Chapter 44

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Kuroka watched as the small girl with neko ears and two tails sit on the small cushion and looked at her with some boredom evident in her eyes, the tail swishing this way and that.

The girl was slightly pale, with red eyes and black hair while the fur on her ears and tails were black, the tails tied with a red bows.

"Mommy..." the girl murmured, "I'm bored... when are they gonna come back?"

"I don't know,Riri..." Answered Kuroka with a small smile. "They'll come back when they come back."

Riri pouted some more as her tails kept moving around behind her while Kuroka tried to finish up cleaning the dishes before her from breakfast this morning. Riri was about 6 years old now, just one year younger than Issei's young boy Rito who had managed to pick up not only a slight big of Ddraig but a slight bit of Issei too.

Kuroka suddenly frowned as she watched Riri slowly change the water she was using into blood and then back again before the little nekomata girl yawned and stretched before laying herself out in boredom. Another troubling thing, she was extremely powerful in both Nekomata magic and Blood Magic, even managing a slight bit of Soul Magic as well.

The future was bright for the young girl but it seemed Kuroka was going to have to try and restrain her more childish nature to a degree simply so she didn't risk blowing the house up.

But then there was a knock at the door and Xenovia walked by with her little boy named Gregory, age 4 with his blue hair and red eyes, on her shoulder just as she said, "I'll get it."

Xenovia walked past the suddenly more active Riri and when she reached the door, she smiled as the figure in the doorway asked, "Need me to carry him?"

"I'm fine, sweetheart... he's been good all day.." Said Xenovia while Fantasia walked by with some groceries.

The figure slowly nodded and when he appeared, Riri smiled widely and shouted, "Daddy!!!" And rushed forward while Reaper, clothed in a leather jacket, jeans, boots, and a black t-shit, got a warm smile before kneeling and catching his little girl in a hug.

"Have you been causing trouble, Riri?" Asked Reaper instantly to his eldest child.

"No... I've been bored without you.." Said Riri as she began to slightly purr, though due to her age it would be till her teens before she could truly purr as well as Kuroka could.

But when Reaper slowly picked up his nekomata daughter, he gave a grunt of pain as the healed hole in his stomach complained from the movement and Kuroka walked over and put a hand to him, asking him, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine.. just old memories." Reaper said, standing up the rest of the way while carrying the now happy Riri.

"How is Grendel?" He Asked Xenovia, who was standing next to the kitchen table while she sorted out groceries.

To answer his question, a loud and blazing hot gout of Blood Fire cane spewing from a nearby vent and Reaper chuckled before shouting back, "I have cookies!"

The fire stopped and a dragons voice muttered, "Cookies NOW!"

Reaper sighed and put Riri down before he picked the cookies up and began to walk towards the second level. "Man, her mood swings are getting worse.."

"You have only yourself to blame." Said Fantasia, Kuroka, and Xenovia, which he smiled and said, "I know, I know.."

He disappeared upstairs and Riri got close to her mom as she asked, "Why is Grendel so mad at him?"

"She's almost as bad as Xenovia was when she had Gregory, remember those times." Said Kuroka with a smile.

Xenovia sighed in a pout, remembering her own mood swings that had nearly left Reaper without his genitalia. "I don't know what you speak of."

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