Chapter 23

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When Reaper woke up to Grendel opening the curtains, he found himself pinned by Rias, Xenovia, and Kuroka and as he tried to move them, Rias yawned as she woke up and told him, "I didn't expect these abs of yours to be so soft..."

She patted his abdomen as she smiled and as she sat up, Kuroka suddenly brought Reaper back down as she cuddled closer to him as she said, "Five more minutes, would you please, Reaper?"

But before Reaper could answer, Xenovia did the same to his left side and she said to Kuroka, "Only if you share... he's mine, too, you know?"

"I'm afraid ladies that he is needed at the moment." suddenly said Azazel in the doorway with a glass of wine in his hand as he had a grin on his face.

Kuroka and Xenovia all sighed as they got up and grabbed their stuff as Rias got up and as she looked at Reaper, she smiled as she said, "Have a good morning, Reaper." and then she left he room as Reaper sat up and stretched as he asked him, "Okay, what am I needed for?"

"For none other than helping us with Vali. You know, maybe help him recover." said Azazel.

"Can't Asia do that?" asked Reaper.

"For the physical part, yes... but we need help getting Vali back in fighting shape. Since we can't currently get Albion back just yet till Lucifer tells us something, we'll be training him the good 'ol fashion way. But since he is part of the Lucifer lineage, he won't be giving us an easy time even without Albion."

Reaper nodded as he went to put his clothes on and as he looked at Azazel he then asked the man, "What is with the drink?"

"Oh? This? its just a little something, you know, to awaken me." said Azazel as he took a sip of the fine wine.

"Okay, whatever. just don't do anything stupid." said Reaper as he soon left the room ass Grendel followed him out.

The garden was beautiful and as Vali looked around, Reaper watched him before he said, "I don't think we truly, formally met before."

"No, I don't think we have. I am Vali Lucifer, bearer of the White Dragon Emperor." said Vali as he gave a curt bow to Reaper.

"I am Reaper, bearer of the Blood Dragon Khorne." said Reaper as he nodded to Vali.

"That explains a lot then about you.. so you are the DevilAngel Bikou spoke of? I never though to see one of you all in my lifetime." said Vali as he stood up.

"You know, and please don't take this the wrong way, but I feel like everyone I'm going to meet is going to tell me that.." muttered Reaper as he sighed when Issei appeared. nearby was Grendel as she would be watching and caring for them as Reaper had instructed her to.

"So, then... Azazel said you needed training? To help become stronger till you get Albion back?" asked Issei.

"Yeah, I know.. its sad that my only power were stolen from be by a Stray..." said Vali as he looked at them.

"Not really. Should have seen what I have seen and been through. You are fine." said Reaper as he went across from Vali and looked around.

"So... how shall we do this?" asked Issei.

And then Tannin appeared as he looked over them and he crossed his arms as he said, "Well, like Azazel said... the good 'ol fashion way.."

"No weapons, no armor... only fists and feet... although, Reaper, try and keep the use of your teeth to a minimal, okay?" said Tannin as he looked at Reaper.

"Alright, I'll try not to tear off a limb with my mouth." said Reaper as he held up his hands.

"Right... now, although Grendel here will be helping us with water and whatnot, she cannot heal any broken bones you all created. So try and keep that and the bloodshed to a minimum." said Tannin as he looked over them.

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