Chapter 11

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Reaper stood in the back yard as he was as he had surrounded himself in pools of blood and as Issei watched him from a distance, Ddraig said to him, "You think he's gonna pull it off?

Reaper first cut his palm open and as his blood slowly dropped down, Issei watched as it slowly connected itself to the pools of blood and then they watched as the blood began to boil and froth and lights shown from them and then suddenly the five pools of blood shot up into the air like geysers and then from those pools, five figures with claws for hands and red devil wings appeared and as Issei looked at the figures, he was a little surprised by the fact that Reaper had done it on the first try.

Reaper looked at the Blood demons as he then looked around for a target and then he saw a nearby statue and then he looked at the Blood demons as he pointed to the statue. The demons snarled as they rushed the statue and the first one to reach it sliced its blood claws through the statue as the statue fell apart in pieces.

The other four swarmed the statue remains as they suddenly stopped and melted and as Reaper suddenly gasped, Issei looked back over as he saw Reaper suddenly waver and he jumped over the railing between him and Reaper as he ran through the small garden and past the fountain that Reaper was near as he managed to catch Reaper just as he hit the ground and as Issei put an arm around Reaper as he said, "Take it easy... I'm surprised you pulled that off on the first try..."

"Barely... I think if I hadn't studied so much on the scroll that there is a chance they would have killed me... But now I can't test out the Soul Specters..." said Reaper hoarsely.

"Well, get some rest and maybe you can try the... specters?... besides, shouldn't we be more worried about the dodgeball match against leviathan then doing moves?"

Reaper coughed as they went up the stairs from the garden and as they reached the doors, Rias watched with Akeno as Reaper and Issei both went inside of the home. They had seen it all and though Rias was happy that Reaper was beginning to branch what he could do outward, she also was worried that he was gonna get himself killed.

 And as much as she wanted that, she also recognized the fact that he was too important to the others to let him die. And as she thought about him, he was too much part of the family now for her to get him killed.

And then she finally stepped away from the window as she said to Akeno, "Summon the house... we have a game to play."

The Gym was quiet and deserted for the most part but as Issei helped Reaper stretch, it was kinda nice having someone to help him out in this match. Akeno was helping stretch out Asia and as Reaper grunted as Issei pushed him closer to the floor, he asked Issei, "So the objective is to not get hit by the ball and to eliminate the other team?"

"Basically. We try to not use magic but last time we used it anyway... it got hairy when that happened." said Issei.

"Doesn't seem too bad... still.. I guess I should be thankful its not a raiding game yet.." said Reaper.

"Agreed... although if we do get in a raiding game, it will be interesting to see what happens.."

Just then, all of Levaithan came in and as Sona said to Rias, "I hope your house is finally ready. You wont be as lucky as you were last time."

"Oh really? Already coming out bold, aren't we? But my house will not fall to you, Sona." said Rias from nearby.

"Who shall we have serve first, this time?" asked Sona as everyone stopped stretching and got to their respective places around the gym.

"I'm going to give it to my newest pawn to see what he does... and I'm going to allow magic just this once to see what he can do." And with that, the ball was tossed to Reaper who was in the back of the side of Rias and as he looked back at everyone, his pale skin was weird to look at when paired with his eyes and hair. But then he closed those eyes and blood flowed around him and everyone tensed up as the blood flowed to four spots in front of House Grenmory.

"You waiting on something, Reaper?" asked Xenovia when he didn't move for a full minute.

As soon as she said that, he tossed it onto a single pad of blood and all the blood rushed to it as it suddenly expanded outward and slammed into one of Sona's  Knights and the girl went flying away as most of her clothing was also ripped off. As the ball came to a stop, it just so happened to be in front of Sona and as she picked it up, she said to the DevilAngel, "Not bad.... Not bad... but now its out turn..."

And with that said, Sona summoned her powers as she then sent the ball hurling back at Reaper but he wasn't having any of it as he held up his hand as Khorne appeared and he caught the ball as the wind lashed everyone around him. He held the ball as he tossed it into the air as he caught it again and smiled what could only be a cruel smile.

"My, my... your going easy on me..." said Reaper as he then hurled the ball again and struck another girl out, her clothes shredding easily as she was thrown away.

Rias was surprised by all of this power when the ball came back and as another of the Levaithan servants picked it up, she looked at them and then hurled it as it smashed Asia off her feet so suddenly, most of them didn't see it coming.

"Well, it looks like we have a real fight on our hands!" said Rias as she picked up the ball and threw it.

Within a few minutes, only Rias, Sona, and Reaper stood. Issie had been knocked out a little after Asia had gone down but now that almost all of Levaithan was down, victory would have seemed certain had it not been for the fact that the only one left now was Sona. She smiled as she once again had the ball and as she threw it with all her might, Reaper barely caught it as he staggered back but he smiled as he then began to spin the ball with blood and souls and as everyone watched him, the ball began to let out a high pitch whine.

"Kamehaaaaa-" began Reaper and Issei was about to shout something but it was too late.

"-mehaaaaaaaaaa!"  shouted Reaper as he threw the ball and it looked like red lightning as it streaked straight for Sona and as she vainly tried to stop it, it was no use.

The ball smashed her squarely in her chest as just about all of her clothes were gone completely and as she hit the floor hard behind her, Azazel nearby clapped as he said, "And that's match point.."

House Grenmory cheered as Reaper stumbled a little and Rias managed to catch him as he practically used her as a support and she smiled, a genuine friendly smile as she helped carry him over and as Sona got up, she smiled as she said, "I can't believe I got beat by a pawn that was just a pawn... but good game.."

Everyone laughed as Reaper managed a weak smile and as everyone soon said their good byes, Reaper just wanted to get home now more than ever.

Reaper slid onto the bed as he was only in his boxers and as he slowly managed to find the strength to get under the covers, he felt the cold sheets and sighed in relief as he put his head on the pillow and tried to fall sleep.

That is when the door to his room creaked open and he looked up with confusion to see Xenovia.

"Xenovia? What are you doing here at this hour?" asked Reaper as he sat up and looked at the girl as she walked towards the bed.

"I couldn't sleep... figured I might as well sleep with someone.." she said.

"Why not Issei?" asked Reaper.

"Rias, Akeno, and Asia, that's why." She said as she got onto the bed.

"Well why not... I dunno.. one of the others?" asked Reaper.

"Just please let me sleep here... we both need thee rest, more so you after that trick of yours." said Xenovia as she slid under the sheets with him.

Now, Reaper didn't know how to handle this since he was never really introduced to women before, at least not how most boys are. But as he watched her get closer, she yawned and said, "Goodnight" and fell asleep as he sighed and figured that no real harm could happen. But just as he turned over, he felt her hands quest for him and he looked over to the feel her slowly inch towards him and her arms wrapped around his waist and he didn't know what to do but decided for now to leave her be. They both needed the sleep.

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