyone else was doing other things.  Gasper was playing his games on his portable console while Koneko was nearby snacking once again. Issei was next to Reaper as he was looking through the window as well while both of their dragons were visible on their arms.

Rias and Akeno, along with Xenovia, Asia, and Rossweise, were all sitting nearby at ta table as Azazel was calmly drinking some spirits at a chair as he intently watched Reaper.

The news of them having to go to the Devil world was a bit startling to them all and Rias was the most nervous because of what may happen with Reaper around and though Azazel didn't expect too much of a fuss, he was also expecting an uproar from some people.

But, as he watched Reaper, he then noticed Yuuto was staring at him as well.

"Something wrong, Yuuto?" asked Azazel to the boy.

" I wonder... if Tannin will try to surprise Reaper like he did to all of us..." said Yuuko as he watched Reaper.

Then, Khorne asked Issei, "So... how did you find out that your bore Ddraig?"

"Well... it took me nearly dying to find out that I bear him..." said Issei.

"Seriously? By who?" asked Reaper as he looked at him with his red eyes.

"A Fallen Angel... a girl to more exact... back then... I was just another boy... then I got stabbed, I summoned Rias, she saved me... now look where I am..." said Issei. "What about you then?"

"It took me getting into a fight with Strays for Khorne to appear... and eventually, I got use to him.." said Reaper as he looked back to the outside.

They were quiet as they could hear the other girls chatting to one another and for the moment, they were quite honestly not knowing what else to say.

"What's it like in Hell?"

Issei looked at Reaper with a questionable look. "What do you mean?"

"I mean... from what I hear from you all, you all have been to Hell before... what's it like, though?" asked Reaper as he looked to Issei.

Issei thought about it before he said, "I didn't see much of it, to say the least... but what I do remember of the place we lived in was like something from earth... the Grenmory estates look so much like the real world... you  almost could say that they took it straight from there..."

Reaper thought on this before he nodded and then suddenly summoned up a small ball of blood before him.

"Hmmm..." he quietly muttered and Issei watched him as he suddenly took a ball of bluish-white souls and he then looked between the two as he began to think it seems.

"Reaper.... don't do anything stupid, okay?" asked Issei.

Suddenly, Reaper slowly merged the two balls and as the red and white seemed to mix, then they began to appear like a red and white baseball, one side white and the other side red and neither of them mixing with one another. But then a hiss began to be heard as then Reaper concentrated more on the ball and Issei was about to back up when he watched pink begin to appear on the ball and then suddenly Reaper set it on the window sill as it then melted in red, white, and pink parts before it suddenly began to form a body, claws and wings as the body was red, the claws and wings were white and where the two met was pink. The head was red but it had white eyes with pink around them and as it looked up at Reaper, it just stood there as it waited for instructions almost as if it was always that way.

"Hmm.. This is a first..." Reaper seemed tired as he croaked the words out but as Issei watched him, he watched as Reaper looked over to the girls as he looked over at them and then looked at Issei.

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