Chapter 8

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The  night was calm as the House of Grenmory and Lord Azazel all clamly walked through the streets of the city as Reaper was in the back with the Fallen Angel next to him as Rias lead the group to the warehouse the Stray had been reported at. It was stuck in an old steel warehouse and as the group entered the outskirts, Reaper asked Azazel, "Are you going to throw me in right away or will Rias decide that?"

"Rias, as the King, will choose who goes in first." said Azazel.

Reaper sighed as he knew that regardless of what Azazel says, Rias was probably going to deny him the chance to get in the fight and keep him in the back.

They reached the entrance of the warehouse and as Rias looked it over, she looked at Reaper as she said, "Reaper, come here."

He slowly walked over as she looked at the warehouse and then said, "Your up. Clear it out by yourself."

Reaper looked over at her as he said, "Okay then..." and slowly walked towards the entrance to the warehouse.

He busted open the door as he kept his school uniform on and as he looked around the dark warehouse, he was still kinda surprised that Rias had let him into the warehouse but as he looked around, he looked for movement.

Of course, it might have helped had he realized he was going 1v10.

And when he realized what had just happened and how many he was facing, it was too late. The first five of them came flying at him and energy was fired at him from one of their mouths as he threw up a shield of blood and as the energy blew him back, he hit a steel beam as he grunted but he got up quickly as he said, "Blood Gear!"

Khorne appeared on his hands and as he summoned up a few blood spears he hurled them at the Strays in a shotun affect that pinned and killed one against a steel beam while the other four scattered.

"You do realize, this was not what I meant when I wanted him in combat." said Azazel as he looked at Rias.

Her eyes were closed as her arms were crossed and she said to him, "I think he can handle ten Strays on his own. He held out against more so I think we should have some faith that he can manage."

Azazel sighed as he said, "Your a really annoying girl to deal with..."

Reaper dodged another blast of energy as he threw up another shield of blood when he suddenly summoned up souls into what looked like a storm and he sent them screaming towards the Strays as the remaining nine clutched their ears and fell to their knees. He quickly lunged at one and with his Blood Drinker blade he cleaved its head off and as he went for the next, he took out his Soul Knight gunlance as he fired the explosive tip at another and it ripped it apart as it blew up against a far wall and exposed the outside world. He looked around just as some more blasts tried to hit him and he hurled himself away as Khorne said, "There is three above you!"

"I see them!" Reaper sprouted his wings as he zoomed up into the air and as he went after the three Strays in the rafters, two bolted while the third he nailed and killed with a spear as he looked down and then sent another blast of Souls into the Strays below. As they all cringed in fear and pain, he sent two spears into two of them as he pulped another beneath his feet and as he looked around when a Stray charged him with a fist of teeth and they gripped his shoulder as he roared in pain just as his blade went through the Strays face and killed it.

Blood streamed down his shoulder but he used his limited blood magic to cause it freeze up like ice and as he looked around, he suddenly sent a spiked arm of blood up and into another Stray and as it died in a howl of pain, he then sent arms to grab the other three. Two of the arms speared two of them as the last snared the remaining Stray and as he brought it close to him, he growled as he took their hair and gripped it hard as he said, "Welcome to a new Hell.."

And with that, he encased the Stray into blood as it soon completely dissolved to reveal nothing.

When Reaper came out, everyone was looking at him and as he looked over at Rias, her face was sour as she sighed and said, "Our work here is done... lets go home..."

Asia walked towards Reaper but he waved her off as he held up his injured arm and as everyone walked back to the house, Azazel sighed as he walked with them all.

Reaper sat on his bed as he used the ball of blood to listen outside and as he listened to Rias and Azazel talk outside, he almost didn't need the listening device to hear her.

"We are not keeping him!" She said furiously.

"Fine. Then we can depose you from the house of Grenmory and then exterminate you along with your house. Lucifer can appoint another as leader of your house." Azazel said.

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Then accept him as part of your house. I will not hold back if you keep resisting what has been done." said Azazel darkly.

Reaper sighed as he dispelled the orb and as he looked at his shoulder, he melted away the blood as his blood dribbled to the floor. He took from his pocket a needle and some thread and as he managed to put the thread through the needle and tie it, he began to sew the wound close as he grimaced and fought against the pain.

Rias sighed as she said, "What good can he do to us? You know what others will say about me and I will not stand for my house to be brought down by him!"

"And you will not be brought down! I think if you gave him a good reason to not look at you like your trying to kill him, he'll be the greatest fighter Heaven, Earth, and Hell has ever seen!" said Azazel.

Rias sighed as she looked down, then to the side, then back at him as she asked, "Do you really think so?"

"We wouldn't have done what we did if we didn't even partially believe that he was competent of fighting... he's already proven time, time, and time again he can fight off just about anything..."

Rias looked at the door into Reapers room as she walked to it and as she put a hand against it, she sighed as she said, "You know I don't want my house to die out like so many others..."

"I'm sure that once he does something amazing, no one will be able look down on him and thus your house."

Rias looked at him and then turned back as she sighed and slowly opened the door.

That's when she saw the pool of blood on the floor as Reaper struggled to stich himself and as she ran over, she shouted, "Asia! Quickly in here!" as she ripped the stiches out in a wave of fresh blood as she used her hand to stem the blood.

Reaper struggled to stop the flow with blood magic but he couldn't and as he began to slowly lose consciousness, he watched as Asia ran in and began to heal him slowly.

But it was too late, and he slipped from consciousness and fell on the floor.

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